
ROH Honor United: Edinburgh Results – 3 Title Matches & NWA Champion Nick Aldis Makes His ROH Debut

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for ROH Honor United Edinburgh. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) (c) def. Bullet Club (Cody & Adam Page) to retain the titles

ROH World TV Title Match
Silas Young def. Joe Hendry to retain the title

ROH World 6 Man Tag Team Title Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) def. Dalton Castle, Jay Lethal & Hiroshi Tanahashi) to retain the titles

Los Ingobernables (Evil & Sanada) def. SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels & Kazarian)

Shane Taylor def. Scorpio Sky

Punishment Martinez def. Kenny King

Kelly Klein & Chardonnay def. Sumie Sakai & Tenille Dashwood

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) def. Nick Aldis & Mark Haskins

The Boys def. Delirious & Toru Yano

– Christopher Daniels grabs the microphone before the match, saying the fans would love to see SoCal Uncensored in action. Daniels says Edinburgh is the worst town they have been in, Daniels offers Taylor some cash to forfeit the match against Sky. Taylor grabs the microphone and says there is a lot of money in the envelope, Taylor then says he lays down for nobody before promising to beat Sky up. Daniels and Kazarian go backstage before the match begins.

Shane Taylor vs. Scorpio Sky 

The match begins with Taylor shoving Sky across the ring, Sky catches Taylor in a headlock and Taylor breaks free before dropping Sky with a shoulder block. Sky recovers and nails a charging Taylor with a drop kick, Sky then corners Taylor before landing a few strikes. Sky taunts Taylor and Taylor drops him with a right, Taylor then hits a cornered Taylor with an avalanche before throwing him across the ring. Taylor drops a dazed Sky with a running boot to the face, Sky leaves the ring and Taylor finds him to throw him back in the ring. Sky misses a baseball slide drop kick before Taylor nails him with a knee strike, Taylor then hits Sky with a leg drop before missing a cannonball. Sky recovers to knock Taylor out of the ring with a knee strike, Sky followed that up by nailing Taylor with a suicide dive.

Sky gets Taylor back in the ring to get a two count on a pin attempt, Sky gets Taylor in the corner before choking him. Sky keeps Taylor in the corner while assaulting him with strikes, Taylor and Sky have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Taylor crushers Sky with a headbutt followed by a uranage, Sky gets up and Taylor drops him with a clothesline before landing a splash for a near fall. Sky catches a ducking Taylor with a double stomp to the back, Sky drops a dazed Taylor with a running knee strike for a near fall. Sky goes for the Big Fat Kill and Taylor blocks it before landing a knee strike, Taylor goes to the middle rope when Christopher Daniels returns to distract him. Taylor throws Sky into Daniels before landing the Straight From The 216 for the three count.

Winner: Shane Taylor

After the match, Frankie Kazarian grabs the microphone to insult the crowd before handing the microphone to Christopher Daniels. Daniels calls SoCal Uncensored the best team in the world and they demand Los Ingobernables come out now for their match, Los Ingobernables answers the request by coming out.

Los Ingobernables (Evil & Sanada) vs. SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)

The match begins with SCU jumping their opponents from behind before double teaming Evil, Evil fights back and takes both opponents out. Evil drops Kazarian with a shoulder tackle before tagging Sanada in, LIJ double team Kazarian for a near fall. Kazarian rakes the eyes of Sanada before tagging Daniels into the match, Daniels nails Sanada with a few strikes before applying a headlock. Sanada and Daniels take turns biting each others hands. Evil tags in and he also bites the hand of Daniels followed by some head biting, Kazarian tries interfering and Daniels winds up hitting him instead of Evil. Kazarian trips up Evil and Daniels lands a moonsault on his back, Kazarian tags in as he and Daniels nail Evil with slingshot moves.

Daniels stands on the hand of Evil as Kazarian distracts the referee, Evil fights back and Kazarian drops him with some kicks followed by a drop kick. Daniels tags in and he nails Evil with an inverted atomic drop, Kazarian drops Evil before Daniels applies the Koji Clutch to him. Sanada hits the ring and he breaks the submission move up, Kazarian tags in and he catches Evil with a few more strikes. Daniels tags back in before Evil knocks him out of the ring, Kazarian interferes and Evil drops him with a neck breaker. Daniels attacks Sanada on the arena floor to prevent a tag to Evil, Daniels returns to the ring and Evil shoves Kazarian into him. Evil drops Kazarian with a kick before tagging Sanada in, Sanada quickly cleans house against the opposing team.

