
ROH Honor United: London Results – 3 Title Matches, Plus Bully Ray & Tenille Dashwood In Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for ROH Honor United: London. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

ROH World Title Match
Dalton Castle w/The Boys def. Evil to retain the title

ROH World 6 Man Tag Team Title Match
Triple Threat Match

The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) def. SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) & Bullet Club (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson & Adam Page) to retain the titles

ROH World TV Title Match
Four Corner Survival Match

Silas Young def. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Punishment Martinez & Sanada to retain the title

Jay Lethal def. Mark Briscoe

Toru Yano def. Shane Taylor

Cody w/Brandi Rhodes def. Kenny King

Tenille Dashwood def. Kelly Klein 

Jay Briscoe def. Mark Haskins

Bully Ray def. The Boys

Jay Lethal vs. Mark Briscoe

The match begins with Briscoe jumping Lethal as he was entering the ring, Briscoe then hits Lethal with a blockbuster on the arena floor. Briscoe gets Lethal in the ring and Lethal recovers to drop kick Briscoe to the arena floor, Lethal then hits Briscoe with a series of suicide dives. Lethal gets Briscoe back in the ring before smashing his face on the turnbuckle, Lethal mounts Briscoe in the corner while landing a plethora of strikes. Briscoe recovers and he hits Lethal with a springboard shoulder tackle, Briscoe then takes off his shirt to choke Lethal with it. Lethal recovers to drop Briscoe with a hip toss before landing a drop kick, Lethal then hits Briscoe with a back suplex for a near fall. Lethal nails Briscoe with a series of jabs before landing an elbow strike for a near fall, Briscoe recovers and he slams Lethal on the mat below.

Briscoe follows that up by nailing Lethal with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Briscoe waits for Lethal to get up before applying a rear naked choke. Lethal escapes and Briscoe attacks him with a plethora of strikes, Lethal fights back and he drops Briscoe with a series of kicks. Briscoe rolls out of the ring and Lethal follows him out there, Briscoe throws a chair in the ring to distract the referee before nailing Lethal with a low blow as he got back in the ring. Briscoe slams Lethal before rapping him in the camel clutch, Lethal gets free and he has a striking exchange with Briscoe. Lethal ends the exchange by nailing Briscoe with a cutter, Lethal follows that up by catching Briscoe with a Lethal Combination for a near fall. Lethal goes for the figure four and Briscoe rolls him up for a near fall, Lethal goes for the figure four again and Briscoe counters by catching him in the rear naked choke.

Lethal eventually gets to the ropes to break the choke, Briscoe gets Lethal to the top rope before following him up there. Lethal knocks Briscoe off the ropes before getting off the ropes himself, Lethal locks Briscoe in the figure four leg lock and Briscoe gets to the ropes. Briscoe gets to the ring apron and Lethal kicks away at his injured knee, Briscoe gets back in the ring and he rolls him up for a near fall. Lethal recovers and he goes for his finisher, Briscoe counters the handspring cutter by locking Lethal in a rear naked choke. Lethal gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Briscoe goes for a fisherman buckle and his knee buckles. Lethal hits Briscoe with a super kick followed by the Lethal Injection for a three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

Shane Taylor vs. Toru Yano

The match begins with Yano trying to drop Taylor with a shoulder tackle, Taylor eventually drops a charging Yano with a shoulder block. Yano recovers to rake the eyes of Taylor before failing to slam him, Taylor recovers to land a knee strike followed by a slam. Yano gets back up and he starts playing his tricks against Taylor, Taylor traps Yano on the ring apron before landing a leg drop. Taylor drags Yano to the middle of the ring while ripping away at his face, Yano fights back and Taylor drops him with an elbow strike for a near fall. Taylor slams Yano before going to the middle rope, Taylor goes for a splash and Yano gets out of the way. Yano removes a turnbuckle pad and he attacks Taylor with it, Yano causes an angry Taylor to run into the exposed corner before rolling him up for a near fall.

Taylor recovers and he drops Yano with a right followed by a knee strike, Yano eats a headbutt followed by a uranage and splash for a near fall. Yano uses a referee distraction to low blow Taylor and roll him up for a three count.

