
WWE Evolution Results: Three Title Matches, An Amazing Last Woman Standing Match & Many Stars Return

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Evolution. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

SmackDown Women’s Championship
Last Woman Standing

Becky Lynch def. Charlotte Flair to retain the title

RAW Women’s Championship
Ronda Rousey def. Nikki Bella w/Brie Bella to retain the title

NXT Women’s Championship
Shayna Baszler def. Kairi Sane to win the title

Mae Young Classic Finals
Toni Storm def. Io Shirai

Battle Royal
Nia Jax won the match, last eliminating Ember Moon

Lita & Trish Stratus def. Alicia Fox & Mickie James w/Alexa Bliss

Natalya, Bayley & Sasha Banks def. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan & Liv Morgan)

– The kickoff panel for tonight’s event includes Renee Young, Paige and Beth Phoenix.

– The panel talks about the importance of tonight’s event.

– Charly Caruso is on the red carpet with Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss, Bliss says tonight’s event shows that women can do anything. Banks talks about all the first time ever moments for the women and how great it is to be around everybody tonight. Bliss talks about having the first ever women’s match is Abu Dhabi against Banks, Banks says that match was bigger than wrestling.

– Paige & Beth Phoenix discuss some of their favorite personal moments in pro wrestling.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair, followed by analysis from the panel, which is joined by Michael Cole.

– Charly Caruso interviews Trish Stratus, who says that WWE Evolution is what every women worked for since the beginning, Stratus also talks about her history in the Nassau Coliseum. Stratus also talks about the baby steps the women took in her day to get to where they are now, Stratus says its special to be competing with Lita again.

– Carmella joins the panel and she says that she is excited for tonight, Carmella talks about her history in the WWE.

– The panel analyzes tonight’s between between The Riott Squad and Natalya/Sasha Banks/Bayley.

– Cayla Braxton interviews Natalya on the red carpet, Natalya says she is excited and overwhelmed tonight, Natalya says she is grateful that this night is happening.

– The panel talks about their influences that helped shape their careers.

– R-Truth appears, stating that he has talked to Smackdown GM Paige, Trush jokingly says that he’ll compete in the battle royal tonight and challenge for the Smackdown Women’s Title. Carmella informs him that none of that is true, but still wants his support tonight when she competes.

– A video package airs highlighting the 2018 Mae Young Classic, with some analysis from the panel about the finals.

– Charly Caruso interviews Maria Menounos on the red carpet, who talks about how big tonight is for women in sports. Menounos says she is not picking a favorite match for tonight because she is excited for all the bouts, Menounos also says that Ronda Rousey has made a big statement since joining the WWE.

– A video package airs highlighting the initial announcement for WWE Evolution, followed by comments from the panel.

– Eve Torres joins the panel, who is happy and honored to be at the show tonight. Eve says everything is unreal, Eve talks about all her hopes and aspirations for the women’s division over the years.

– Cayla Braxton interviews Stephanie McMahon on the red carpet, McMahon says she has been having goosebumps all day and compares tonight to WWE Wrestlemania. McMahon says this night happened due to all the women wrestlers who has ever competed, McMahon credits Triple H for helping kick start the women’s revolution in the WWE.

– The panel discusses the battle royal.

– Charly Caruso interviews Nia Jax and Ata Johnson on the red carpet, Jax talks about how happy she is for tonight, Johnson says she is here to support Jax and Tamina.

– The panel discusses tonight’s NXT Women’s Title Match between Kairi Sane and Shayna Baszler.

– Charly Caruso interviews Ronda Rousey on the red carpet, Rousey says there has been a lot of camaraderie in the locker room between the women and she wants to leave her future daughters a path to tread. Rousey says she would finish Nikki Bella off quickly, but will hurt her more for betraying her and making things personal.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Ronda Rousey and Nikki Bella, followed by comments from the panel.

– Nita Strauss & Halestorm perform as the show begins.

– Alexa Bliss comes out with a microphone before the first match begins, Bliss welcomes everybody to the event before mocking Trish Stratus and Lita.

Alicia Fox & Mickie James w/Alexa Bliss vs. Lita & Trish Stratus

The match begins with Lita backing James into the corner before slapping her in the face, Lita then takes James down with a hurricarana followed by a clothesline. Lita mounts a downed James while landing a few strikes, Fox tags in and Lita drags her into the ring. Lita then tosses Fox across the ring a few times before landing a clothesline, James tries distracting Lita and Lita knocks her into the ring. Stratus tags in as Lita takes out their opponents in the corner, Stratus then takes Fox down with a judo throw. Stratus follows that up by taking Fox down with a snap mare and a judo throw, James tags in and she goes face to face with Stratus. Stratus and James have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Stratus then takes James down with a Thesz Press.

