
Match Ratings For 12/21/2020 WWE Raw From Sean Ross Sapp

Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax defeated Sexy Muscle Friends

I’m really done with WWE doing the world champion being a tag champion thing. Charlotte cuts an underwhelming promo, then Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler cut a worse one, then Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose cut worse ones. We get a tag match between the latter two teams. Charlotte Flair and Asuka are great on commentary. Glad Dana Brooke is getting an opportunity to show what she can do in the ring. WWE production helped out on a couple of spots in the opener and did a good job of making them look better. It was about angles. Not zooms and cuts. Dana and Mandy have developed some more offense, but Shayna gets the submission. Good. Fine. I’m cool with that.

Charlotte and Asuka are going to have a match Friday so…more Charlotte!

Angel Garza defeated Drew Gulak

Angel Garza has emerged from Main Event to beat Drew Gulak. It’s good to see him back. He offered Sarah Schrieber a rose before the match, and used his pants as a distraction.

T-Bar (w/ Retribution) defeated Ricochet

WWE really wasted everyone’s time with Retribution. They had no plans for this team and it’s really on display. Even Ricochet doesn’t care about T-Bar to the point he’s fighting everyone in the group but him. Ali and Mace both catch hands. T-Bar wins with a Feast Your Eyes. Feast Your Eyes on some dogshit booking all autumn long, and an even weirder promo after.

Hurt Business’ Bobby Lashley & MVP (w/ Hurt Business) defeated Hardy Bros (Jeff Hardy & Riddle)

The Hurt Business come out to do a photo shoot on the VIP Lounge. R-Truth crashes it and all the dorks follow. Riddle and Jeff Hardy also interrupt, and WWE have fully embraced the “Stoner Riddle” character. It isn’t even a debate at this point. Full on stoner.

If they’re waiting until the Rumble for a proper Riddle vs. Lashley match, we’ll see some form of it at least three times by then. They were already working together a lot in this match. A reality of the times we’re in perhaps, as there are no live events to work on things with new opponents on. Hardy Bros have some really good tandem offense. Jeff Hardy has not slowed down on his crazy shit whatsoever. I’m glad Hurt Business get the win without beating Riddle as he goes towards the title shot.

Jaxson Ryker (w/ Elias) defeated Gran Metalik (w/ Lince Dorado)

This is Jaxson Ryker’s first main roster WWE match. He had none with Forgotten Sons. Metalik briefly screws things up for them, but Ryker wins with a sitout chokebomb. Elias had to play guitar in the corner. I like that Elias got someone to enforce when someone interrupts him, just….it’s Ryker. Good thing they split up the IIconics, Heavy Machinery and Kalisto from Lucha House Party.


Randy Orton cuts a super cheesy promo about burning up Fiend. They used cool creative editing to have the lights go out, and Alexa Bliss is in the ring on a swing set. A very cool visual made possible by the unfortunate situation. She makes some fire jokes and vaguely threatens Orton.

Charlotte Flair & Asuka defeated Peyton Royce & Lacey Evans

Peyton and Lacey are arguing during the match. This is a really rough, sloppy match, but probably one Charlotte needs after six months off. This wasn’t good though. Charlotte wins with a Figure Eight. There’s not much more to say, per a Raw tradition.

Christmas Street Fight
Keith Lee, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus defeated Miz, Morrison & AJ Styles (w/ Omos)

AJ Styles is mad about The Miz cashing in his contract. This segment is fantastic stuff. The Miz cuts a great promo about his contract meaning everything to him. He’s going to put AJ Styles in the Marine 7, but Styles is barely visible on the poster. Miz is saying Morrison cashed in the briefcase, not him and wants it back. Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Keith Lee read a goddamn poem. WWE love to turn their babyfaces from ass kickers to jokers. Sheamus gets heated when Lee bumped him. Sheamus can’t just watch the tape instead of looking like a doofus?

A Holiday Street Fight where…………everyone politely waits on the apron to be tagged in! Lee sends Miz and Morrison into some presents. Sheamus goes through a table off the top rope in ugly fashion. None of this match makes any sense. The highlight is the Drew McIntyre hot tag. Well, and AJ Styles using a candy cane kendo stick before flying into a Christmas Tree, followed by a hilarious powerbomb into an egg nog table. Omos catches Morrison and puts him through a table, then Keith Lee wins with a Spirit Bomb on Miz.

Sheamus Brogue Kicks Keith Lee.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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