
Match Ratings, Notes, More For ROH Final Battle 2017 From Sean Ross Sapp

Matt Taven (w/ Kingdom) defeated Will Ospreay

  • They try really hard to make Matt Taven cool, but I just don't get it from a character standpoint. It seems like he can't figure out which wrestler he wants to emulate each time I see him.
  • Matt Taven has an INCREDIBLE verticle leap over the top rope. 
  • Ospreay and Taven start out hot. Taven has really stepped it up since the last time I saw him.
  • Todd SInclair is really portrayed as an oaf. Kingdom kick the shit out of Ospreay. A nice springboard kick from Taven. 
  • The match slows down for a split second, but picks right back up, a step slower than it started. 
  • Taven counters a moonsault by kicking upwards, then kicks Ospreay into a Lion Tamer. He's really turning a corner for me in the ring. Can't believe it could happen this far into a run, but it could be Ospreay just being really good.
  • Speaking of Ospreay, he connects with a really sick elbow and kick. A big superkick to a posted Taven leads to an amazing springboard shooting star on Kingdom.
  • Taven wins with Climax. Outstanding 

War Machine defeated Addiction

  • There's a "John Cena sucks" chant for some reason.
  • ROH did a really good job of making two giant men look like they were bullied by a couple of cruiserweights.  
  • The match itself is fair, but when it gets to the in-ring, that's where I'm not able to buy the giant dudes getting bullied. Not that there's anything wrong with Kazarian and Daniels, War Machines just got a real thorough ass kicking handed to them.
  • War Machine hit Fallout for the win. Decent, but nothing special. 

Jay Lethal defeated Marty Scurll

  • Scurll comes out dressed in all white. The crowd is wild for Scurll.
  • Lethal has seemed so inconsequential this year. 
  • We get good, fundamental work out of these two, with Scurll working the arm from the elbow down. He throws in a nice looking corner suplex.
  • Jay Lethal sells so well, including cat rolling right out of the ring after a superplex — which should pin some people.
  • Scurll runs up the apron to hit a tornado DDT on the floor.
  • The Lethal Injection is such a dumb finish. There's no reason to handspring before a cutter unless you were Irish whipped.
  • Oaf Sinclair knocked down again. Lethal wraps a chair around his own head to feign being hit with a chair after Marty tried to do it first!. Huge "Eddie" chants.
  • A Ghostbuster by Scurll, Figure Four by Lethal. Oaf Sinclair misses an umbrella shot and Scurll gets two on a release piledriver. 
  • Oaf Sinclair misses a kick right to the penis and the Lethal Injection wins it. It was a cool story to have Lethal cheating to beat "The Villain."

ROH World Tag Team Championships 
Motor City Machine Guns (c) defeated Best Friends

  • I hope the streak of Trent kicking out of something ridiculous on ROH PPV is over.
  • MCMG know each other so well. Few teams in history have had each other down as well as these two. 
  • They mess up a spot and really make Trent pay for it for some reason. 
  • Best Friends are really over. 
  • A Dudebuster is turned into an Infrared because of Sabin superkicking Trent. Very cool spot. 
  • Shelley breaks up the pin after a Super Strong Zero, but eats a Lawn Dart Cutter, which is a really cool move.
  • I really don't like piledrivers being marginalized so much. Sabin rolls through one and gets a pin on Trent. Odd.

ROH World Television Championship
Silas Young (w/ Beer City Bruiser) defeated Kenny King (c), Punishment Martinez and Shane Taylor to become ROH World TV Champion

  • Taylor has the menacing look down, but if he had the demeanor of Silas Young, he'd be way up there. 
  • Punishment Martinez is out with a legion. Silas Young just brings the Beer City Bruiser.
  • Kenny King shows off athleticism early, then Shane Taylor runs over everyone. The crowd is relatively dead.
  • This is move-move-move-move, and that's okay because it's a four way, but the four way is also an excuse to not have extended periods of everyone selling. Instead, that's what this match is the whole time. 
  • Taylor hits a DVD into the corner on Punishment. Still no crowd reaction. A twisting senton from Punishment beats Taylor. This is a mess. 
  • Silas Young and Kenny King hit  a powerbomb Blockbuster on Martinez on the floor.  Even more impressive was King hitting Royal Flush on Martinez.
  • Oaf SInclair misses a beer bottle cracked over King's head. King is pinned! How in storyline does Todd Sinclair have a job?
  • BCB puts Silas' foot on the ropes after a chokeslam from Punishment! Silas eventually picks up the win with Misery! Wow. 
  • Silas is a great character, and well deserved.