Winner: Toru Yano

Kelly Klein vs. Tenille Dashwood

The match begins with Klein continuously forcing Dashwood into the corner before shoving her to the mat below, Dashwood goes for a waist lock and Klein counter by applying a headlock. Dashwood drops to her back before kicking Klein in the head, Dashwood drops Klein in the corner and Klein rolls out of the ring. Klein uses a referee distraction to punch Dashwood in the face, Dashwood lands a side Russian leg sweep on Klein for a near fall. Dashwood starts wrenching away on the injured arm of Klein before rolling her up for a near fall, Klein recovers and cracks Dashwood with a running knee strike. Dashwood traps Klein in the ropes before landing a kick followed by a neck breaker, Dashwood then hits Klein with a Taste Of Tenille and Klein rolls out of the ring. Dashwood tries bringing Klein in the ring before Klein trips her up and smashes her leg on the ringside edge, Klein starts attacking the injured knee of Dashwood.

Klein bends the leg of Dashwood in some unnatural ways, Dashwood fights back and Klein drops her with a clothesline. Klein traps the leg of Dashwood in the ropes while wrenching away on it, Dashwood fights back and Klein uses a hair pull to slow her momentum. Klein then stomps and stands on the injured knee of Dashwood, Klein gets Dashwood on the top rope while wrenching away on her knee. Klein also goes to the top rope and Dashwood knocks her off a short time later, Dashwood takes down Klein with a top rope cross body block. Dashwood and Klein get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Dashwood eventually drops Klein several times with some clotheslines. Klein misses a charge in the corner and Dashwood locks her in the tarantula, Dashwood follows that up by nailing Klein with a butterfly suplex. Dashwood’s knee buckles during a Spotlight attempt and Klein nails her with a chop block, Klein gets Dashwood up and Dashwood rolls her up from out of nowhere for the three count.

Winner: Tenille Dashwood

Jay Briscoe vs. Mark Haskins w/Vicky Haskins

The match begins with Haskins attacking Briscoe with a baseball slide drop kick before he entered the ring, Haskins then takes out Briscoe with a suicide dive. Haskins gets Briscoe in the ring and Briscoe nails him with a death valley driver, Briscoe takes off his shirt and he chokes Haskins with it. Haskins recovers and he drops kicks Briscoe in the knee, Haskins traps Briscoe in the corner before landing a drop kick. Briscoe rolls out of the ring and he catches Haskins with a forearm strike to prevent a suicide dive, Briscoe traps Haskins in the corner while stomping away on him. Briscoe follows Haskins around the ring while nailing him with strikes, Haskins tries fighting back and Briscoe nails him with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Briscoe traps Haskins in the ropes while ripping away on his face, Haskins fights back against Briscoe before nailing him with some kicks.

Haskins then drops Briscoe with a knee lift to the midsection, Haskins then hits Briscoe with some running strikes in the corner. Briscoe recovers and kicks a charging Haskins in the face, Haskins recovers and he catches Briscoe in an Eastern Stretch variation. Briscoe eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Briscoe gets to his knees at Haskins attacks him with kicks. Briscoe recovers and nails a charging Haskins with a hurricarana, Briscoe then knocks Haskins out of the ring. Briscoe looks for a suicide dive and Haskins kicks him in the head, Haskins hits Briscoe with a death valley driver on the ring apron. Haskins then hits Briscoe with a modified Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Haskin goes for an arm bar like move and Briscoe gets to the ropes. Briscoe and Haskins have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Briscoe ends the exchange by nailing Haskins with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Briscoe sets up for the Jay Driller and Vicky hops on the ring apron to slap Briscoe, Haskins then kicks a distracted Briscoe in the head. Haskins then hits Briscoe with a top rope double stomp and a pump handle driver for a near fall, Haskins looks for another pump handle driver and Briscoe gets free. Haskins then hits Briscoe with an enzaguri before eating a lariat, Briscoe nails Haskins with a Jay Driller for the three count.