James recovers and she kicks a charging Stratus in the face, Stratus and James battle on the top rope until Stratus lands a hurricarana for a near fall. James rolls out of the ring as their opponents fake suicide dives, a brawl spills to the arena floor and back into the ring. Lita tags in and sets up for a moonsault until Bliss interferes to knock her off the ropes, Fox tags in and she nails a downed Lita with an elbow drop. Fox keeps Lita trapped in the corner while landing some strikes, James tags in and she kicks away at a downed Lita. James holds Lita down while applying the chin lock to her, Lita gets free and James drops her with a kick. Stratus hits the ring and she helps Lita take James down with a hurricarana, James recovers and she nails Lita with a neck breaker. Fox tags in and she hits Lita with a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Fox applies the chin lock to a downed Lita.

Lita recovers and she drops Fox with a reverse DDT, James and Stratus get tagged in by their respective partners. Stratus quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Stratus nails James with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Stratus traps James in the corner while landing some chops, James fights back and she rolls up Stratus for a near fall. James goes for the Mick DDT and Stratus counters by landing Stratusfaction for a near fall, Fox interferes and Lita takes her out with a Twist Of Fate. Lita takes out both opponents with a moonsault, Stratus then hits James witha Chick Kick for a three count.

Winners: Lita & Trish Stratus

– The Bella Twins are interviewed, Brie says that Ronda Rousey made things personal between them first and Nikki says that tonight is about celebrating the women’s evolution before dedicating the match to Rousey’s mom.

– The women of the WWE talk about the importance of WWE Evolution.

– The IIconis get the microphone before the battle royal to mock the New Yorkers, they then mock all of the battle royal participants.

Battle Royal
Participants Include Carmella, Asuka, Mandy Rose, Lana, Sonya Deville, Naomi, Torrie Wilson, Dana Brooke, Asuka, Ember Moon, Tamina, Peyton Royce, Billie Kay, Michelle McCool, Alundra Blayze, Ivory, Molly Holly, Kelly Kelly, Zelina Vega & Maria Kanellis

The match begins with everybody working together to eliminate The IIconics, an all out brawl breaks out between everybody in the match. Blayze goes after Tamina as everybody spreads throughout the ring, Deville eliminates Holly after landing a head kick. Deville and Rose work together to attack various participants before eliminating Kelly, Wilson goes after Deville and Rose knocks her over the ropes and to the ring apron. Wilson battles Deville until Rose eliminates her, Rose then turns on Deville and eliminates her. Blayze drops Asuka and Naomi with a double clothesline, Jax grabs Blayze and dumps her out of the ring for an elimination. Maria drops Jax before nailing her with a DDT, Tamina attacks Maria and gets hit with a jaw breaker.

Maria then nails a cornered Tamina with a bronco buster, Jax nails Maria with a headbutt before eliminating her. Vega then hits a downed Tamina with a double knee strike, Tamina recovers and nails Vega with a super kick. Tamina then nails Carmella with a Samoan drop, Jax and Tamina work together to attack everybody. Lana gets up to attack Tamina and Jax before getting dropped, Tamina headbutts Lana before eliminating her. Asuka then attacks Jax alongside Naomi, a group of four women work together to nail a huge suplex on everybody who was left in the match. Carmella has a dance break and is joined by Ivory, Rose attacks Ivory and knocks her to the ring apron. Carmella jumps Rose from behind and eliminates her, Brooke then hits Moon with a springboard elbow strike.

Moon uses a front suplex to knock Brooke out of the ring for an elimination, Naomi and Asuka decide to double team Tamina. McCool goes after Moon and Moon gets her to the ring apron, Moon then knocks McCool to the arena floor for an elimination. Tamina then propels a charging Naomi out of the ring for an elimination, Moon then nails Jax with a tornado DDT. Moon eventually eliminates Carmella after landing a forearm strike, Tamina and Ivory battle as Ivory takes her out with a top rope high cross body. Ivory gets knocked to the ring apron and Asuka uses a running butt smash to eliminate her, Moon and Asuka battle until Moon eliminates her after landing a super kick. Tamina then attacks a charging Moon with a uranage, Tamina then drops Jax with a super kick.

