
Lucha Underground Results 8/30 Son of Havoc, Son of Madness and More!

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Lucha Underground!!!

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Last week, the Cueto Cup came to an end and we witnessed the fallout of the Lucha Underground Championship match between Rey Mysterio and Johnny Mundo. With the help of Dario Cueto, Johnny Mundo retained his title. Mundo will then face Prince Puma, the winner of the Cueto Cup, in a few weeks at Ultima Lucha Tres. What will happen until then? Tonight we will see action from Marty the Moth (who still is hung up on Melissa Santos) and will see the bikers in action. All this and more tonight!

We see Cueto talk to Mantanza who is still locked up. Cueto tells him he was wrong about him and Rey Mysterio. He tells Matanza that Mysterio hurt him. Cueto tells him that he has been patient and in two more weeks he will put him up against Mysterio one on one. Cueto tells him to destroy Mysterio. Two more weeks and we will see them in action! Now for tonight’s matches!

Son of Madness vs. Mascarita Sagrada

Madness starts off strong who is literally half the size of Madness. Sagrada takes continuous kicks from Madness, then huge backbreaker. Madness goes for an elbow drop but Sagrada runs out the way, he rolls Madness up and Madness kicks out. Madness is out of the ring, Sagrada runs towards him but catches an elbow. Madness back in the ring. Sagrada to top rope, Madness slams him down from the top rope, cover and pin. Son of Madness takes the win. Then Son of Havoc comes out and starts beating up on Madness. The crowd is going crazy for Havoc. Cueto calls Security out to break up the fight. Cueto says that he will give them something to fight for. In the main event, they will fight each other for a medallion in the Boyle Heights Biker Brawl!

Winner: Son of Madness via pinfall

Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs. Argenis

Marty starts off strong against Argenis with a series of hits, he delivers a huge kick to the face and Argenis drops. Marty continues to do work in the corner. Argenis comes back with a crossbody splash. Marty now working on Argenis’ mask. Argenis counters a leap frog and takes the led, he gets distracted by Mariposa who is ringside and now Marty is back in control. The two go back and forth in the crowd. Mariposa gets a hit in to Argenis throwing him into the ringpost. Marty throws him back in the ring, and Argenis is bleeding. Marty in control inside the ring, big dropkick by Marty, cover and kick out by Argenis. Argenis comes back with a neckbreaker and tries to turn things around, Marty lands a tilt a whirl backbreaker, Marty with knees to the chest. Cover and win by Marty. They are both completely covered in blood from Argenis. Marty grabs his mask and unmasks Argenis. The ref gives him a towel to cover up. Marty takes the mic and talks to Melissa. He asks her if she liked him unmasking Argenis. Marty says he wants Fenix’s mask and he will get it at Ultima Lucha Tres. He says he will show Melissa how ugly he really is. Fenix comes out and attacks Marty from behind. Marty and Mariposa retreat. Melissa joins Fenix in the ring. Fenix says “My mask vs. your hair!” The stakes are set for Ultima Lucha Tres and this match up!

Winner: Marty “The Moth” Martinez via pinfall

Joey Ryan vs. Sexy Star

Star starts off strong with a series of chops and slaps. Kick to thigh of Ryan, Star with tornado DDT, cover and kick out. Head scissors, roll up and kick out by Ryan. She comes back delivering slaps and punches, Ryan reverse and throws her down. Ryan with a back breaker. Taya runs out mocking Sexy Star. Ryan has Sexy in a submission. Taya is distracting both of them. Ryan with covers and kick outs by Star. Star throws Ryan by his chest hair. She is in control, Snap suplexes delivered to Ryan. Star to top rope, rethinks it and jumps on Taya and makes her pay for taunting. Star back in the ring and runs into Joey Ryan’s foot. Cover and win by Ryan. Cortez Castro comes out and gives Ryan payback for unmasking him last week!

Winner: Joey Ryan via pinfall

Dario Cueto talks with Cortez Castro and makes a match between him and Ryan for one of the medallions. Castro accepts.

Son of Havoc vs. Son of Madness: Boyle Heights Biker Brawl for Medallion

The two go back and forth, Madness takes early advantage flying over the rope onto Havoc outside the ring. Madness grabs a trashcan and hurls it at Havoc. Havoc catches a breath and is able to return the favor with the trashcan being thrown into Madness now. The two go back and forth in the crowd. Havoc with a slam on the steps. Havoc throws Madness into a ring post. Havoc now throws Madness into the gate. Now Madness turns it around and throws Havoc into a wall follwed by trash can hits. Madness in control. Havoc comes to his feet and gives forearms and punches. Havoc escapesand climbs up ont he gate and Madness pushes him over into the crowd. The two fight in the crowd on the second story. Madness still in control. Madness tries to throw Havoc over the balcony but Havoc reverses sending Madness over. Havoc flies out at him with a double stomp leaving literal footprints on the back of Madness. Havoc runs at Madness and moves out of the way. They go back and forth again into the gate. Havoc with a boot to Madness’ throat. We move back to the ring. Madness in and Havoc to top rope, going for a big move, Madness out of the way, Havoc back with a lariat. Madness with a headbutt, then Havoc is able to get Madness out of the ring, Madness landed weird, Havoc flies out of the ring with a suicide dive. Madness is down on the bleachers in the crowd. Havoc moves them back to the ring. Havoc with a huge cross body, kick to the face of Madness, double stomp, moosault! Cover and Madness kicks out! Madness back with a kick, tries to throw Havoc out of the ring but Havoc reverses and is back in! They go back and forth in the corners, Madness with a clothesline, buster, cover and kick out by Havoc. Madness leaves the ring and grabs a toolbox and a beer bottle. Madness looks in the toolbox but does not take anything out. He brings the trashcan in the ring. Madness with a driver onto the trash can. Cover and Havoc kicks out! Madness back to the toolbox and grabs a hammer. Gets kicked and the hammer is lose in the ring. While Madness is looking for the hammer to grab again and then come charging at Havoc, Havoc grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it over Madness’ head! Madness is down and Havoc takes the cover, win and wins the Ancient Aztec Medallion!

Winner: Son of Havoc via pinfall

That’s it for tonight’s Lucha Underground! Lots to look forward to in the coming weeks leading up to Ultima Lucha Tres! Stay tuned with us here at Fightful.com for all your Lucha coverage!



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