Winner: Jay Briscoe

ROH World TV Title Match – Four Corner Survival Match: Silas Young (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Punishment Martinez vs. Sanada

The match begins with all the competitors trying to out power Martinez and they all fall short, Martinez corners everybody before landing a flying back elbow strike. Young goes after Martinez after knocking Tanahashi out of the ring, Sanada knocks Martinez to the ring apron before Sanada nails him with a springboard clothesline. Tanahashi then takes Martinez out with a dive on the arena floor, Martinez in thrown back in the ring and everybody tries to pin him. Martinez gets back up and everybody throws him out of the ring, Tanahashi and Sanada then start double teaming Young. Sanada turns on Tanahashi and he rolls him up for a near fall, Martinez then goes after Sanada while Young goes after Tanahashi. Young knocks Tanahashi out of the ring before stomping away on him, Martinez works over Sanada in the ring before landing an elbow drop.

Young decides to throw Tanahashi into the barricade, Young sends a charging Martinez out of the ring before getting a near fall on Sanada. Martinez returns to the ring and he double teams Sanada with Young, Young and Martinez nail Sanada with a double suplex. Young and Martinez continue attacking Sanada until Young rolls up Martinez for a near fall, Martinez recovers and he applies a chin lock to Sanada. Young breaks the hold by applying a chin lock to Martinez, Sanada then causes Martinez to hit Young with a forearm strike. Tanahashi returns to the ring and he goes after all of his opponents, Tanahashi catches Martinez with a spinning neck breaker before going to the top rope. Sanada returns to put Martinez and Young in Paradise Locks, Tanahashi tries putting Sanada in a Paradise Lock and he fails.

Sanada recovers and he traps Tanahashi in the ropes, Sanada nails all of the locked up opponents with drop kicks. Young recovers and he attacks Sanada with some strikes, Sanada recovers and he applies the Skull End to Young. Martinez breaks it up alongside Tanahashi, Sanada then drops Martinez with a springboard drop kick after Tanahashi got taken out. Young drops Sanada and he battles Martinez in the corner, Martinez then hits Tanahashi with a South Of Heaven choke slam. Martinez knocks Young out of the ring before taking him out with a suicide dive, Martinez gets Young in the ring before grabbing a chair. Tanahashi fights Martinez over the chair and Sanada drop kicks them both to the arena floor, Young rolls up Sanada with his feet on the ropes for the three count.

Winner: Silas Young, still the ROH World TV Champion

The Boys vs. Bully Ray

The match begins with Ray backing a boy into the corner before taunting him, the boy fights back and Ray nails him with a right. The other boy tags in and Ray backs him into the corner before landing a chop, the boy fights back by nailing Ray with strikes. Ray misses a charge in the corner and he gets angry at everybody, Ray then hits a boy with a knee strike before landing another right. Ray stands over the boy while landing cross face strikes, the boy tries fighting back and Ray catches him with a headbutt. Ray slaps the other boy before going for his chain. The Boys switch places and he attacks Ray with a bunch of strikes, Ray recovers and chops a charging boy. Ray goes for a splash and the boy gets out of the way, The Boys try double suplexing Ray and they double drop kick him instead. The Boys then hit Ray with a double suplex, The Boys hit Ray with a double splash for a near fall.

Ray recovers and he nails The Boys with a double clothesline, Ray then hits The Boys with power bombs for the three count.

Winner: Bully Ray

– Before the match begins, Kenny King says he wants a spot at All In with a win, Cody agrees and even says King could give the potential spot to Flip Gordon if he chooses. 

Cody w/Brandi Rhodes vs. Kenny King

The match begins with Cody wrenching away on the arm of King, King fights free and he works over the arm of Cody. Cody trips up King and King rolls him up for a pin attempt, King catches Cody with a back elbow strike before rolling him up again. King goes back to work on the arm of Cody for a short time, King gets Cody in the corner before landing a shoulder thrust. Cody recovers to hit King with a punch followed by a front suplex, King rolls out of the ring and he offers Brandi a rose. Cody takes out King with a suicide dive before offering Brandi the rose, Cody gets King in the ring before landing a short arm clothesline. King recovers to hit Cody with a modified back breaker followed by a clothesline, King slows things down further by holding Cody in a chin lock. Cody gets free and King drops him with a strike, King then hits Cody with a springboard leg drop for a near fall.