Moon then hits Tamina with an Eclipse before dumping her out of the ring for an elimination, Jax quickly runs over a charging Moon. Jax then tosses Moon across the ring in between eating strikes, Jax gets Moon to the ring apron and Moon tries dragging her out of the ring. Vega returns and she attacks both women, Vega celebrates what she thought was an elimination and she comes face to face with Jax. Vega jumps on the back of Jax and Jax eventually propels her out of the ring for an elimination, Moon attacks Jax and Jax nails her with a choke slam. Jax eliminates Moon to win the match.

Winner: Nia Jax

– Charly Caruso interviews Nia Jax after the match, Jax says she is close to that title again and wants the Raw Women’s Title back. Jax says she wishes the best of luck to Ronda Rousey and Nikki Bella tonight, Jax says the winners happiness won’t last long.

Mae Young Classic Finals
Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai

The match begins with Storm and Shirai exchanging some headlocks, Shirai and Storm also have a chain wrestling session. Shirai and Storm also take turns working over each others arms, Storm then hits Shirai with a drop kick for a near fall. Storm traps Shirai in the ropes while landing a few strikes, Shirai recovers and nails Storm with a drop kick of her own. Shirai keeps Storm down before landing a handstand double knee strike, Shirai then applies a modified Rings Of Saturn to Storm. Storm eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission hold, Storm fights back and she hits Shirai with a release German suplex. Storm then hits a cornered Shirai with a running butt smash, Storm goes to the top rope and Shirai knocks her to the arena floor with a springboard drop kick.

Shirai follows that up by nailing Storm with a top rope moonsault that sends both crashing to the arena floor, Shirai and Storm battle on the ring apron until Storm lands a headbutt. Storm then drills Shirai with a German suplex on the ring apron, Shirai gets back in the ring and Storm gets a near fall on a pin attempt. Storm and Shirai have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Storm then destroys a charging Shirai with a clothesline followed by Storm Zero for a near fall. Shirai rolls to the ring apron as Storm tries picking her up, Shirai recovers and traps Storm in the ropes before landing a stunner. Shirai then connects with a 619 against Storm, Shirai catches Storm in a springboard sunset flip for a near fall. Shirai then nails a cornered Storm with a running double knee strike, Shirai follows that up with a moonsault attempt and Storm gets her knees up. Storm catches Shirai with the Storm Zero for the three count.

Winner: Toni Storm

After the match, the trio of Triple H, Stephanie McMahon & Sara Amato present flowers and the trophy.

– Another video package airs with various WWE women talking about the importance of WWE Evolution.

The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan & Liv Morgan) vs. Natalya, Bayley & Sasha Banks

The match begins with Morgan backing Natalya into the corner before slapping her, Morgan follows that up by shoving Natalya to the mat below. Natalya fights back and she tags banks into the match, Banks and Natalya hit Morgan with the Hart Attack. Logan tags in and she quickly drops banks, Banks recovers and takes Logan down with an arm drag before landing a drop kick. Bayley tags in and she nails Logan with a running knee strike, Banks then hits Logan with a double knee strike. Bayley traps Logan in the ropes before landing a stunner, Bayley follows that up by nailing Logan with a drop kick. Bayley goes after an interfering Riott and Logan knocks her into the ring post, Morgan tags in and she attacks the injured midsection of Bayley. Morgan applies a modified abdominal stretch to Bayley, Logan tags in and she kicks away at a cornered Bayley.

Logan gets Bayley down while applying a modified cobra clutch, Riott tags in and she double teams Bayley with Logan. Logan tags in and she gets a near fall on a downed Bayley, Logan traps Bayley in the corner again while kicking away at her. Bayley recovers and she propels Logan into the top turnbuckle a few times, Bayley attacks the whole Riott Squad before getting tripped up by Riott. Riott tags in and Bayley nails her with a sliding clothesline, Logan attacks Natalya on the arena floor before laying her out with a clothesline. Bayley fights back against the whole Riott Squad before tagging Banks in, Banks quickly cleans house against the opposing team. Banks hits Riott with a knee strike before landing a top rope meteora for a near fall, Riott fights back and Banks rolls her up for a near fall. Banks lands another knee strike before eating a kick to the face, Bayley tags in and she hits Riott with a Bayley To Belly for a near fall as Banks was knocked into her.

