
Match Ratings For 3/27/20 WWE Smackdown From Sean Ross Sapp


  • Bayley and Sasha Banks come out and complain about the title match at WrestleMania.
  • Bayley says they work better together. This is one of those rare promos we’ve seen in recent weeks that would work better in from.
  • Lacey Evans and Naomi hit an interrupting promo, and Bayley says that this isn’t going to keep going on. It does. Tamina comes out.
  • Lacey Evans and Naomi didn’t have great promos. Tamina says “actions speak louder than words,” which is probably the best way this could have worked.
  • Tamina attacks the faces, and then goes face to face with Sasha and Bayley when they try to pick the bones.

If Gulak Wins, Daniel Bryan Gets IC Title Shot Against Sami Zayn At WrestleMania
Drew Gulak (w/ Daniel Bryan) defeated Shinsuke Nakamura (w/ The Artists Collective)

  • Nakamura and Gulak throw some tough punches to start the match
  • Nakamura seems more motivated tonight than most nights.
  • Bryan pulls Gulak out of the way of a Kinshasa and Gulak hits a jackknife pin.
  • I’m not sure why WWE wouldn’t have longer matches when they’re starved for content.
  • Sami Zayn was on commentary for this and he was really good.

Backstage Stuffs

  • Otis tries to go after Ziggler backstage and has some good trash talk. Ziggler will have his first singles match and challenged Otis to a WrestleMania match. Ziggler is later talking to Sonya, but Mandy tells him later that they aren’t fighting over her like she’s some sort of prize.
  • Elias sings a song about how much of a turd Baron Corbin is. Corbin sneak attacks him. How dumb you gotta be to not hear a guy Corbin’s size coming after you? Corbin knocks Elias off the platform and there is a hilariously bad editing cut.

Alexa Bliss (w/ Nikki Cross) defeated Asuka

  • Nikki Cross is hilarious on commentary. She’s on the table, dancing, excited.
  • If WWE is so starved for content they have to roll old matches, why do they go to commercials during the few matches they actually have?
  • Asuka and Alexa are back and forth. The spot of Asuka getting kicked when she’s stuck in the ropes was great.
  • Bliss counters an apron DDT with a twisting arm smash.
  • This is a good match, but Nikki is the star of the match.
  • Oh man those angry Asuka stan accounts are gonna be LIVID. Bliss wins with a DDT.


  • Wise on WWE’s part to show the Reigns-Triple H match tonight to not make us want to see Reigns in a title match at Mania.
  • If Braun doesn’t eliminate Roman Reigns from title contention by attacking him and screaming “I’LL NEVER BE FINISHED WITH UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU” I’ll be disappointed
  • Triple H talks about the differences in intensity with Goldberg and Reigns. Triple H thinks Reigns will win.

Firefly Funhouse

  • Bray Wyatt is in the Funhouse talking about his match with Cena.
  • The rabbit asks if he miraculously knows how to beat John Cena. Wyatt says he does.
  • He creates a concoction and blends his bunny.
  • Wyatt challenges Cena to a Firefly Funhouse match at WrestleMania.

Top Contender Match
New Day vs. Usos

  • We see Usos and New Day promos to hype their top contender matches.
  • Miz & Morrison join commentary and they’re corny, but they’re supposed to be.
  • “People at home, don’t you dare be sour” — Big E.
  • New Day hit a leap frog senton. We’re seeing some good, rarely used offense, and some familiar stuff including Big E’s apron splash.
  • For some reason Kofi does a New Day Rocks clap with no one there, so Miz and Morrison do it.
  • Kofi does a great flying huracanrana, but gets put in a half crab.
  • I’m liking the more bare bones production.
  • Miz and Morrison get taken out after a series of dives, but attack New Day and Usos.
  • Michael Cole says it’s a triple threat ladder tag team match at WrestleMania now.
  • Usos and New Day beat up Miz and Morrison (hey hey. Ho Ho)

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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