
Luke Gallows Hopes To See The Young Bucks In WWE

Luke Gallows wants more Bullet Club members in WWE.

In 2016, Luke Gallows and his tag team partner Karl Anderson came to WWE from New Japan Pro Wrestling. Before WWE, Gallows was a part of Bullet Club with AJ Styles, Finn Balor, and The Young Bucks. Styles and Balor came to WWE at some point but The Young Bucks are still wrestling in Japan. In an interview with SkySports, Luke Gallows said The Young Bucks would be served well by making the jump. 

"I hope the Young Bucks come in. I think they're highly, highly talented and if you want to make your mark in sports entertainment, if you want your name to go down in the annals of sports entertainment history, you absolutely have to come to WWE," said Gallows. 

While he enjoyed his time in Japan, Gallows said WWE is the biggest stage. 

"This is the pinnacle. It doesn't get bigger than this. There's no bigger worldwide stage than WWE. So I think the Young Bucks owe it to themselves to come out here and thrive," said Gallows. "Japan is a great place to wrestle but WWE is a worldwide platform and you can't beat that. Their reach is all across the world," he added. 

Gallows is currently wrestling in the tag team division with Anderson and the two have recently joined forces with Balor to form Balor Club. The Young Bucks have been wrestling for New Japan Pro Wrestling and Ring of Honor in 2018. They will also be hosting their All In event later this year. 

The entire interview is available at SkySports.com

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