Banks tags in and Logan gets a tag a few moments later, Banks quickly nails Logan with a meteora from out of nowhere. Banks goes for a suicide dive and the Riott Squad catches her before sending her into the barricade, Logan gets a near fall on banks as she was thrown back into the ring. Morgan tags in and she works with Logan to hit Banks with a modified Doomsday Device, Natalya hits the ring and is quickly thrown out by a tagged in Logan. Morgan tags in and she nails Banks with an enzaguri, Riott tags in and she goes to the top rope as Bayley tries protecting Banks. Riott still lands a top rope senton bomb for a near fall, Morgan tags in and she misses an enzaguri attempt. Logan tags in and Banks causes Riott to miss a leg drop, Natalya tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team. Riott tags in as Natalya takes out Logan, Morgan tags in as Natalya takes out Riott before attempting a double sharp shooter.

Morgan nails Natalya with a code breaker for a near fall, Morgan then nails Natalya with a springboard double stomp. Natalya fights backa s Bayley tags in, Bayley then takes out the Riott Squad as Banks tags into the match. Banks nails Morgan with a frog splash for the three count.

Winners: Natalya, Bayley & Sasha Banks

– Another video airs highlight the importance of WWE Evolution.

NXT Women’s Championship
Kairi Sane (c) vs. Shayna Baszler

The match begins with Baszler attacking Sane with some leg kicks, Baszler backs Sane into the ropes before leg kicking her again. Sane sends Baszler into the corner before dropping her with a leg kick, Baszler goes for the choke and Sane gets free. Baszler goes for a sleeper again and Sane gets free to hit her with a stunner, Sane then hits a downed Baszler with a sliding clothesline. Sane knocks Baszler to the arena floor and she follows her out there, Sane drops Baszler with a right and she falls near the ring steps. Baszler recovers and she sends Sane into the ring steps, Baszler gets Sane back into the ring before throwing her shoulder first into the top turnbuckle. Baszler charges at Sane and she kicks her in the injured shoulder, Baszler then drops sane on her face for a near fall.

Baszler holds Sane down while bending her arm in some unnatural ways, Baszler then stomps on the bent arm of Sane. Sane fights back and Baszler goes back to wrenching away on her arm, Baszler then snaps the arm of Sane backwards. Sane fights back again and a striking exchange breaks out, Sane then drops a charging Baszler with a spinning back fist. Sane locks Baszler in a modified Boston crab and Baszler gets free to attack the injured arm, Sane corners Baszler before landing a series of strikes. Baszler fights back and Sane drills her with a spear from out of nowhere, Sane then nails a cornered Baszler with a second spear followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Sane follows that up by hitting Baszler with an Alabama slam, Sane goes to the top rope and Baszler meets her up there to hang Sane by her arm.

Baszler eventually drops Sane on the arena floor and she quickly gets sane back in the ring, Baszler goes for a suplex and sane hits her with a DDT. Sane goes to the top rope and Baszler rolls out of the ring, Sane still takes Baszler out with a dive that sends both crashing to the arena floor. Baszler recovers and she sends Sane into the barricade, Sane then propels a charging Baszler into the NXT superstars at ringside. Jessamyn Duke interferes and Sane takes her out, Sane gets Baszler back in the ring and to the top rope. Marina Shafir distracts sane and that allows Baszler to apply the sleeper hold, Sane finds a way to escape and Duke interferes again. Baszler reapplies the sleeper hold and Sane passes out to end the match.

Winner: Shayna Baszler, your next NXT Women’s Title

SmackDown Women’s Championship
Last Woman Standing
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

The match begins with the women taking a few swings at each other, Flair shoves Lynch down and Lynch recovers to land a clothesline. Lynch drops Flair before landing an elbow drop and multiple leg drops, Flair gets up and Lynch nails her with European uppercuts. Flair gets to the top rope and Lynch quickly throws her off, Flair gets up and Lynch nails her with an exploder suplex. Lynch goes to the middle rope and she misses the leap off, Flair then kicks a dazed Lynch in the face. Lynch recovers and she sends Flair into the turnbuckle before dumping her out of the ring, Lynch goes under the ring and she fights a kendo stick to attack Flair with. Flair tries fighting back and Lynch quickly drops her, Lynch goes back under the ring and she finds a chair.

The competitors throw a bunch of chairs into the ring, Flair gets a table and Lynch leaps off the ring steps onto Flair. Flair recovers and she suplexes Lynch on the arena floor, Lynch grabs a chair and she attacks Flair with it. Lynch gets Flair back in the ring and she throws her onto a pile of chairs, Flair fights back and she hits Lynch with a back suplex onto the pile of chairs. Flair rolls out of the ring and she finds another table from under the ring, Flair then brings the table into the ring before eating a springboard kick from Lynch. Lynch then sets the table up on the inside of the ring, Flair gets back in the ring and Lynch nails her with a uranage on the chair pile. Lynch then gets Flair on the table before going to the top rope, Flair crotches Lynch and she falls to the mat below.

