
Match Ratings For 4/30/2021 WWE Smackdown From Sean Ross Sapp

Street Profits & Bianca Belair defeated Dirty Dawgs & Bayley

We get the typical interrupting promo, which isn’t anything special until Bayley comes out and laughs at Bianca Belair. Belair slaps the shit out of her. I don’t really need to ever see Street Profits face Ziggler & Roode. Call me crazy but I’m not sure I need a 14th match between the Dirty Dawgs and Street Profits, even though I like both teams. Bobby Roode using a spinning uranage is good stuff. The action in this match is good, and they tease some intergender action between Bianca and Ziggler. I’ll bet Ziggler and Bianca would have a hell of a match. This was a good match, too. Every time I see Montez Ford’s frog splash I wonder how he’ll impress me the next time, and he always does. Street Profits and Bianca matching was a good touch.

Tamina & Natalya defeated Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax (w/ Reginald)

This is the sixth match between members of Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler vs. Tamina & Natalya in April alone. Nia gets attacked backstage before the match. The match is fine, and Natalya almost puts Reginald in a Sharpshooter, but it just ends up being a distraction. Tamina has really reinvigorated her career and should be applauded for that. Baszler eats another pin. Back to back weeks that we’ve seen the champs lose. They did this whole feud in reverse. They had the big title match first and worked backwards.

Other Stuff

  • We’re getting the throwback edition of Smackdown next week.
  • I’m pretty sure that Aleister Black is upset about not going to the prom in his latest vignette.
  • Seth Rollins challenges Cesaro in a backstage promo

WWE Intercontinental Title
Big E defeated Apollo Crews (c) (w/ Commander Azeez) via DQ, no title change

We get a good Intercontinental Title match that turns into more of a Sirloin Beef Sunsabitches battle. We don’t get a definitive ending because Commander Azeez runs in for the DQ. Sami Zayn also helps the attack, and gazes at the IC Title. I’m all for Sami Zayn being in the title picture, but he has zero singles wins in 2021, his last pinfall victory was on October 2. Have him win some matches, please.

WWE Universal Championship
Title vs. Smackdown Career
Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) defeated Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan says that he’s going to give Cesaro a title shot when he wins. Paul Heyman cuts a killer promo about how good Daniel Bryan is and has been. This is one that adds a lot with simple promo execution.I really love the new Roman Reigns theme. I wish they would have had it sooner so they could have had fans ready for it by Mania, but better late than never. This is Roman Reigns’ third Universal Title defense on Smackdown. I think that adds a lot to the reign

They go at it straight out of the gate. I’ve enjoyed when title matches do this, so when they slow things down. Reigns is so good at making the most of every move, every movement, and selling when Daniel Bryan attacks a spot.

There are a lot of good spots in this match between the top rope back superplex, a superbomb, the catching belly-to-belly suplex and the spear through the barricade. Heyman does an incredible job selling the effects of this match outside the ring, especially after Bryan kicks out of the spear. Bryan goes into the Yes Lock in brutal, vicious fashion. Reigns pounding his way out and powerbombing Bryan is perfect. Bryan gets put in the guillotine and goes to sleep. What an incredible match. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan put on a special one.

This was a great match in general, only hampered by the constant commercial breaks. The counters, emotion and stakes were something WWE desperately needs.

Cesaro makes the save for Daniel Bryan after the match, but Jey Uso attacks him. Reigns makes Cesaro watch as he attacks Bryan.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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