
Wrestlecon: U.S. vs. The World Results – Masato Tanaka, Brian Cage, LAX, Hart Foundation, Rich Swann, Robbie Eagles & More In Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Wrestlecon: U.S. vs. The World. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier, Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) def. Adam Brooks, Australian Suicide & Robbie Eagles

Jiro Ikemen def. Rich Swann

Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart & Davey Boy Smith Jr.) def. LAX (Santana & Ortiz)

David Starr def. DAGA

Puma King def. Sammy Guevara

MJF def. Ethan Page

Brian Cage def. Masato Tanaka

Brian Pillman Jr. def. Emil Sitoci

Black Taurus def. Darby Allin

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Emil Sitoci

The match begins with Sitoci attacking a cornered Pillman Jr with a ton of strikes, Pillman Jr gets free and he works over the arm of Sitoci. Sitoci goes after Pillman Jr’s arm and he eats a kick to the face, Pillman Jr gets Sitoci to the ring apron before landing a springboard drop kick. Pillman Jr goes to the ring apron before nailing Sitoci with a mule kick, Pillman Jr traps Sitoci on the barricade while landing a ton of kicks. Sitoci recovers and he smashes Pillman Jr’s leg on the barricade, Sitoci gets Pillman Jr back in the ring before ramming his leg into the ring post. Sitoci then starts stomping away on the injured leg before just twisting away on it, Sitoci also lands a knee drop on the injured leg of Pillman Jr. Sitoci also lands some butt drops on the injured leg of Pillman Jr, Sitoci follows up that attack by applying a figure four leg lock to Pillman Jr.

Pillman Jr eventually makes it to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Pillman Jr starts fighting back and he takes Sitoci down with a cross body block. Pillman Jr then clobbers a charging Sitoci with a lariat, Pillman Jr then takes Sitoci down with a power slam for a near fall. Sitoci recovers and he nails Pillman Jr with a side Russian leg sweep followed by a split legged moonsault for a near fall, Sitoci places Pillman Jr on the top rope and he follows him up there. Pillman Jr knocks Sitoci off the ropes before landing a top rope high cross body, Sitoci reverses it and almost gets the pin on Pillman Jr. Pillman Jr nails Sitoci with a knee strike followed by a cut throat neck breaker for a three count.

Winner: Brian Pillman Jr.

Ethan Page vs. MJF

The match begins with MJF attacking Page from behind as Page tries getting the fans to serenade MJF with a song, they continue brawling on the arena floor while Page holds the microphone. Page then slams MJF face first onto the ringside edge, Page goes for a chop and he winds up hitting the ring post. MJF traps Page’s fingers in the turnbuckle link while twisting it, MJF gets Page in the ring while stomping on his hand. MJF keeps Page down while twisting away on his arm, Page gets free and MJF sends him shoulder first into the mat below. MJF keeps Page down while wrenching away on the injured arm, the referee accuses MJF of cheating while in the hold and that gives Page the chance to get free. Page then hits MJF with a clothesline followed by some chops, Page follows that up by hitting MJF with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall.

MJF fights back and he nails the injured arm of Page with a top rope double stomp, MJF applies the Fujiwara arm bar and Page eventually gets to the ropes. MJF then hits Page with a rope assisted pile driver for a three count.

Winner: MJF

DAGA vs. David Starr

The match begins with DAGA and Starr going back and forth until a stalemate happens, DAGA then hits Starr with a drop kick followed by a hurricarana. Starr rolls out of the ring and DAGA takes him out with a suicide dive, DAGA gets Starr back in the ring and he misses a top rope double stomp. Starr hits DAGA with an inverted gut wrench suplex followed by a spinning heel kick for a near fall, Starr stands over DAGA while stomping away on him. DAGA and Starr have a chopping exchange in the middle of the ring, DAGA trips up Starr before landing a double stomp and a thrust kick for a near fall. Starr recovers and he catches DAGA in a few rolls ups before landing a thrust kick, Starr then hits DAGA with a suplex into a neck breaker for a near fall.

Starr destroys DAGA with a lariat, DAGA recovers and he nails a charging Starr with a pop up death valley driver. DAGA and Starr have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, DAGA shocks Starr by landing a hurricarana and delayed German suplex for a pair of near falls. Starr rolls out of the ring and he nails DAGA with a DDT while preventing a dive, Starr then hits DAGA with a lariat and a power bomb for a near fall. Starr then applies a modified sharp shooter to DAGA and DAGA taps out.

