
Wrestlecon “Mark Hitchcock Memorial Supershow” Results: Will Ospreay, SCU, LAX, Jushin “Thunder” Liger, X-Pac, Hurricane Helms, Masato Tanaka & More In Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Wrestlecon Mark Hitchcock Memorial Supershow. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Will Ospreay def. Bandido

Dragon Lee def. Barbario Cavernario

Masato Tanaka def. Eddie Kingston

Zack Sabre Jr. def. Shane Strickland

Ray Fenix def. Penta El Zero M

Puma King, Samantha Heights, DJZ & Tajiri def. Sammy Guervara & LAX (Santana, Ortiz & Diamante)

Robbie Eagles def. Arez & Flamita

Hurricane Helms, X-Pac & Jushin “Thunder” Liger def. Revolt! (Caleb Konley, Jake Manning & Zane Riley)

SCU (Christopher Daniels, Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) def. Orange Cassidy & Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Berretta)

– Road Warrior Animal makes his way to the ring to start the show, Animal welcomes everybody to the biggest weekend professional wrestling. Animal says he was made Wrestlecon ambassador due to all the ass he kicked in New York, Animal then brings out Ric Flair. Flair jokingly says New York was one of the worst cities he competed in, Flair compliments the Road Warriors and many other great names of the past. Flair says he has another reason for being in New York and he alludes to ‘Mania 35, Flair says the women earned the main event at ‘Mania 35.

– The ring announcer has members of the late Mark Hitchcock’s family in the ring, his sister tells memories of taking Mark to get autographs from various wrestling stars. Mark’s fiance’ says that Mark is smiling down on them all right now, a video then plays honoring the memory of Mark Hitchcock.

Masato Tanaka vs. Eddie Kingston

The match begins with Kingston doing some work on the arm of Tanaka, Kingston and Tanaka do a little chain wrestling. Kingston backs Tanaka into the corner before landing a chop, Tanaka responds by nailing Kingston with a forearm strike. Kingston gets attacked by Tanaka when returning to the ring, Tanaka traps Kingston in the corner while landing a ton of strikes. Tanaka then hits Kingston with a cross body block for a near fall, Kingston fights back and he drops Tanaka with a running STO. Kingston picks up Tanaka and a chopping exchange breaks out, Kingston pokes Tanaka in the eyes before applying a stretch plum. Tanaka fights back and he drops Kingston with a suplex, Tanaka hits a cornered Kingston with a series of clotheslines.

Tanaka follows that up by hitting Kingston with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Tanaka keeps Kingston down while landing a few strikes. Kingston recovers and nails Tanaka with a uranage for a near fall, Kingston then hits Tanaka with a clothesline for another near fall. Kingston traps Tanaka in the corner before putting him on the top rope, Kingston follows Tanaka up the ropes and Tanaka knocks him off. Tanaka then hits Kingston with a flipping stunner, Tanaka puts Kingston on the top rope and he follows him up there to land a superplex. Tanaka goes back up to the top rope and he lands a frog splash for a near fall, Kingston recovers and he nails Tanaka with multiple back drop suplexes for another near fall. Kingston follows up by landing a falcon arrow on Tanaka for a near fall, Kingston and Tanaka have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Tanaka drops Kingston with a roaring elbow and he follows up by landing a sliding elbow strike for a three count.

Winner: Masato Tanaka

– Ray Fenix grabs the microphone before the match to proclaim the Lucha Bros the best tag team in the universe, Fenix says they are open to any challenge from any tag team. Fenix addresses The Young Bucks and says they are scared of The Lucha Bros, Penta El Zero M grabs the microphone and he insults The Bucks as well. Fenix gets the microphone and says The Lucha Bros will fight each other tonight.

Penta El Zero M vs. Ray Fenix

The match begins with M catching Fenix with a roll up before landing a super kick, Fenix uses a hurricarana to knock M to the arena floor. Fenix goes to the top rope and he takes M out with a moonsault, Fenix gets M in the ring and he lands a few strikes. M recovers and he drops Fenix with a sling blade, Fenix goes to the middle rope and M takes out his legs with a super kick. M then hits Fenix with a top rope double stomp for a near fall, Fenix fights back and a striking exchange breaks out. Fenix then nails M with a roundhouse kick before landing a rope assisted roundhouse kick, M catches a leaping Fenix to land a modified Michinoku Driver for a near fall. M goes for a package pile driver and Fenix escapes to land a few more strikes, Fenix traps M in the ropes before landing a top rope penalty kick for a near fall.

