
LUCHA UNDERGROUND Results (11/9): Prince Puma vs Mil Muertes in A Grave Consequences Match

Welcome to the Live Viewing Party for

Lucha Underground


On tap for tonight:

Fans get to bring their own weapons, the competitors get to use them on each other.

Nuff said.

That's Marty the Moth, Mariposa, The Mack, Ivelisse and Jeremiah (Sami Callahan) versus Dante Fox (A.R. Fox), Texano, Cage, Killshot and Argenis.

Winning team gets into Aztec Warfare next week.

Losers are OUT.

Man, I love stakes.


This is gonna be so good, y'all.

The high-flying, hard-hitting Lucha Action
starts at 8/7c,
but the Live Viewing Party starts

RIGHT NOW, Danielle Ortiz taking over. 

Welcome to this week’s recap of Lucha Underground! This week we have a very exciting Grave Consequences match as the main event between Prince Puma and Mil Muertes. Fightful.com is giving you all the details in case you missed it on the El Rey Network.

This week opens with Catrina telling Mil Muertes that he has beat Prince Puma before, however, if he loses to him, she will not bring him back this time.

Believers’ Backlash Match: Famous B vs Mascarita Segrada

First up we have a Believers’ Backlash match, where all weapons are all legal, featuring Famous B (accompanied by Brenda) vs Mascarita Segrada. The action starts outside the ring with a football tackle (helmet included) to the groin of Famous B by Mascarita. While Famous B is down, Mascarita brings out a mini ladder, places it on top of announcer’s table, and gives him an elbow drop off the top of the ladder. Brenda tries to interfere and Famous B gets in a kick to the face of his opponent. Famous B grabs a fan’s giant bag of popcorn and gets tripped up by Mascarita who then dumps the giant bag all over Famous B. Famous B gains composure, sticks Mascarita in a trash can, and proceeds to use polo sticks to beat the trash can with Mascarita inside. Mascarita escapes and chooses the trash can lid as his weapon and hits Famous B multiple times with it. Famous B turns it around and gives him a kick back into the trash can lid Mascarita is holding. Meanwhile, Brenda has been gathering other weapons including a wizard wand, hat, and toolbox. Famous B gets out a type of pesticide spray bottle from the toolbox and tries to use that on Mascarita, it backfires on him and Mascarita gains the upper hand. Mascarita gets another bag with a bowling ball inside and proceeds to roll the bowling ball into Famous B’s groin. Ouch. Dr. Wagner comes out to help Famous B. Shortly after that, Son of Havoc helps Mascarita and takes out Dr. Wagner, then Mascarita hits Famous B with a painting of himself. We move outside the ring, Mascarita goes for a cream pie and hits Brenda in the face with it intending to hit Famous B. They continue to fight outside the ring. Mascarita gets a shoe from the announcer and hits Famous B inside the ring with the announcer’s shoe, and then Mascarita goes off the top rope with a DDT and goes for the cover. Mascarita is victorious.

Winner: Mascarita

Meanwhile, Dante Fox, now working with Dario Cueto, agrees to be on the same side as Killshot. Just like old times, but how long will this last? Their words say they are a team. However, Killshot’s expressions say otherwise.

Drago and Kobra Moon have a heated discussion where he finds out Lord Pindar is alive.

5 on 5 Match: The Mack, Mariposa, Marty “The Moth” Martinez, Ivelisse and Jeremiah Crane vs Killshot, Argenis, Dante Fox, Texano and Cage

The next match is a 5 on 5 with the winner going into Aztec Warfare. The Mack, Mariposa, Marty “The Moth” Martinez, Ivelisse, and Jeremiah Crane vs. Killshot, Argenis, Dante Fox, Texano and Cage. First up is Jeremiah Crane and Dante Fox. Crane starts with kick to face and has the advantage over Fox. Killshot gets tagged in and does some damage, Crane gets Ivelesse in and Cage comes in. Ivelisse makes the tag to Marty and he gets pummeled, Texano is in after Cage and Marty is not doing well. Mariposa gets Texano from behind and kicks him into Cage knocking him out of the ring. Mariposa tries to go on the offensive but fails to pose any threat to Texano. He throws her out of the ring to Cage. Argenis jumps into the ring and attacks the Mack, the Mack takes out Argenis, then jumps out of the ring at an arguing Texano and Cage and takes them down along with Mariposa. Crane knocks Cage down to the outside floor, he lands on his feet and Ivelisse follows up by jumping off the turnbuckle and Cage reverses the cross body splash and catches her mid air. Crane suicide dives out of the ring knocking Ivelisse and Cage to the ground. Argenis does a moonsault to the outside taking down everyone remaining. Killshot and Dante Fox are in the middle of the ring, they team up against Mariposa and Marty, taking them down. Dante stops Killshot from jumping out of the ring because Fox wants to go first. He does a very unusual but awesome front flip while flying backwards onto the pile (Awesome!) Ivelisse is in the ring with Killshot, he big boots her, goes for vertical suplex that she flips out of midair and transitions into a frankensteiner into a pin! (Ahhh this is so amazing!) He kicks out at 2! Ivelisse appears to have injured her ankle and rolls out of the ring yelling “Not again!”. The commentators mention that she has shattered her ankle before and wonder if she has indeed done damage to it again. Marty is about to take out Killshot from the middle turnbuckle, Dante gets in between Marty and Killshot, and then Dante betrays Killshot and hits him with a musclebuster. Dante yells at Killshot and gets out of the ring allowing Marty to pin Killshot for the win. Winners are Marty “The Moth” Martinez, Mariposa, Ivelisse, Jeremiah Crane and The Mack.