Flair then puts Lynch on the table before going to the top rope, Flair lands a moonsault that sends them both crashing to the mat below. Flair gets up first and she smashes Lynch face first onto the table, Flair sets Lynch up on the table before going back up to the top rope. Flair then lands a top rope swanton bomb to put Lynch through the table, Flair rolls back out of the ring and she finds a ladder underneath of it to bring back into the ring. Lynch then slams Flair onto the ladder, Flair gets back up and she nails Lynch with a chop block to the knee. Flair traps the legs of Lynch in the ladder while further injuring them, Flair then applies the figure eight to Lynch while her legs are trapped in the ladder. Lynch grabs a steel chair and she attacks Flair with it to break the hold, Lynch rolls out of the ring and Flair follows her out there.

Lynch then sends Flair right into the ring steps, Flair gets up and Lynch sends her right into the ring post. Lynch grabs her title belt and she tries escaping through the crowd, Flair follows her into the crowd and they continue fighting while exchanging chops. Flair throws Lynch over the barricade and back towards the ringside area, Flair then prepares an announce table for something. Flair then throws Lynch face first into the announce table multiple times, Flair finds another ladder and she sets it up in front of the exposed announce table. Lynch grabs her title belt and she nails Flair with it, Lynch then places Flair onto the exposed announce table before climbing the ladder. Lynch leaps off the ladder and she uses a guillotine leg drop to put Flair through the announce table, Flair tries getting up and Lynch attacks her with a plethora of strikes. Lynch grabs a bunch of furniture and she buries Flair underneath of it all, Flair still manages to beat the count.

Lynch starts backing off as Flair grabs a kendo stick to attack her with a plethora of shots, Flair then nails Lynch with a spear on the arena floor. Flair sets up another table and she puts Lynch on top of it, Flair climbs to the top rope and Lynch gets up as well to power bomb Flair through the table from the top rope. Flair is unable to get back up and beat the ten count, which ends the match.

Winner: Becky Lynch, still the Smackdown Women’s Champion

RAW Women’s Championship
Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Nikki Bella w/Brie Bella

The match begins with Rousey taking Bella down with a judo throw, Rousey then hits Bella with another variation of the judo throw. Rousey holds Bella down while wrenching away on her arm, Bella goes after Rousey again and gets taken down with a judo throw. Bella rolls out of the ring and Rousey follows her, Brie distracts Rousey and Bella attacks her from behind. Bella distracts the ref and Brie shoves Rousey into the ring post, Rousey gets back in the ring and Bella applies a chin lock to her. Rousey fights back and Bella nails her with a knee strike before throwing her out of the ring, Bella then throws Rousey into the barricade and ring apron. Bella gets Rousey back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Bella applies a head scissors to a downed Rousey. Rousey gets free and she shoves Bella across the ring before eating an illegal strike from Brie, Bella then throws Rousey face first into the ring post.

Bella applies a chin lock to Rousey and she transitions to an abdominal stretch, Rousey gets free by throwing Bella off of her. Bella quickly drops Rousey before landing a springboard head kick for a near fall, Bella keeps Rousey in the corner while landing shoulder thrusts. Bella places Rousey on the top rope and she follows her up there, Rousey knocks Bella off the ropes and Bella returns to land a strike. Bella goes back up to the top rope and Rousey knocks her off again, Rousey goes for a top rope high cross body and Bella gets out of the way. Bella goes for a drop kick and Rousey sends her out of the ring, Bella gets back in the ring and Rousey drops her. Brie gets on the ring apron and Rousey gets her up as well, Rousey then hits both twins with a spinning Samoan drop. Rousey waits for Bella to get up before landing a striking combination, Rousey then hits Bella with a few more judo throws.

Rousey picks up Bella and she tosses her out of the ring, Rousey gets Bella back in the ring before Brie attacks her. Rousey gets angry and she tosses Brie into the announce table, Bella then hits Rousey with an Alabama slam for a near fall. Bella then sends a charging Rousey into the ring post before landing a Rack Attack for a near fall, Bella goes to the top rope and Rousey meets her up there before taking her down. Rousey goes for the arm bar and a tap out follows.

Winner: Ronda Rousey, still the Raw Women’s Champion

– All the women who competed at the event posed on the stage to end the show. 

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