Fenix then lands an enzaguri and a springboard moonsault for a near fall, Fenix also hits M with a code red for another near fall. Fenix goes for a forward roll and M nails him with a super kick, M then hits a charging Fenix with a super pop up power bomb for a near fall. M goes to the middle rope and he nails Fenix with a super destroyer for a near fall, M goes to the top rope and Feniz catches him with a springboard head kick. Fenix meets M on the top rope and they exchange strikes, Fenix hits M with a spanish fly from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Ray Fenix

Puma King, Samantha Heights, DJZ & Tajiri vs. Sammy Guervara & LAX (Santana, Ortiz & Diamante)

The match begins with Guervara flipping off DJZ before getting dropped, Guervara gets up and DJZ drops him again with an arm drag. Guervara attacks DJZ from behind before choking him on the middle rope, Guervara then uses a drop kick to knock DJZ out of the ring. King hits the ring and he nails Guervara with multiple shoulder tackles before landing a super kick, Santana comes in the ring and he knocks King out of it with a moonsault. Tajiri gets in the ring and he gets taken down by Santana, Tajiri and Santana do some work on each others arms. Tajiri catches Santana with a hip toss before kicking him in the back, Diamante enters the ring and Tajiri goes after her. Diamante recovers and she nails Tajiri with a stunner, Heights comes in and she hits Diamante with a standing sliced bread.

Ortiz comes in the ring and Heights nails him with an arm drag followed by a drop kick, Ortiz recovers and nails her with an elevated face buster. DJZ gets back in the ring and he knocks Ortiz out of the ring with a drop kick, Santana returns and he nails DJZ with a super kick before a huge brawl breaks out between both teams. Guervara tags in and he nails DJZ with a pump kick to the midsection, DJZ shocks Guervara with a roll up before eating a knee strike. Ortiz tags in and he crushes DJZ with a neck breaker, Santana tags in and he works with Ortiz to hit DJZ with multiple double team moves for a near fall. Diamante tags in and she hits DJZ with a splash for a near fall, Guervara tags in and he nails DJZ with a Samoan drop followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Santana tags in and he works with Ortiz to attack the whole opposing team, LAX then hits DJZ with an assisted cutter and then Guervara lands a running shooting star press for a near fall. DJZ recovers and he causes Ortiz to hit Santana with a DDT, King tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. King nails a charging Guervara and Diamante with tilt-a-whirl back breakers, King then hits Santana with a suicide dive. Members from both teams all take turns taking each other out with suicide dives, Tajiri sets up for a dive and Ortiz prevents it from happening. Tajiri nails Ortiz with the mist before landing the buzzsaw kick for a three count.

Winners: Puma King, Samantha Heights, DJZ & Tajiri

Arez vs. Flamita vs. Robbie Eagles

The match begins with Arez attacking Eagles before going after Flamita, Flamita and Eagles then drop a charging Arez with a double shoulder block. Eagles knocks Flamita out of the ring before Arez rolls him up for a near fall, Flamita drags Eagles out of the ring before nailing Arez with multiple enzaguris. Arez then takes out Eagles with a suicide dive, Arez follows that up with a top rope elbow drop on Flamita for a near fall. Eagles returns to hit Arez with a springboard drop kick and a rolling elbow strike, Flamita and Eagles have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Flamita nails a charging Eagles with a standing Spanish fly for a near fall, Arez gets up and Flamita immediately drops him with a super kick. Flamita puts Eagles on the top rope and he follows him up there, Eagles drops Flamita and then Arez stands on Flamita while hitting Eagles with a Spanish fly for a near fall.

Flamita and Arez then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Flamita and Arez then hit a charging Eagles with a double super kick. Eagles hits Flamita with a sliced bread and that causes Flamitato hit Arez with a DDT, Flamita then drops Eagles before landing a 619. Flamita goes to the top rope before hitting both opponents with a missile drop kick, Flamita then hits Eagles and Arez with various dives on the arena floor. Flamita gets Eagles in the ring before missing a 450 splash, Arez hits Flamita with a northern lights suplex. Eagles surprises Arez with a 450 splash for a three count.

Winner: Robbie Eagles

Revolt! (Caleb Konley, Jake Manning & Zane Riley) vs. Hurricane Helms, X-Pac & Jushin “Thunder” Liger

The match begins with Konley and Liger vying for some fan adulation, Liger trips up Konley before applying the surfboard stretch. Liger follows that up by applying the Romero special to Konley, Riley tags in and X-Pac tags in a few moments later. Riley gets X-Pac down by blasting him with a few strikes, X-Pac recovers to nail Riley with a hip toss followed by a leg drop. Riley charges at X-Pac and X-Pac gets out of the way before landing a lariat, X-Pac goes for a bronco buster and Riley gets out of the way. Manning and Helms get tagged in by their respective partners, Helms and Manning have a dance off in the middle of the ring. Manning backs Helms into the corner before landing a few strikes, Manning gets Helms to read the Boyscout Guide before attacking him from behind. Konley tags in and everybody from both teams battles for the suplex until Helms’ team comes out on top, Helms then gets Konley in a backwards arm pull.