New York Street Fight
Briscoes defeated Tommy Dreamer and Bully Ray

  • Bully Ray really ate shit on a dive at the start of the match. Either way, the fans are all about it. 
  • Steel Chair sword fight ensues. Remember when these guys almost ended Bully Ray's career, and Bully came after them with a lightsaber? ok
  • Bully is busted open. Then Jay Briscoe puts a ladder on him and hits a beautiful senton off the apron.
  • Cheese grater action. Bully Ray is a mess. Ray sends Jay FLYING outside.
  • There's a really slick spot where Jay slides Mark two chairs. Mark picks one up and hits a perfectly placed chair shot while Ray has the other. Really, they pulled that spot off perfectly. 
  • Dreamer with a pumphandle kendo suplex! Wow! Then a Spicolli Driver through a table outside the ring.
  • Bully Ray just killed a table unlike anything I've ever seen. Then he doesn't, because a 3B doesn't put him through it. Mark Briscoe hits a Froggy Bow to win the match through the table.


Women of Honor

  • ROH announces a Women of Honor Championship, and has several of the members of the roster on the stage. 

ROH Six Man Tag Team Championships
Bullet Club's Hung Bucks (c) defeated Flip Gordon, Titan & Dragon Lee to retain the titles

  • Scorpio Sky is on commentary, technically. He doesn't say much.
  • Titan is amazing. I love the handstand walk. 
  • Flip Gordon answers a handshake attempt with a "too sweet" attempt. Brilliant. It's amazing what Bullet Club have done with a guy like Flip Gordon, who really needed them. 
  • All six guys go for a dropkick and miss. Flip and team CMLL hit a triple springboard, but NONE of them hit at the same time. 
  • Page's moonsault onto all three of his opponents is beautiful and makes sense. Matt Jackson's insane dive from the stage onto them was cool, too. 
  • I loved the touch of Titan falling down when Page tried to pick him up for an Irish Whip
  • Flip Gordon is fired up, Matrix dodges five straight superkicks and follows up with a 619 and springboard double Blockbuster. Then he does a one-footed springboard dive to the outside. 
  • This is just insanity. Matt Jackson jumps from the second rope inside the ring to apron DDT Dragon Lee. The benefit of spotfests in matches like this is they generally make sense — there's six guys. You have the room to do move after move. 
  • Desnucadora is one of wrestling's great moves. The old Orange Crush Bomb.'That is the first time I've liked an Adam Page apron shooting star. He did it into an Indytaker.
  • Triple Superkick on Flip, then an Indytaker Rite of Passage. That's it. Wow. 
  • Addiction and Scorpio Sky are in cahoots and ROH production misses Scorpio turning on Flip Gordon. Fart noises from the crowd

ROH World Championship
Dalton Castle (w/ The Boys) defeated Cody (c) (w/ Brandi Rhodes) to become ROH World Champion

  • Cody Rhodes has bleached his hair. Just when you think he's gotten comfortable, he changes something up. A sign of a smart guy. 
  • After a missed Disaster Kick and some back and forth, Cody catches a Dalton apron rana and powerbombs him through a table. Apparently Oaf Sinclair is okay with it. 
  • Brandi Rhodes dives onto The Boys and they all three get ejected!
  • Dalton Castle is so smooth with his suplexes. They don't require a lot of setup. That's a great aspect of his character. He's flamboyant, but you can't deny technical ability.
  • Cody Rhodes is bleeding. He also eats a German Suplex on the floor.
  • Both finishers are countered, but OAF SINCLAIR is down when Dalton Castle taps out Cody.
  • It's important you don't bury the ref early in a show so if you do it in the main event it means something. Todd Sinclair has been bumped or "missed spots" four or five times tonight.
  • A Cross Rhodes hits, but Castle recovers and hits Bangarang in about twelve minutes for the win. Wow. A little abbreviated, but not bad. 

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