Daniels tries applying the Paradise Lock to Sanada and cannot figure out how to do it, Sanada then catches Daniels in a rolling cradle for a near fall. Sanada then catches Daniels in the Paradise Lock before nailing him with a drop kick for a near fall, Sanada sets up for a TKO and Daniels breaks it all up. SCU nail Sanada with a blue thunder driver into a cutter for a near fall, Sanada escapes Celebrity Rehab to hit Kazarian with a knee strike. LIJ then throw Kazarian out of the ring before Daniels attacks them both, LIJ hits the Magic Killer on Daniels for a near fall. Kazarian gets back in the ring and Sanada knocks him back out before landing a dive, Evil hits Daniels with Everything Is Evil for the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Evil & Sanada)

Sumie Sakai & Tenille Dashwood vs. Kelly Klein & Chardonnay

The match begins with Sakai catching Chardonnay with a roll up, Chardonnay then catches Sakai in a headlock before dragging her down to the mat. Sakai gets free and she catches Chardonnay in a head scissors, Chardonnay gets free to get Sakai in the bow and arrow stretch. Sakai nails Chardonnay with a spinning fisherman buster suplex for a near fall, Klein and Dashwood get tagged in by their respective partners. Dashwood catches Klein with a forearm strike before landing a Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Klein fights back and she catches Dashwood with a forearm strike. Dashwood goes to ring ring apron to hit Klein with a kick followed by a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall, Sakai tags in and she works with Dashwood to hit Klein with a double suplex. Sakai then stomps away on a downed Klein, Chardonnay distracts Sakai and that allows Klein to land a clothesline for a near fall.

Klein traps Sakai in the ropes before twisting away on her head, Chardonnay tags in and Sakai attacks her with Mongolian chops. Chardonnay recovers and nails Sakai with a dragon screw leg whip, Chardonnay catches Sakai with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Klein tags in and she catches a cornered Sakai with some strikes, Klein traps the head of Sakai with landing a series of knee strikes for a near fall. Chardonnay tags in and she nails a cornered Sakai with some shoulder thrusts, Klein tags back in and she hits Sakai with some more strikes. Klein then drops Sakai with a boot to the upper body for a near fall, Klein gets Sakai on the top rope and she follows her up there. Sakai knocks Klein off the ropes before landing a missile drop kick, Dashwood tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team.

Dashwood traps Klein in the corner before applying the tarantula lock, Dashwood releases the hold before knocking Chardonnay off the ring apron. Dashwood nails Klein with a Taste Of Tenille for a near fall, Dashwood then hits Klein with a Spotlight for the near fall. Chardonnay hits the ring and she knocks Sakai out of the ring, Chardonnay then hits Dashwood with a flying knee strike so Klein can get the near fall. Chardonnay hands Klein the WOH Title before Sakai attacks Chardonnay, Sakai takes out Chardonnay with a dive. Klein tries hitting Dashwood with the title and Dashwood knocks it out of her hands, Dashwood argues with the referee and Klein rolls her up for the three count.

Winner: Kelly Klein & Chardonnay

Kenny King vs. Punishment Martinez

The match begins with Martinez working over King’s arm with a key lock, King gets free and he nails Martinez with a drop kick. King then sends Martinez out of the ring before attempting a dive, Martinez blocks the first dive and King catches him with the second one. King keeps the attack on Martinez by nailing him with a few strikes, King goes for a penalty kick from the ring apron and Martinez blocks it before throwing him into the guardrail a few times. Martinez gets Ring back in the ring and he nails King with several flying back elbow strikes, King fights back and Martinez catches him with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Martinez misses a flying back elbow strike and King nails him with a few strikes, King then catches Martinez with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Martinez recovers and he quickly drops an incoming King, Martinez holds King up before dropping him with a series of knee strikes. Martinez then applies the chin lock to a downed King, Martinez releases the hold before missing a springboard swanton. King gets up and he catches Martinez with a series of jabs, King then knocks Martinez out of the ring with a clothesline. Martinez goes to the ring apron and King knocks him to the arena floor with a capoeira kick, King then hits Martinez with a suicide dive. King gets Martinez back in the ring before landing a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Martinez fights back against King and King nails him with a Chin Checker followed by a spinning head kick for another near fall. King goes for a front face lock and Martinez rolls out of the ring, Martinez drags King out of the ring before suplexing him on the ring apron.

Martinez gets back in the ring before catching King with a suicide dive, Martinez gets King back in the ring before landing a psycho driver followed by a curb stomp for a near fall. King fights back and he has a striking exchange with Martinez, King eventually drops Martinez with an exploder suplex. King goes to the top rope and Martinez throws him to the ground when King jumped off, King goes for a roll up and Martinez stops the referees count before kicking out. Martinez catches King with the Rip Cord followed by South Of Heaven for the three count.

