
Lucha Underground Results (9/12): The Lucha Super Friends Are Back

Welcome to Fightful’s coverage of Lucha Underground. In this episode, two titles are on the line while we find out who will challenge for the Lucha Underground Championship next week.

We start inside the temple where Vampiro and Matt Striker reveal that the Lucha Super Friends (Aerostar, Drago and Fenix) have been reunited and that they will have a shot at the Trios Championship later tonight. But first, we have another title match.

El Dragon Azteca Jr. (c) vs. Ivelisse: Gift of the Gods Championship

Ivelisse kicks in the Azteca in the gut to start the match. Ivelisse then counters a wheelbarrow facebuster into an arm drag, following it up with a highkick and then a second rope headscissors to Azteca. Azteca gets back some momentum when he hits a spinning heel kick, but Ivelisse kicks out at two when the champion goes for the pin. Azteca then slams Ivelisse’s head to the corner. Ivelisse lands a couple of punches to Azteca in the stomach, but the champion keeps the offense up.

Azteca tries to go for a Boston Crab, but Ivelisse blocks it by grabbing Azteca’s leg. Azteca then eventually gets the Boston Crab, but quickly changes it to a chinlock. Ivelisse gets out of trouble and then hits a slingblade. Ivelisse kicks Azteca in the apron and then hits a springboard DDT to  Azteca for a two-count. Ivelisse gets an Octopus hold, Azteca gets out, creates some distance and then springboard arm drags Ivelisse to the outside of the ring.

Azteca jumps from the top rope to the outside, misses Ivelisse and then Azteca lands on the railing. Ivelisse gets Azteca back in and then hits a Canadian Destroyer, but Azteca kicks out at two. Ivelisse spin kicks Azteca but Azteca kicks out at two when Ivelisse goes for the pin. Ivelisse tries to go for a rear naked choke, but Azteca gets out of the way. Azteca goes to the top rope and Ivelisse slaps him. Ivelisse is pushed down by Azteca but gets up and drops Ivelisse to the ropes. Ivelisse goes for a superplex, but Azteca headbutts Ivelisse to the ring. Azteca hits a top rope leg drop and gets the pin. Azteca retains the title

Official Result: El Dragon Azteca Jr. defeated Ivelisse to retain the Gift of the Gods Championship

After the match, XO Lishus and Joey Ryan tell Ivelisse she had a good match, but proposes they form a trios team to challenge the winner of the Trios Championship match happening later tonight.

King Cuerno vs. TBA:

Before the match starts, Antonio Cueto comes in and commends him for wanting to fight for the Lucha Underground title, but then someone else has been more dominant as of late. He then makes King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes a No. 1 contenders match and the winner faces Pentagon Dark for the title next week.

King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes: No. 1 Contenders Match for the Lucha Underground Championship:

Cuerno strikes Muertes, but Muertes sends his opponent to the corner. Muertes hits 10 consecutive corner clotheslines and then hits a big punch to take down Cuerno. Cuerno hits a single leg dropkick, but Muertes then powerslams Cuerno. Cuerno lands a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Cuerno hits a jumping double knee to Muertes who is up against one of the corners. Cuerno goes to the top rope, Muertes follows suit and then Muertes hits a superplex. Cuerno kicks Muertes in the chest, but Muertes then chokeslams Cuerno. Muertes goes to the second rope but when Muertes leaps to Cuerno, Cuerno hits a high knee strike. Cuerno runs the rope and then hits a slingblade. Both men are on their knees trading punches until they crash down to outside the ring. The two wrestlers continue exchanging strikes until Muertes hits a big uppercut to Cuerno. Cuerno gets back up and then the two continue punching each other. The referee tells both wrestlers to get back to the ring and they throw him to the crowd. The referee then calls for the bell, but neither man is stopping their fight.

Official Result: King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes ends in a double disqualification

Cueto appears once again and says he won’t punish violence. As such, the two wrestlers will wrestle Pentagon Dark for the Lucha Underground title in a three-way match next week.

The Reptile Tribe (Daga, Jeremiah Snake and Kobra Moon) (c) vs. Aerostar, Fenix and Drago: Lucha Underground Trios Championship:

Before the match starts, Jake Strong appears in the temple unannounced. He said if Aerostar, Fenix and Drago win the titles, then Strong will single-handedly challenge all three of them at the same time.

The match starts with Snake taking out all three members of the opposing team. Snake brings Drago to the corner and Daga tags in. Daga lands a big boot to Drago and Drago kicks out at two. Daga lands a couple of big punches and then forearms Drago until Snake tags in again. Snake knife edge chops Drago and Daga tags in once more. Daga punches Drago in the corner and the system of Snake and Daga alternating tags after one move continus. Snake punches Drago in the kidney while Daga held the challenger. Drago ducks under a punch thrown by Dago and inadvertently hits Snake

Drago gets momentum and then hits a pair of tornado DDTs to Snake and Daga​​​​​​. Snake pokes Drago’s eyes, but Fenix tags in and then hits a cutter on Snake. Fenix hits a back elbow to Daga​​​​​​, followed by several high kicks and knees to both Daga and Snake. Kobra Moon comes in and dodges a superkick by Fenix and she leaves the ring. Fenix hard tags Aerostar. Aerostar hits a spinning crossbody to Snake. Aerostar hits a rolling cutter to Daga​​​​​​, but Snake returns and clotheslines Aerostar.

Snake lands a delayed vertical suplex on Aerostar. Daga tags in and sends Aerostar to the apron. Aerostar lands a springboard codebreaker to Daga and then dropkicks him. Both and Drago tag in. Drago hits a neckbreaker on Daga, but Drago is superkicked by Snake. Drago counters a powerbomb and then jumps to the outside and lands on both Daga and Snake. Fenix comes in and assists Drago in throwing him to the Reptile Tribe. Fenix then superkicks Aerostar as he was running the ropes. Fenix then starts attacking Aerostar and hits a muscle buster piledriver. Snake returns and then hits Aerostar with a double underhook shoulderbreaker and gets the pin to retain the title.

Official Result: The Reptile Tribe (Daga, Jeremiah Snake and Kobra Moon) defeated Aerostar, Fenix and Drago to retain the Lucha Underground Trios Championship

After the match, Melissa Santos pleads with Fenix to explain what is with his new attitude and Fenix throws her to the ground. El Dragon Azteca Jr. comes in to check up on Santos.

After the credits, Cueto opens a closet only to hear Marty The Moth Martinez bang on his office door. Marty drops a stack of cash and said he wants a shot at the Gift of the Gods title match next week and Cueto accepts.

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