
Lucha Underground Wrestler Breaks Leg, Writes Inspirational Message To Fans; How You Can Help

Indie Wrestler Matt Cross has apparently been walking around with a broken leg for over three weeks.

Cross, who wrestles under a mask as Son of Havoc on Lucha Underground and has built a legion of fans with his muscular brand of high flying offense, apparently broke his leg went he came down awkwardly while landing a moonsault during a DEFY Wrestling show in Seattle. Not wanting to believe that it was broken, he walked around on it for a couple of weeks, pulling out of bookings until he finally had to acknowledge that the pain wasn't getting better and he went and got an x-ray, just to be safe.

This is what they found:

Cross now finds himself with no income and an unknown amount of medical debt. He wrote a post to his Facebook page, giving a message of hope and inspiration to his fans. He tells the story of how the injury happened, lets his fans know how they can help, but most of all, he shares how he keeps his head up through this adversity.

"My heart is broken, my leg is broken, but my spirit is not."

He closes the message by imploring his fans to keep supporting wrestling, even when he is unable to perform for them.

"Above all, find a wrestler you like, and cheer them on as loud and passionately as you can. None of us last forever."

You can read the entire post below.

The danger of assumptions…

On January 13th, in Seattle Washington, as part of DEFY Wrestling's memorable debut event I broke my leg maybe 2 minutes into the opening match. I came down awkwardly on a moonsault, which is a move I've done without issue for close to 17 years. The pain was instant. The pain was debilitating. It's a truly surreal experience knowing that pain in front of hundreds and hundreds of cheering people. I'm not a hero, I'm not a tough guy, but I do know that people work hard for their money. I put another excruciating 8-10 minutes in, and finished the match.

As the night wore on, my condition worsened, and walking became a real struggle. Multiple people offered to take me to the hospital…my thought process being, 'if I can stand on it, and get around, it's not broken'. Only in retrospect do I realize how foolish that sounds.

I had to cancel WrestleCircus in Austin, Texas the next day and one by one, I dropped off my shows week after week waiting for things to improve. Sure, I was in a lot of pain, but nothing ever turned black and blue, there was no swelling, and I didn't miss a single workout

Nearing the one month mark, I decided I better get an x-ray "just to be safe". As soon as the film hit the screen yesterday it was a painfully obvious break. My heart sunk knowing I'd be away from what I love for some period of time.

This happened on my very first show of the year so needless to say, 2017 hasn't started out great for me. This time last year I was wrestling around Europe for a month, and two years ago (to the day), Ivelisse, Angelico and I won the Lucha Underground Trios Championships

I just wanna say thank you to everyone who's reached out and helped to make me feel like I'm not alone.

There's a certain beauty in the wrestling community coming together to help one of its own. We're all bonded together through our appreciation of a misunderstood art form and that's something I've always been proud to be a part of. Professional Wrestling is my sole source of income, and it's unclear at this time how long I'll be out of her arms. From a financial standpoint, it's a huge blow as I've only worked once this year.

My heart is broken, my leg is broken, but my spirit is not.

As I look ahead at an uncertain time with no income and unknown, uncovered hospital bills coming, everything is truly appreciated. No one owes me anything (I'll certainly take hugs), but please take a look at my shirts if you'd like to support www.prowrestlingtees.com/mattcross

I shouldn't admit it, but I've almost been brought to tears by people asking to send me help through PayPal (which can be done here: mdogg20bwf@aol.com) If you do any design work, I'd love to see shirt ideas, and if you're so inclined, you can send me snail mail at:

Matt Cross
PO Box 470921
Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147

Above all, find a wrestler you like, and cheer them on as loud and passionately as you can. None of us last forever.

Thanks guys. I'll see you soon xoxo


You can't keep a good man, down, though. as Cross posted a pic to his Twitter today showing that he's back in the gym again:

Cross's Facebook post is embedded below.

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