Winner: Punishment Martinez

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Nick Aldis & Mark Haskins

The match begins with Aldis catching Matt in a headlock, Aldis releases the hold before catching Matt with a shoulder tackle. Haskins tags in and Nick gets a tag in a short time later, Nick catches Haskins in a headlock before landing a springboard arm drag. Matt tags in and The Bucks nail Haskins with a series of double team moves, Aldis hits the ring and The Bucks knock him out of the ring. The Bucks then hit their opponents with stereo suicide dives, Matt chases Haskins around the ring before eating a clothesline from Aldis. Haskins waits for Matt to get back in the ring before tagging Aldis in, Aldis attacks Matt with a few strikes before landing a splash for a near fall. Haskins tags back in and he nails Matt with a knee strike before kicking him in the back, Haskins also curb stomps the arm of Matt before landing a series of knee drops for a near fall.

Haskins keeps Matt grounded by holding him in the body scissors, Matt gets to the ropes to break the hold and Aldis tags into the match. Aldis hits Matt with a suplex before Haskins catches him with a basement drop kick for a near fall, Haskins tags back in and he attacks the injured back of Matt. Aldis tags in and he drops a swinging Matt with a clothesline, Aldis traps Matt in the corner before landing a few strikes to his injured back. Matt fights back and Aldis catches him in a bear hug, Matt gets free and he catches Haskins with a drop kick. Matt looks for the tag again and Aldis prevents him from doing so, Matt recovers and he catches Aldis with a spear. Nick and Haskins get tagged in by their respective partners, Nick quickly cleans house against the opposing team. Nick drops Haskins before clobbering him with a knee strike, Nick then hits Haskins with a swanton bomb for a near fall.

Nick goes for a suicide dive and Aldis attacks him to prevent that from happening, Aldis looks for a dive and The Bucks stop that from happening. Haskins drops Nick after he tagged in before working over the injured arm, Aldis tags in and he nails Nick with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Matt tags in and he catches Aldis with a drop kick, Aldis knocks Matt in the ropes so Haskins can nail him with a knee strike. Nick interferes and that allows Matt to nail Aldis with a super kick, Haskins hits the ring and Matt nails him with a super kick. Haskins locks Nick in a sharp shooter and Matt does the same to Aldis, Haskins nails Matt with a few strikes before eating another super kick, Aldis gets back up and he eats another super kick. The Bucks set up for the Meltzer Driver and Haskins stops it from happening, Aldis and Haskins nail Matt with a Hurricane Meltzer for a near fall.

Haskins battles Nick on the arena floor while Aldis battles Matt in the ring, Aldis then hits Matt with a power bomb for the near fall. Aldis locks Matt in the Kingsman Cloverleaf and Nick breaks it up with a springboard face buster, Nick tags in and Haskins tags in a short time later. Haskins leaps off the top rope and The Bucks catch him, The Bucks hit Haskins with a Meltzer Driver for the three count.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

The Boys vs. Delirious & Toru Yano

The match begins with Delirious chasing one boy under the ring before chasing the other boy around the ring, the boy gets in the ring as Delirious tries grasping him. The other boy returns and he chases Delirious around the ring, The Boys work together and chase Delirious back into the ring. Yano hits the ring and he drags both opponents down by their hair, Delirious and Yano apply abdominal stretches to The Boys on the arena floor. Delirious gets a boy back in the ring before wrenching away on his arm, the other boy tags in and he nails Delirious with a springboard high cross body for a two count. Delirious catches the boy with a jaw breaker before tagging Yano into the match, the other boy tags in and he catches the arm of Yano with a top rope axe handle smash.

The Boys then attack Yano with some double team moves, Yano eventually sends The Boys out of the ring. Yano throws a boy into the ring post while Delirious attacks the other, Yano then throws a boy right into the barricade. Yano gets a boy back in the ring before tagging Delirious back into the match, Delirious drops the boy before getting a near fall. Delirious throws the boy into the boot of Yano before tagging Yano back into the match, Yano grabs a rope and he chokes the boy with it. Delirious tags back in and the boy bites his foot, Yano tags back in and he stomps away on a downed boy. Yano drags the boy to the ropes before choking him on the middle rope, Delirious tags in and he nails him with a front slam. The Boys switched their positions in the ring as Delirious was talking to Yano, the boy attacks both members of the opposing team.