Riley drags Helms out of the ring to work him over, Helms is thrown back in the ring and Konley nails him with an elbow drop. Manning tags in and he smashes the head of Helms into the top turnbuckle, Helms recovers and he nails Manning with a falling elbow smash. Liger and Konley get tagged in by their respective partners, Liger quickly cleans house against the opposing team. Riley quickly drops Liger and Manning tags back into the ring, Manning stomps on the head of a downed Liger before applying a chin lock. Konley tags back in and he attacks Liger with some chops, Liger fights back and he and Konley connect with simultaneous clotheslines. Helms and Manning get tagged in by their respective partners, Helms cleans house against the opposing team.

Liger tags back in and he nails Riley with a few strikes, Liger goes for a brain buster on Riley and Riley nails him with a suplex. Manning tags in as a brawl breaks out between both teams, X-Pac hits Riley with a bronco buster. Helms then hits Konley with a choke slam, Liger then hits Manning with a brain buster for a three count.

Winners: Hurricane Helms, X-Pac & Jushin “Thunder” Liger

Dragon Lee vs. Barbario Cavernario

The match is joined in progress because the Fite TV stream died, the action resumes with Cavernario holding Lee in a submission hold. Cavernario then nails Lee with a flipping DDT, Lee gets right back up and he nails Cavernario with a destroyer. Cavernario recovers to nail a charging Lee with a lariat, Cavernario misses an avalanche and Lee kicks him in the face. Lee goes to the top rope and Cavernario crotches him before meeting him up there, Lee traps Cavernario in the ropes before landing a top rope double stomp for a near fall. Lee hits Cavernario with a knee strike followed by a falcon arrow for a three count.

Winner: Dragon Lee

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Shane Strickland

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Strickland and Sabre Jr, Strickland starts focusing his attack on the arm of Sabre Jr. Sabre Jr drags Strickland to the ground and he starts stretching the arms, Sabre Jr gets Strickland down again while wrenching away on his leg. Sabre Jr awkwardly bends the legs of Strickland while flipping off the crowd, Strickland tries fight back and Sabre Jr catches him in a kravat. Strickland tries fighting back again and Sabre Jr trips him up, Strickland recovers to nail Sabre Jr with a drop kick. Strickland applies an inverted single leg crab until Sabre Jr gets to the ropes, Strickland attacks Sabre Jr with cross face smashes. Strickland holds Sabre Jr down while wrenching away on his leg, Strickland smashes the knee of Sabre Jr on the mat below.

Sabre Jr gets up and Strickland attacks him with some leg kicks and a dragon screw leg whip, Strickland holds Sabre Jr down while stomping on him. Sabre Jr gets up and he gets Strickland in the kravat, Strickland gets free and he drops Sabre Jr with a shoulder tackle. Strickland goes for a handstand move and Sabre Jr attacks his legs, Sabre Jr traps Strickland in the corner while applying a kimura. Strickland fights back and he drops Sabre Jr with a chop, Sabre Jr recovers and he trips up Strickland before stomping on his injured arm. Strickland fights back again and he drops Sabre Jr again with a chop, Strickland chops the injured leg of Sabre Jr as well. Sabre Jr recovers and nails Strickland with an overhead kick to the injured arm, Strickland nails Sabre Jr with a 619 followed by a rolling ace crusher for a near fall.

Strickland gets up and he attacks Sabre Jr with some leg kicks, Sabre Jr drags Strickland back to the ground before dropping a double knee drop on his shoulder. Sabre Jr and Strickland have a striking exchange that ends when Strickland attacks his leg, Strickland goes for another rolling ace crusher and Sabre Jr catches him in a triangle choke. Strickland gets free to nail Sabre Jr with a power bomb followed by a heel kick to the head for a near fall, Strickland picks Sabre Jr up to land more kicks. Strickland sets up for a death valley driver and Sabre Jr escapes to land a German suplex foollowed by a penalty kick, Strickland recovers and hits Sabre Jr with a rebound German suplex. Strickland leaps off the top rope and Sabre Jr catches him in an octopus stretch like move to force a tap out.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.