Winner: David Starr

Darby Allin vs. Black Taurus

The match begins with Taurus backing Allin into the corner before slapping him, Taurus traps Allin in the ropes before knocking him out of the ring with a slap. Allin gets back in the ring and he rolls up Taurus for a near fall, Allin starts working over the arm of Taurus. Taurus gets free and he drops Allin with a shoulder tackle, Allin then knocks Taurus out of the ring with a rope assisted arm drag. Allin then takes out Taurus with a suicide dive before getting him back in the ring for a near fall, Taurus fights back and he nails Allin with a sling blade bulldog. Taurus corners Allin before mauling him with a series of strikes, Taurus then hits Allin with a shining wizard for a near fall. Allin escapes the grasp of Taurus before landing a twisting splash for a near fall, Allin then hits Taurus with a Yoshi-Tonic for a near fall.

Taurus recovers and he destroys Allin with a Rainmaker, Taurus then hits Allin with a pump handle flat liner for a near fall. Taurus follows Allin around the ring while landing palm strikes, Allin recovers and he tosses Taurus out of the ring. Allin then hits Taurus with a Coffin Drop on the arena floor, Allin gets Taurus back in the rope and he goes to the top rope. Allin goes for another Coffin Drop and Taurus gets his knees up, Taurus then hits Allin with a spear followed by a Michinoku Driver for a three count.

Winner: Black Taurus

Jiro Ikemen vs. Rich Swann

The match begins with Ikemen and Swann exchanging shoulder tackles until Ikemen goes down, Swann then hits Ikemen with a spinning heel kick to the midsection.Swann then uses a drop kick to knock Ikemen out of the ring, Swann follows him out there before landing another kick. Swann gets Ikemen back in the ring and Ikemen rolls out, Ikemen winds up fooling Swann and taking him out with a suicide dive. Ikemen gets Swann back in the ring before landing some leg kicks, Ikemen follows that up by nailing the injured leg of Swann with a DDT. Ikemen follows that up by applying the single leg crab to Swann, Swann eventually gets to the rope to break the hold. Swann fights back and Ikemen drops him with a right, Ikemen misses a charge in the corner and Swann lands a combination afterwards.

Ikemen rolls out of the ring and Swann takes him out with a dive, Swann gets Ikemen back in the ring before going to the top rope. Swann nails Ikemen with a frog splash for a near fall, Swann misses a charge to the corner and Ikemen quickly drops him. Ikemen hits Swann with an Arabian Moonsault for a near fall, Swann recovers and he nails Ikemen with a roundhouse kick. Ikemen goes to the top rope and Swann takes him down with a hurricarana, Swann then hits Ikemen with a step over head kick for a near fall. Ikemen and Swann have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Swann injures his knee again and Ikemen quickly gets him in a figure four leg lock. Swann reverses the hold and Ikemen quickly grabs the ropes, Ikemen nails Swann with a hammerlock power slam for a near fall. Ikemen follows that up by landing a top rope moonsault for a three count.

Winner: Jiro Ikemen

The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier, Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs. Adam Brooks, Australian Suicide & Robbie Eagles

The match begins with an all out brawl between both teams, Miguel hits Brooks with a head scissors takedown before landing a double stomp. Eagles hits the ring and he takes Miguel down with a double arm drag, Eagles then hits Miguel with a spinning heel kick. Wentz hits the ring and he nails Eagles with a twisting cross body block, Suicide comes in and he takes Wentz down with a head scissors takedown followed by an arm drag. Xavier comes in and he nails Suicide with multiple leg sweeps, Xavier nails Suicide with a series of strikes that ends with a dropsault. Brooks comes in and Xavier nails him with an enzaguri, Brooks recovers and nails Xavier with a super kick.

Brooks then hits the entire opposing team with destroyers, Brooks then crushes Xavier with a meteora on the ring apron. Eagles and Brooks take out everybody with a series of suicide dives, The Rascalz fight back and land suicide dives of their own. Suicide fights back and he takes out the opposing team with a shooting star press to the arena floor, Suicide gets Miguel in the ring before missing a 450 splash. Suicide then hits Miguel with a springboard destroyer, Xavier gets in the ring and he nails Suicide with a pele kick. Eagles comes in and he hits Xavier with a backpack stunner for a near fall, everybody hits the ring and they all take each other out. Miguel traps Suicide in the ropes before landing a super kick and a 619, Wentz and Xavier hit Suicide with a burning hammer double stomp for a three count.