The boy shoves Delirious into Yano before landing a sliced bread for the near fall, Delirious recovers and rakes the body of the boy a few times. Delirious then hits the boy with the 68 Special before tagging Yano in, Yano removes a turnbuckle pad before attacking The Boys with it. The Boys go after Yano and he shoves them into each other, Delirious tags in and he catches the boy with some clotheslines. The other boy comes back into the ring wearing a Delirious mask and he freaks Delirious out, the masked boy attacks Delirious with some clotheslines. Delirious runs into the exposed turnbuckle before eating a super code breaker for the three count.

Winners: The Boys

After the match, Bully Ray hits the ring and he destroys The Boys, Ray then takes some verbal shots at the fans. 

ROH World TV Title Match: Silas Young (c) vs. Joe Hendry

The match begins with Hendry backing Young into the corner before backing away, Hendry and Young take turns working over each others arms. Hendry gains control and he wrenches away on the arm of Young, Hendry catches Young with a fireman’s carry for a near fall. Young recovers and he takes Hendry down with a headlock before briefly getting caught in a head scissors, Young then cracks Hendry with a knee lift before getting knocked out of the ring with a shoulder tackle. Young recovers and drops Hendry neck first on the top rope, Hendry responds by nailing Young with some European uppercuts. Hendry goes to the ring apron and Young knocks him to the arena floor, Young goes out as well before throwing him into the guardrail. Young gets Hendry back in the ring before landing a slingshot double stomp, Young holds Hendry down by applying a front face lock.

Young releases the hold before nailing Hendry with shoulder thrusts in the corner, Young drops Hendry a short time later for a near fall. Young would then reapply the front face lock to a downed Hendry, Hendry fights back and Young nails him with another double stomp. Young again goes for the front face lock against a downed Hendry, Hendry gets up and Young applies the guillotine choke to him. Hendry powers himself free by catching Young with a suplex, Hendry then catches Young with some clotheslines and strikes. Hendry then drops Young with a neck breaker before catching him in a pinning combination for a near fall, Hendry then hits Young with a DDT fore a near fall. Hendry goes for the ankle lock and Young gets free to nail him with a knee strike, Young catches Hendry with a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall.

Hendry fights back against Young and Young nails him with a Finlay Roll, Hendry recovers and he reapplies the ankle lock to Young. Young rolls through and he sends Hendry into the corner, Hendry recovers and nails a charging Young with a modified fall away slam for a near fall. Young rolls out of the ring and Hendry follows him out there to land a few strikes, Hendry gets Young back in the ring. Young recovers and he kicks the middle rope into the balls of Hendry before rolling him up for a near fall, Hendry then catches Young with a roll up for a near fall. Young then hits Hendry with a Finlay Roll followed by the Milwaukee Plunge for the near fall, Hendry gets up and he has a striking exchange with Young. Hendry catches a swinging Young in an ankle lock and Young breaks it with a hair pull on Hendry, Young then pokes Hendry in the eyes before landing Misery for the three count.

Winner: Silas Young, still the ROH World TV Champion

ROH World 6 Man Tag Team Title Match: The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) (c) vs. Dalton Castle, Jay Lethal & Hiroshi Tanahashi)

The match begins with Taven messing with Lethal before tagging O’Ryan into the match, O’Ryan jaw jacks with the fans before tagging Marseglia into the match. Lethal drops Marseglia with a drop toe hold, Lethal then drops Marseglia with a hip toss before landing a drop kick. O’Ryan tags in and Tanahashi gets a tag as well, Tanahashi wrenches away on the arm of O’Ryan. Tanahashi also applies the headlock to O’Ryan, O’Ryan gets free and both competitors pull on the others hair. Tanahashi would then drop O’Ryan with a shoulder tackle before slamming him in the corner, Tanahashi goes to the middle rope and O’Ryan escapes to tag Taven in. Castle also tags in and he twists the nipples of Taven, Castle and Taven exchange a ton of clothesline attempts that do not land. Taven attacks the entire opposing team until a brawl breaks out between both teams that spills to the arena floor, Castle then hits Taven with a knee strike before tagging Lethal in.

Lethal catches a dazed Taven with a top rope axe handle smash for a near fall, Tanahashi tags in and he attacks Taven with strikes in the corner. Castle tags in and he attacks Taven with strikes in the corner as well, Lethal tags in and he traps Taven in the corner while landing some strikes. Lethal follows that up by catching Taven with a back body drop for a near fall, The Kingdom drag Lethal out of the ring and Taven takes him out a short time later. Taven gets Lethal back in the ring and he starts choking him, O’Ryan tags in and he also chokes a downed Lethal. Marseglia tags in and he double teams Lethal alongside O’Ryan, Marseglia attacks Lethal with a bunch of strikes before dropping him with a wrist lock European uppercut. Marseglia grabs a balloon and he pops it by the ear of Lethal, Lethal fights back and he eventually drops two of them on the arena floor.

