
Match Ratings For 11/2/20 WWE Raw From Sean Ross Sapp


  • Randy Orton comes out and says he’s better than The Undertaker, Edge, John Cena, Drew McIntyre, everyone.
  • He throws everyone’s words back at them. He’s no longer the Legend Killer, he’s a Legend.
  • Orton wants anyone to come out after him. Alexa Bliss comes out.
  • “He could be here” – Alexa Bliss.
  • Drew McIntyre kicks Randy Orton with a Claymore, and says he wants HIS rematch. That rematch clause is gone, dawg.
  • Well, he’s gonna get it either way I’d say.
  • Miz comes out to try to cash in his Money in the Bank contract, but Drew McIntyre ends up beating up both he and Morrison.
  • Miz is livid backstage, and Morrison is serving as his lackey. They challenge Drew McIntyre to a handicap match tonight.
  • It was really weird that Miz cut a really great promo, and Morrison was trying to be cute and funny by retreating a Tyson Kidd/Cesaro gag from years ago. It wasn’t good.

Guitar on a Pole Match
Jeff Hardy defeated Elias

  • Jeff Hardy interrupts an Elias promo, you’d be shocked to learn.
  • How many more Elias/Hardy matches you think we’ll get after this, just because?
  • Hardy hits Twist of Fate, then hits Elias with the guitar. It barely smashes.
  • I’m not clear on the rules there. He couldn’t pin until he smashed the guitar over Elias’ back? I thought it’d end with the guitar smash. Either way, it’s over now.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Title Match
Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax (c) defeated Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose to retain the titles

  • Lana comes out to the confusion of everyone.
  • Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke already have really good chemistry.
  • I’m hoping this match gets some time. They always cut women’s tag title matches short.
  • Baszler is constantly distracted by Lana.
  • Dana escapes one Kirafuda, and Lana distracts her on another.
  • The distraction prevents Dana from getting the pin, and she gets choked out. Well then.
  • This is a match with honest to god stakes. Let it eat some time on the show so you don’t have so much pointless stuff.

Bobby Lashley defeated R-Truth

  • R-Truth thought he was meeting Bobby Boucher instead of Bobby Lashley.
  • The Waterboy is a 22 year old film.
  • R-Truth plays possum, but gets speared and put in a full nelson. Lashley throws an unconscious Gulak on top of R-Truth to win the title.
  • Lashley comes right back in to stare at both guys.
  • Drew Gulak comes out and gets destroyed by Lashley in quick fashion.
  • Bobby Lashley is six years older then Arn Anderson was when he had his last match before retiring. How?

A really bad promo

  • Backstage, AJ and Jordan run off Lucha House Party.
  • AJ Styles names himself captain. Keith Lee and Sheamus contest that.
  • Sheamus makes a Lurch reference.
  • Braun Strowman comes out, but Keith Lee says he’s gotta qualify.
  • Braun says he’s won 12 Survivor Series matches. Adam Pearce says he can’t find anyone willing to face Braun.
  • AJ says it should be Braun vs. Sheamus vs. Keith Lee.
  • Nothing quite like setting up one of the people who qualified to eat a pin.
  • These promos are terrible.

Qualifying Match For Strowman
Braun Strowman defeated Sheamus and Keith Lee

  • AJ Styles is funny on commentary.
  • Braun mows both guys down.
  • They’re all beating the crap out of each other, as is expected.
  • AJ is yelling at them to not injure each other…just as Braun Strowman sends them through the barricade.
  • Sheamus does White Noise to Braun. That was impressive.
  • A Tower of Doom. Another Dove Cries.
  • Keith Lee ‘s body press just works. The standing belly to belly doesn’t.
  • Braun ends up pinning Sheamus with a powerslam.
  • They couldn’t have telegraphed this any more.
  • AJ Styles tries to make peace with everyone, but it unravels. They all end up beating each other up, with Styles getting the last laugh. “WHY CAN’T YOU ALL JUST GET ALONG? WHYYYY?”

Other Stuff

  • Angel Garza basically does a video dating ad.
  • Firefly Funhouse with Bray Wyatt and Alexa Bliss targeting Randy Orton. Alexa Bliss looks like she’s having the time of her life. Nikki Cross tries to talk sense into her.

Nia Jax (w/ Shayna Baszler) defeated Lana

  • They really split the IIconics to put Peyton in a new duo with Lacey Evans
  • I am all for whatever this Lana storyline is.
  • Nia destroys Lana, and picks her up instead of pinning her.
  • Lana tries to fight back, but Nia keeps destroying her.
  • Shayna Baszler already starts clearing the table. Nia wins. 7th table spot happens.

Hurt Business (w/ MVP) defeated New Day

  • VIP Lounge features Bobby Lashley trashing Sami Zayn, and MVP says they got a tag title shot for taking out Retribution.
  • I like MVP indicating that The Hurt Business got a tag title shot because they took out Retribution. Doesn’t explain why Retribution got drafted though.
  • Kofi Kingston says he’s won more titles than Hurt Business combined. They proclaim themselves ten time tag team champions, too. They beat the Dudleys!
  • This promo is way, long. At least New Day are entertaining. Not a lot of acts could have made that work.
  • Xavier Woods says he got in trouble in 6th grade for watching Hurt Business matches.
  • The action here is really good. Inside and outside the ring.
  • A good Cedric Michinoku Driver always hits well.
  • I’m not sure what Shelton and Kofi did with their pop up nothing, but it happened.
  • Neuralizer and Paydirt hits for the win.
  • Wait, that wasn’t for the tag titles? Jesus.

Ricochet defeated Tucker Knight

  • Mustafa Ali comes out for the Ricochet match.
  • I thought Tucker was a Forgotten Son.
  • Looks like that Heavy Machinery split is gonna work well. Tucker is pinned in 45 seconds.
  • Retribution hits the ring, and toss out Ricochet, then beat up Tucker.
  • Ricochet tries to jump them, but it’s too much.
  • Double sitout chokeslam on him.

Handicap Match
Drew McIntyre defeated Miz & Morrison

  • Sheamus tries to recruit Drew McIntyre to team Raw. I’m all for faces and heels being friendly, especially if they have history.
  • Drew does a cool Bammaslamma on Morrison ONTO Miz on the outside.
  • Drew is sent into the post.
  • Miz and Morrison cheat, Drew McIntyre overcomes it. I’m pretty sure you know the WWE formula of booking matches by now if you’re reading this. The pace picks up and the match gets really great.
  • Drew uses Sheamus’ forearm spot on Morrison.
  • Drew McIntyre does an inside-out spider suplex on Morrison. What a move.
  • Morrison breaks up a spinebuster pin with a standing star press.
  • Moonlight Drive and Skull Crushing Finale hit.
  • Drew does a tope con HILO on both guys. Claymore to Miz and a win.
  • Orton cracks Drew with an RKO to end the show.

Rating Guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.

These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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