
NJPW G1 Climax 28 Day 18 Result: B Block Champion Is Crowned

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 28 Day 18. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block Winner: Kota Ibushi

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block
Zack Sabre Jr. def. Tetsuya Naito

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block
Kota Ibushi def. Kenny Omega

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block
Toru Yano def. Tama Tonga by DQ

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block
Tomohiro Ishii def. Sanada

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block
Juice Robinson def. Hirooki Goto

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna) def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Yoshi-Hashi & Gedo)

Los Ingobernables (Evil & Bushi) def. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & El Desparado)

Bullet Club (Marty Scurll, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) def. Chaos (Jay White, Sho & Yoh)

The Firing Squad (Bad Luck Fale & Tonga Loa) def. Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Chase Owens)

Michael Elgin & David Finlay def. Toa Henare & Shota Umino

Michael Elgin & David Finlay vs. Toa Henare & Shota Umino

The match begins with Elgin easily outpowering Umino, Henare tags in and he works alongside Umino to hit Elgin with a double shoulder tackle. Finlay hits the ring and Umino quickly drops him, Umino tags in and he nails Elgin with a few strikes before eating an overhead belly to belly suplex. Elgin nails Umino with a few chops before tagging Finlay into the match, Finlay nails Umino with a suplex for a near fall. Elgin tags back in and he attacks Umino with more chops, Umino recovers and he nails Elgin with a drop kick. Henare and Finlay get tagged in by their respective partner, Finlay and Henare have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Henare drops Finlay before landing a top rope shoulder tackle for a near fall, Umino tags in and he drops Finlay with a forearm strike.

Henare hits the ring to double team Finlay alongside Umino, Henare nails Finlay with a spear before Umino lands a missile drop kick. Umino applies the Boston crab to Finlay and Elgin eventually breaks it up, Elgin and Finlay would then double team Umino. Umino shocks Finlay with a few roll ups for a few near falls, Finlay hits Umino with a uranage back breaker followed by a stunner for the three count.

Winners: Michael Elgin & David Finlay

Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Chase Owens) vs. The Firing Squad (Bad Luck Fale & Tonga Loa)

The match begins with Owens and Page jumping their opponents during their entrance, Page fights Fale on the arena floor while Owens fights Loa in the ring. Page hits the ring to double team Loa alongside Owens, Owens stands over Loa while landing some strikes. Loa knocks Page out of the ring before eating more strikes from Owens, Page then hits Loa with a Buckshot Lariat for a near fall. Fale hits the ring to attack both of his competitors, Fale and Loa would then double team Owens before Loa lands a blue thunder power bomb for a near fall. Page then knocks Loa out of the ring with a super kick, Page follows that up with a suicide dive on an unsuspecting Fale.

Owens then hits Loa with a super kick before attempting a package pile driver, Loa escapes the attempt before nailing Owens with a clothesline and Ape Shit for the three count.

Winners: The Firing Squad (Bad Luck Fale & Tonga Loa)

Chaos (Jay White, Sho & Yoh) vs. Bullet Club (Marty Scurll, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

The match begins with Scurll doing some work on the arm of White, White responds by doing the same to Scurll. Sho tags in and he double teams Scurll alongside Yoh, the Bucks hit the ring before getting taken out by Sho and Yoh. Scurll fights back and he crushes Yoh with a forearm strike, Nick tags in and he lays waste to Roppongi 3K. Matt hits the ring to double team the opposition with Nick, Scurll tags in and he locks Sho in the Guerrero Special while holding Yoh in a Boston crab. White hits the ring to knock the Bucks out of the ring, Scurll looks for  brain buster on Yoh and Sho breaks it up. Sho and Yoh hit Scurll with a few knee strikes followed by a back stabber, the Bucks hit the ring to nail Roppongi 3K with super kicks.

White takes out both Bucks before Scurll nails him with a double stomp to the hands, Yoh prevents Scurll from snapping the fingers of White. Yoh accidentally hits White and an angry White leaves the ring, Scurll catches Yoh in the chicken wing while the Bucks get Sho in the Cease & Desist to force a tap out.

Winners: Bullet Club (Marty Scurll, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

Los Ingobernables (Evil & Bushi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & El Desparado)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between both teams and the action quickly spills to the arena floor, Suzuki battles Evil while Desparado battles Bushi. Suzuki throws Evil into the barricade while Desparado and Bushi take their battle into the ring, Suzuki attacks Evil with a steel chair. Desparado tries to remove the mask from the face of Bushi, Suzuki tags in and he attacks Bushi with a few strikes. Suzuki catches Bushi in a kimura until Evil breaks it up, Bushi recovers and nails a charging Suzuki with a drop kick to the knee. Bushi then hits Suzuki with a mule kick before tagging Evil in, Evil quickly cleans house against the opposing team. Evil nails an interfering Desparado with a side slam, Evil follows that up with a neck breaker and senton on Suzuki for a near fall.