SCU (Christopher Daniels, Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) vs. Orange Cassidy & Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Berretta)

The match begins with Cassidy faking out Daniels during the lock up, Daniels gets Cassidy in a headlock before getting behind him. Cassidy gets free while keeping his hands in his pockets, Cassidy then nails Daniels with a drop kick. Kazarian and Berretta get tagged in by their respective partners, Kazarian and Berretta take turns working over each others arms. Kazarian and Berretta also exchange a few pin fall attempts, Kazarian and Berretta show each other respect with a high five and that caused them to be traded to the other teams. Sky tags in and he attempts to pin Kazarian before a brawl breaks out between both teams, Best Friends set up for double Razor Edges and Daniels breaks it all up. SCU triple team Berretta before Kazarian lands a slingshot drop kick on him, Daniels tags in and he nails Berretta with a leg lariat.

Daniels then attacks Berretta with multiple elbow strikes to the back of the head, Taylor distracts the referee while Berretta nails Daniels with a low blow. Taylor tags in and he attacks Daniels with a few strikes to the back, Cassidy tags in as Daniels gets triple teamed. Berretta rakes the eyes of Daniels before Taylor lands a slingshot swanton, Cassidy then hits Daniels with a splash for a near fall. Berretta tags in and he applies an abdominal stretch to Daniels, Taylor tries cheating and the referee breaks it up. Daniels recovers and he drops the Best Friends, Cassidy tags in and he has a striking exchange with Daniels. Daniels then nails Cassidy with a low blow when the referees back was turned, Kazarian and Berretta get tagged in by their respective partners.

Kazarian cleans house against the opposing team before applying a figure four leg lock to Berretta, Kazarian attacjs Taylor before applying the Boston crab to Berretta. Kazarian then hits Taylor with a lung blower, Taylor recovers and he nails Kazarian with some Sole Food. SCU then hits Taylor with an assisted tornado DDT, Kazarian and Sky knock the glasses off the face of Cassidy. Cassidy gets angry and he takes out the SCU members, Cassidy then hits Kazarian and Sky with a double choke slam. Cassidy goes to the top rope and he hits Kazarian with a splash for a near fall, Daniels interferes and he drops Cassidy with a running STO. Best Friends then attack Kazarian and Sky before hitting Daniels with a lawn dart into an ace crusher, Kazarian prevents Taylor from landing an assisted Crunchy and then Cassidy misses his jump.

Sky takes out the Best Friends with a suicide dive, Kazarian and Daniels hit Cassidy with the Best Meltzer Ever for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Christopher Daniels, Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian)

Bandido vs. Will Ospreay

The match begins with Ospreay nailing Bandido with a one man Spanish fly for a near fall, Bandido rolls out of the ring and Ospreay nails him with a suicide dive. Ospreay gets Bandido back into the ring before landing a shooting star press for a near fall, Ospreay then attacks Bandido with a few forearm strikes. Bandido fights back and he hits Ospreay with a pop up European uppercut and a power slam for a near fall, Ospreay rolls out of the ring and Bandido nails him with a suicide dive. Bandido gets Ospreay back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Bandido drops Ospreay before landing a drop kick to the back of the neck for another near fall. Bandido follows that up by nailing Ospreay with a delayed vertical suplex, Ospreay and Bandido have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Bandido trips up Ospreay before applying the surfboard hold to him, Bandido pancakes Ospreay afterwards for a near fall. Ospreay and Bandido have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ospreay ends the exchange by nailing Bandido with a handspring enzaguri. Ospreay follows that up by nailing Bandido with another enzaguri followed by a 619, Ospreay would then corner Bandido before landing a running drop kick. Ospreay then hits Bandido with an elevated reverse DDT for a near fall, Ospreay then hits Bandido with a springboard clothesline. Ospreay sets up for the Storm Breaker before nailing Bandido with a knee strike, Bandido fights back and he drills Ospreay with a super kick. Bandido follows up by landing a sit out driver for a near fall, Ospreay and Bandido get involved in another striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Ospreay eventually nails Bandido with a snap dragon suplex followed by an enzaguri, Ospreay goes for a Storm Breaker and Bandido counters with a pop up power bomb. Ospreay lands on his feet during a release German suplex attempt, Ospreay then cracks Bandido with a Robinson Special. Ospreay goes for an Os Cutter and Bandido counters with a reverse rana for a near fall, Bandido places Ospreay on the top rope and he follows him up there. Ospreay gets free and he traps Bandido’s head in the corner before landing a super kick, Ospreay knocks Bandido into the crowd. Ospreay does a springboard dive into the crowd and he crashes into Bandido, Bandido gets back in the ring and Ospreay nails him with a missile drop kick. Bandido escapes another Storm Breaker to land a variety of kicks, Bandido hits Ospreay with a super GTS for a near fall.

Ospreay recovers to hit Bandido with a Rainmaker followed by an Os Cutter for a near fall, Ospreay hits Bandido with a Storm Breaker for a three count.

Winner: Will Ospreay

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