King slows things down again by holding Cody in another chin lock, Cody gets free and he nails King with a drop kick. Cody rolls out of the ring and he spits water into the face of King, King recovers and he throws Cody into the guardrail. King gets Cody back in the ring before locking him in the camel clutch, King goes for a running double knee strike and Cody gets out of the ring to send him crashing in the corner. Cody then hits King with a drag screw leg whip and a power slam for a near fall, Cody goes for the Disaster Kick and King counters with a spine buster for a near fall. King would then drop Cody with a hard Irish whip into the corner, King goes to the top rope and he lands a high cross body. Cody rolls through the high cross body to get a few near falls on King, Cody then hits King with a Disaster Kick for a near fall.

Cody goes to the top rope and King meets him up there after landing a strike, King then kicks Cody and knocks him to the arena floor. King gets Cody back in the ring and he gets back in as well, Brandi distracts King by stomping on the rose. Cody hits King with a Cross Rhodes for the three count.

Winner: Cody w/Brandi Rhodes

After the match, NWA World Champion Nick Aldis comes out to confront Cody, Aldis says Cody still believes in the American Dream even though he calls himself the American Nightmare. Aldis says nightmares are for children and he is  the American Dream, Aldis says he is trying to restore the NWA World Title to what it once was. Aldis then proclaims Cody to be a worthy challenger to his title, Aldis says he is angry at Cody for not challenging him face to face, but instead going behind his back to get a title shot. Cody grabs the microphone to say Aldis looks and acts the part of a champion, Cody says he is interested in the title for himself. Cody wants to know if Aldis is all in and Aldis says Cody has to meet a condition, Aldis says Cody must put the ROH World Title on the line if he wins it before All In and Cody accepts.

ROH World Title Match: Dalton Castle (c) w/The Boys vs. Evil

The match begins with Castle punching Evil in the face, Evil gets angry and Castle attacks him with more strikes. Castle knocks Evil out of the ring and he fakes a suicide dive, Evil chases The Boys around the ring before Castle attacks him and throws him into the barricade. Castle gets Evil in the ring and he lands a right for a near fall, Castle starts wrenching away on the arm of Evil. Evil recovers and he chop blocks the injured leg of Castle, Evil drags Castle to the ring post and he smashes his knee on the post. Castle falls out of the ring and Evil throws him into the barricade, Castle gets back in the ring and Evil goes back to work on the injured leg. Evil also attacks the injured back on Castle with some forearm strikes, Evil gets Castle down again before wrenching away on his leg. Castle fights back and Evil kicks him in the injured leg, Evil traps Castle in the corner while landing strikes.

Castle fights back again and Evil rakes his eyes, Evil then hits Castle with a running back elbow strike before missing a senton bomb. Castle starts attacking Evil with a plethora of strikes, Castle then drops Evil with a clothesline before landing a knee strike. Castle then hits Evil with a spinning elbow strike followed by a forearm strike for a near fall, Castle gets Evil up before landing a right. Evil uses a referee distraction to nail Castle with a super kick to the injured knee, Evil then smashes the knee of Castle to the mat below before applying a modified Indian death lock. Castle eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Evil goes to the top rope and Castle crotches him. Castle goes to the ring apron before missing a knee strike, Evil knocks Castle to the arena floor by landing a clothesline. Evil attacks The Boys and he throws one of them into the barricade, Evil wraps a chair around the head of Castle before throwing him into the ring post.

Evil gets Castle back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Evil goes for Everything Is Evil and Castle counters before landing a lariat. Evil eventually backs Castle into the referee and the referee goes out, Evil then sends a charging Castle into the ring post. Evil goes out of the ring and he grabs the ROH World Title belt, The Boys stop Evil from attacking Castle with the belt. Castle then hits a distracted Evil with a Bang A Rang as the referee is still out, Castle goes looking for the referee and Evil hits him with the title belt for a near fall. Evil goes for Everything is Evil and Castle catches him with a roll up for the three count.