Winners: The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier, Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart & Davey Boy Smith Jr.) vs. LAX (Santana & Ortiz)

The match begins with the Hart Foundation jumping LAX from behind an a brawl breaks out between both teams, Smith Jr smashes the leg of Santana on the barricade. Hart knocks Ortiz to the arena floor and they battle out there, Hart throws Ortiz into a chair while Smith Jr smashes Santana’s leg on the ring post. Smith Jr locks Santana in a figure four while using the ring post, Hart then nails Ortiz with a suplex on the arena floor. Smith Jr gets Ortiz in the ring while Hart attacks Santana on the arena floor, Smith Jr then drops Ortiz with a hard Irish whip in the corner. Hart tags in and he stomps away on a downed Ortiz, Hart then hits Ortiz with a neck breaker before landing a moonsault elbow drop. Hart also nails Ortiz with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Smith Jr tags in and he nails Ortiz with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall.

Smith Jr slows things down further by holding Ortiz in a chin lock, Ortiz gets to the ropes to break the hold from Smith Jr. Smith Jr catches Ortiz in the surfboard and he eventually lets Ortiz go free, Hart tags in and he knocks Santana off the ring apron. Hart traps Ortiz in the ropes while landing a plethora of kicks, Hart then nails a charging Ortiz with a power slam. Hart gets Ortiz in the Rings Of Saturn and he quickly releases the hold, Smith Jr then chokes Ortiz in the corner while the referee was distracted. Smith Jr tags in and Ortiz attacks him with a few kicks, Smith Jr recovers and he tags Hart back into the match. Ortiz fights back against the opposition before tagging Santana in, Santana quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team.

Santana clears the ring before applying the sharp shooter to Hart, Smith Jr breaks up the move by chop blocking Santana. Ortiz comes in and Hart nails him with a low blow, Hart then nails Ortiz with an assisted destroyer for a three count.

Winners: Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)

Puma King vs. Sammy Guevara

The match begins with both competitors continuously flipping each other off, Guevara and King attack each other with a few hurricaranas and pin attempts. Guevara and King both drop each other at the same time with head kick, Guevara then drops King with a drop kick. King rolls out of the ring and Guevara takes him out with a suicide dive, Guevara gets King in the ring before landing a springboard cross body block. King recovers to hit Guevara with a flapjack followed by a thrust kick, King traps Guevara in the corner while attacking him with chops. King follows that up by nailing Guevara with a delayed vertical suplex, King grabs a microphone and he mocks a downed Guevara. Guevara gets back up and he nails King with a knee strike, Guevara grabs the microphone and he mocks King. Guevara then stomps away on a downed King, Guevara then traps King in the corner before landing a chop.

King fights back and Guevara sends him out of the ring, Guevara then hits King with a moonsault from the ring apron. Guevara gets King in the ring and he places him on the top rope before landing an enzaguri, Guevara goes to the top rope and he takes King down with a hurricarana for a near fall. Guevara goes for a rolling crusher and King counters with a sit out power bomb for a three count.

Winner: Puma King

Brian Cage vs. Masato Tanaka

The match begins with Tanaka getting Cage in a head lock, Tanaka tries dropping Cage with a shoulder tackle and Cage stays on his feet. Cage catches a leaping Tanaka and he nails him with an overhead slam, Tanaka avoids a charging Cage before landing forearm strikes. Cage recovers and he nails Tanaka with a front suplex followed by a kick to the face, Cage keeps Tanaka trapped in the corner while landing clothesline smashes and then a short arm clothesline. Tanaka tries fighting back and Cage nails him with a thrust kick in the corner, Cage follows that up by nailing Tanaka with a delayed vertical suplex. Cage then hots Tanaka with a standing moonsault for a near fall, Cage slows things down while applying a chin lock to Tanaka. Tanaka gets free and Cage drops him before landing a kick to the back, Tanaka and Cage then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Tanaka nails a charging Cage with a boot to the face before landing a tornado DDT, Cage fights back and Tanaka nails him with another DDT. Tanaka nails a cornered Cage with a clothesline, Tanaka then drops Cage with a discus lariat after injuring his arm. Tanaka follows that up by nailing Cage with a suplex for a near fall, Tanaka corners Cage while landing some elbow strikes. Cage knocks Tanaka to the ring apron before landing an enzaguri, Cage then superplexes Tanaka back into the ring. Cage then hits Tanaka with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall, Cage then hits Tanaka with a buckle bomb. Tanaka quickly recovers and he sends Cage into the corner, Tanaka nails Cage with a flipping stunner followed by a brain buster for a near fall. Tanaka goes to the top rope and he leaps off for a frog splash and Cage gets his knees up, Cage hits Tanaka with a German suplex and death valley driver for a near fall.

Tanaka escapes an F-5 from Cage and Cage eventually drops him with a discus lariat, Tanaka and Cage have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Tanaka trips up Cage before landing a Sliding D for a near fall, Cage recovers to hit Tanaka with a clothesline and a buckle bomb. Cage then hits Tanaka with a Drill Claw for a three count.

Winner: Brian Cage

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