Winners: Marty “The Moth” Martinez, Mariposa, Ivelisse, Jeremiah Crane and The Mack

Dario talks to Matanza about the importance of the belt and his training for war.

Grave Consequences Match: Mil Muertes vs. Prince Puma

The main event is a Grave Consequences match. The only way the contestant can win is by placing their opponent in the casket and closing the door. Mil Muertes (accompanied by Catrina) vs Prince Puma. Mil Muertes enters and before he can start down the steps, Prince Puma blindsides Muertes with a big boot before he even gets to the ring! Catrina is in shock, Puma then leaps over the entrance stair rail onto Muertes in the crowd. The crowd is going crazy! Puma gives Muertes more punches and kicks towards the ring, then attempts a cross body onto Muertes which is reversed into a body slam. Muertes takes the offensive leading Puma to the announcer’s table where he slams his head into the table. Muertes then parts the crowd with a hand gesture and throws Prince Puma into chairs. Then proceeds to viciously chuck him through a door as Katrina watches. Muertes drags Puma ringside and smashes Puma’s head against the ring bell. Prince Puma then catches a break and in turn bangs Muertes’ head against the bell. Puma then picks up the ring bell and attacks Muertes with it. Puma makes his way to the coffin and picks up the wreath from the casket and proceeds to continue attacking Muertes with it. Catrina tends to Muertes as Puma starts to drag the casket over to Muertes. Muertes goes on the offensive and power bombs Puma onto the coffin. Muertes removes a table from under the ring, places the table inside the ring, and props it up against the turnbuckle. Mil then throws a lifeless Puma into the ring. Muertes now releases a savage assault against Puma using a steel chair. Muertes lodges the chair between the top and middle turnbuckle, Muertes attempts to throw Prince Puma through the table, but Puma slides to safety causing Muertes to almost go through the table himself. However, he stops his momentum just in time. Puma runs to the turnbuckle with the chair and Muertes rushes Puma for a spear, Puma jumps over Muertes, which causes Muertes to spear himself through the chair. The chair is proven ineffective for Muertes, who then gets up and spears a taunting Puma through the table in the opposite turnbuckle. Both take heavy damage and are slow to get up. Muertes is up first while Puma lays lifeless. Muertes removes the turnbuckle and rope from the post and gets a sharp object from the inside and strikes Puma with it. Muertes is now dragging the casket inside the ring and places it in the center of the ring, dragging it over the ancient Aztec seal. Muertes does ten corner clotheslines on Puma. Prince Puma reverses a running clothesline with a boot, attacks Muertes with a series of hits, then gets Muertes down on top of the casket. Puma goes to the top turnbuckle and does a 630 splash onto Muertes while he’s on top of the casket. Puma rolls Muertes off the casket and opens it up. Puma gets Mil half ways in and starts slamming the casket lid on him multiple times. Puma grabs another chair and hits the casket with it while Muertes still has the upper half of his body inside. Prince Puma grabs two tables out from under the ring and sets it up at ringside. After having time to recover, Muertes then sends Puma through the casket. These two are out to HURT each other. Muertes places Puma in the casket and tries to close the lid, Puma is able to keep the lid from closing all the way and gets out of the casket. Puma and Muertes fight in the middle of the ring and both are slow to recover. Puma is up first and kicks Muertes out of the ring. While Muertes is getting up, Puma does a suicide dive through the ropes onto Muertes. Puma attacks Muertes with a chair and Catrina looks on with anger as Muertes is not doing well against Puma. Puma picks Muertes up and places him on the table outside the ring. Puma gets on top of the turnbuckle, Muertes moves up off the table, then goes up to the turnbuckle and they exchange punches. Muertes then choke slams Puma through the tables off of the top rope. Muertes gets another casket out, the one that last housed Konnan (who we haven’t seen since he was placed in the casket) and places Prince Puma inside. Mil Muertes gives Catrina a celebratory kiss and has won the match.

Winner: Mil Muertes

Lucha Underground premieres Wednesday evenings on El Rey Network.

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