
Mariposa Says She Wants To Go To WWE As Staff, Not A Wrestler

Mariposa, AKA Cheerleader Melissa and Raisha Saeed was interviewed by WPW weekly. You can see highlights from the interview below, and the full podcast at this link.

Melissa Talks About Who She Like To Watch Wrestle:

Definitely Io [Shirai] now, even though Io hasn’t really personally announced that she is going to WWE, but she did announce that she’s leaving Stardom…and then of course there are The Rivers…but if and when Io goes to the WWE and debuts, I mean, she’s amazing. I mean, they were amazing when they came to Lucha Underground. They’re gonna be so amazing in WWE.      

This may sound like a little biased because she’s one of my best friends, but Taya [Valkyrie]. I love watching her wrestle, I mean who doesn’t? She’s so entertaining! I love watching her, and I think she’s gonna really blow up even more than she already is now.


Melissa Talks About Her Top Five Wrestlers She Would Love to Wrestle Again: 

One of my favorite matches that was just absolute FUN was in Shimmer, I had a match with Thunder Kitty. And it was just fun! First of all, everyone was just really excited about it, so we didn’t even touch each other, we didn’t even lock up for a good few minutes at the beginning of the match and the fans were already on their feet and they were like really excited! 


Melissa Talks About Why She Wants To Go WWE as Staff And Not Talent:

I’ve learned about myself over the years, and I really, really enjoy helping people and I’ve really gotten to get a lot of experience working behind the scenes, and I just feel like I’d be more valuable to the company doing that. Especially being female wrestler with my experience I would be able to focus on helping the girls. If they ever needed or wanted guidance, I would love to be that person for them.

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