Winner: Dalton Castle w/The Boys, still the ROH World Champion

ROH World 6 Man Tag Team Title Match – Triple Threat Match: The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) (c) vs. SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) vs. Bullet Club (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson & Adam Page)

The match begins with Taven catching Daniels in a headlock, Daniels gets free and Taven drops him with a shoulder tackle. Taven and Daniels both miss drop kicks before exchanging some roll ups, Sky and O’Ryan get tagged in by their respective partners. Taven drops Sky with a shoulder tackle and a drop kick, Sky fights back and he nails O’Ryan with a few strikes. Sky then nails O’Ryan with a double stomp, Page and Kazarian tag in and immediately exchange blows until they both collapse. Everybody from all the teams eventually hit the ring and a massive brawl breaks out, Nick takes just about everybody out with a dive before the Bucks go to work on everybody. The Bucks eventually empty the ring before Bullet Club takes everybody down with more dives, Nick gets Kazarian in the ring and he smashes his face on the top turnbuckle.

Daniels attacks Nick from behind and that allows Kazarian to gain control with an Unprettier, Sky tags in and he attacks Nick with a bunch of strikes. Sky then hits Nick with a back breaker before tagging Daniels in, Daniels drops Nick with a hard Irish whip into the corner. SCU exchange a bunch of tags while landing slingshot moves, Nick gets his knees up on a flying Sky and Taven tags into the match. O’Ryan tags into work with Taven and hit Nick with a Destruction Device for a near fall, Marseglia tags in and he double teams Nick with O’Ryan before getting a near fall. Taven tags in and Nick nails him with a face buster before taking out the rest of The Kingdom, SCU attacks Bullet Club to prevent a tag to Nick. Daniels hits the ring to nail Nick with an STO for a near fall, Taven hits the ring and he has a striking exchange with Daniels.

Taven and Daniels eventually drop each other with a double clothesline, Page tags in and he cleans house against everybody. Page knocks Daniels out of the ring before hitting Marseglia with a roaring elbow strike, Page also attacks The Kingdom with a dropsault. Page then hits Daniels with a power bomb for a near fall, Matt tags in and he attacks SCU with clotheslines. Matt then hits Daniels and Kazarian with a double clotheslines, Matt hits the ring and he takes out Daniels with a sliced bread before landing a suicide dive. The Bucks then lock Daniels and Kazarian in sharp shooters, The Kingdom hit the ring to break up the submissions. The majority of the competitors battle to the arena floor before a plethora of dives take place, Page finishes the dives off with a moonsault onto everybody.

Page tags into the match and he slams Daniels before The Bucks double team him, Page nails Daniels with a running shooting star press for a near fall. Marseglia tags in and he attacks a cornered Page before The Kingdom triple teams him, Sky hits the ring and he nails O’Ryan with a double stomp from out of nowhere. Kazarian then hits Page with an assisted tornado DDT, SCU then triple teams O’Ryan for a near fall as Taven takes everybody out. Nick tags in and he cleans house against everybody, Nick catches Sky and O’Ryan with running knee strikes. Everybody hits the ring from all the teams and they take each other out, Daniels hits Matt with the Angel’s Wings before eating a super kick. Everybody battles on the arena floor as Nick takes them out with a suicide dive, Bullet Club triple teams Sky before nailing him with a super Rite Of Passage.

Daniels argues with the referee on the arena floor and Nick accidentally penalty kicks the referee, everybody hits the ring again as they all take each other out. Daniels hitsPage with a Best Moonsault Ever for a near fall, another referee comes out and he gets taken out accidentally with an Arabian press by Daniels. O’Ryan hits Daniels with a title belt as Marseglia drags Kazarian under the ring, The Kingdom hit Daniels with a Rockstar Super Nova. Cody impersonates a referee and he fakes a count before attacking The Kingdom, Cody eventually hits Marseglia with the Cross Rhodes. Cody then takes out The Kingdom with a dive onto the arena floor, The Bucks hit Daniels with a Meltzer Driver and a real referee stops Cody from making the count. Taven clears the ring and pins Daniels for the three count.

Winners: The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia), still the ROH World 6 Man Tag Team Champions

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