Tanahashi tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Tanahashi nails Marseglia with a back elbow strike followed by a middle rope cross body block. Tanahashi then attacks the rest of The Kingdom with a dive on the arena floor, Tanahashi gets back in the ring to hit Marseglia with a Sling Blade for a near fall. O’Ryan hits the ring to double team Tanahashi alongside Marseglia for a near fall, Lethal tags in and he nails Marseglia with a Lethal Combination. Lethal catches Marseglia with Hail To The King for a near fall, Lethal then applies a figure four leg lock to Marseglia. Tanahashi hits the ring and he takes out an interfering O’Ryan, Tanahashi sets up for a High Fly Flow and taven knocks him to the arena floor, Taven then hits Lethal with a frog splash. Tanahashi returns and he hits O’Ryan with a swinging neck breaker, everybody from both teams hit the ring and attack each other until the referee goes down.

Evil hits the ring and he nails Castle with the ROH World Title belt, the remaining members of both teams have a huge striking exchange in the ring. Lethal knocks Taven out of the ring before taking him down with a suicide dive, O’Ryan and Marseglia then take out Tanahashi before Lethal returns. Lethal hits Marseglia with a cutter, Lethal sets up for his finisher and taven nails him with his cane. The Kingdom hit Lethal with a Rockstar Super Nova for the three count.

Winners: The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia), still the ROH World 6 Man Tag Team Champions

ROH World Tag Team Title Match: The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) (c) vs. Bullet Club (Cody & Adam Page) w/Brandi Rhodes

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Cody and Mark, Mark corners Cody before grinding away on his face. Cody gets angry and he attacks Mark with a few strikes, Jay tags in and Page gets a tag a few moments later. Page and Jay have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Page eventually drops a charging Jay with a clothesline, Mark tags in and Jay attacks a distracted Page from behind. Cody hits the ring and both teams brawl, the brawl spills to the arena floor before Page takes everybody out with a dive. Jay trips up Cody on the ring apron before the Briscoes double team Page in the ring, Mark then chokes Page on the bottom rope. Jay rips away at the face of Page while Mark distracted the referee, Mark stomps away on a downed Page before tagging Jay in.

Page fights back and Mark assaults him with a plethora of strikes, Page recovers and he drops Jay with a clothesline. Cody tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Cody catches a charging Mark with a power slam for a near fall. Cody then hits Mark with the wishbone before Jay drags him outside of the ring, Jay attacks a downed Cody with strikes before Mark lands an elbow drop from the ring apron. Cody grabs a cup of beer from a fan and he nails Jay with it, Mark gets Cody in the ring and he chokes him with a chain while the referee was distracted. Jay tags in and he chokes Cody on the middle rope, Jay holds Cody down while applying a chin lock. Cody fights back and Jay nails him with a drop kick for a near fall, Mark tags in and he stomps away on a downed Cody.

Mark then hits Cody with a suplex for another near fall, Jay tags back in and he catches Cody with some more strikes. Mark tags in again and he double teams Cody alongside Jay, Jay tags back in and Cody nails him with a Cross Rhodes from out of nowhere. Page tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Page then hits both members of The Briscoes with a dropsault for a near fall. Page knocks both opponents to the arena floor before taking them both down with a top rope moonsault, Page gets Mark back in the ring and he looks for the Rite Of Passage. Page transitions to a power bomb against Mark for a near fall, Cody hits the ring to nail an interfering jay with a springboard drop kick. Jay recovers to drag Cody out of the ring and throw him into the guardrail, Mark eventually catches Page with a springboard cutter for a near fall.

Jay tags in and he attacks Page with a plethora of strikes, Jay then drops Page with a neck breaker for a near fall. Jay goes for a Jay Driller and Page blocks it from happening, Mark distracts the referee so Jay can nail him with a low blow for the near fall. Cody hits the ring and he attacks both opponents with a ton of strikes, Cody distracts the referee so Brandi can spray hairspray into his eyes. Cody and Page double team Jay to get a near fall, Bullet Club sets up for something and Mark prevents it from happening. Mark nails Cody with a blockbuster on the arena floor, Jay and Page have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Jay eventually drops Page with a lariat, Page recovers and he hits Jay with a package tombstone pile driver for a near fall. Page goes to the top rope and Mark distracts him, Cody goes after Mark as Jay hits Page with a low blow. Jay then hits Page with a Jay Driller for the three count.

Winners: The Briscoes (Mark & Jay), still the ROH World Tag Team Champions

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