Evil traps Suzuki in the corner while landing some strikes, Suzuki recovers and he attacks Evil with a striking combination. Suzuki and Evil have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Suzuki goes for the sleeper hold on Evil and Evil quickly escapes, Desparado tags in and he quickly knocks Bushi off the ring apron. Desparado and Suzuki would then double team Evil, Desparado catches Evil with a spear for a two count on a pin attempt. Suzuki goes for a pile driver and Bushi nails him with a missile drop kick, Evil destroys Desparado with a lariat as Bushi nails Suzuki with a suicide dive. Evil hits Desparado with Everything Is Evil for the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Evil & Bushi)

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna) vs. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Yoshi-Hashi & Gedo)

The match begins with Tanahashi and Okada doing some chain wrestling, Okada and Tanahashi both fail to land their finishers early in the match. Tanahashi nails Okada with a dragon screw leg whip, Homna tags in and he nails Okada with some strikes. Homna goes for a headbutt and Okada gets out of the way, Okada would then stomp away on a downed Homna. Okada goes for a rope assisted DDT and a brawl breaks out between both teams that spills all over the place, Okada drops Homna before landing a falling headbutt. Gedo tags in and he attacks in previously injured neck of Homna, Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he nails a cornered Homna with a running chop. Yoshi-Hashi applies a modified camel clutch to a downed Homna until Makabe breaks it up, Homna fights back and Yoshi-Hashi drops him with a single chop.

Homna fights back and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a suplex, Makabe tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Makabe traps Yoshi-Hashi in the corner while landing a series of strikes, Makabe nails Yoshi-Hashi with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he nails Makabe with a Western Lariat, Gedo tags in and he nails Makabe with a side kick to the face for a near fall. Makabe eventually drops a swinging Gedo with a clothesline, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Homna nails Gedo with a headbutt before Makabe lands the King Kong Knee Drop for the three count.

Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna)

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block: Tama Tonga vs. Toru Yano

The match begins with Yano catching Tonga with some roll ups for a few near falls, Tonga fights back and he nails Yano with a few strikes. Yano tries removing the turnbuckle pad and Tonga attacks him, Yano sends a charging Tonga into the exposed corner. Tonga recovers and throws Yano into the exposed corner, Tonga then nails Yano with a series of headbutts. Tonga throws Yano out of the ring and he follows him out there, Tonga would then throw Yano into the barricade. Yano gets back in the ring and Tonga throws him right back out, Tonga lands a few strikes on the arena floor. Tonga gets Yano back in the ring before assaulting him with more strikes, Yano fights back to nail Tonga with a belly to belly suplex.

Yano then hits Tonga with a shoulder tackle from behind, Tonga Loa and Bad Luck Fale start making their way to the ring. The distraction allows Tonga to choke Yano until the referee tries separating them, the referee gets taken out and another referee comes in. Tonga quickly hits the next referee with a Gun Stun as another referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Toru Yano, by DQ

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block: Juice Robinson vs. Hirooki Goto

Round One: The round begins with Robinson removing the cast from his injured left hand, Goto gets Robinson in a headlock before dropping him with a shoulder tackle. Robinson is sent to the ring apron before Goto gets him in a sleeper hold, Robinson gets free and he drops Goto arm first on the top rope. Robinson gets back in the ring and he nails a cornered Goto with a running clothesline followed by a cannonball, Robinson holds Goto down while wrenching away on his arm. Robinson releases the hold before nailing Goto with some lefts, Goto fights back and Robinson nails him with some chops. Goto recovers and he drops Robinson with a mid kick to the midsection, Goto then attacks Robinson with a series of kicks.

Goto traps Robinson in the corner before landing a spin kick followed by a Saito suplex for a near fall, Robinson recovers and he nails Goto with some of his patented jabs. Robinson then nails a charging Goto with a spine buster, Robinson goes to the top rope and he nails Goto with a cross body block for a near fall. Goto recovers and he tries taking Robinson out with a lariat, Goto follows that up by nailing Robinson with a modified back breaker. Robinson recovers quickly and he nails Goto with the Juice Box, the competitors counter each other a few times until Goto nails Robinson with a headbutt. Goto then hits Robinson with a reverse GTR from out of nowhere, Goto gets Robinson in a sleeper hold and Robinson escapes before failing at a Pulp Friction attempt.

Robinson drops Goto with a Left Hand Of God before landing Pulp Friction for the three count.

Winner: Juice Robinson

(Note: My electricity went out before the match began, live coverage resumes for this match at about the halfway mark.)

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block: Tomohiro Ishii vs. Sanada

The match is joined in progress with Sanada nailing Ishii with a sliding clothesline, Sanada goes for Skull End and winds up hitting Ishii with a rope assisted spinning neck breaker. Sanada then hits Ishii with a TKO for a near fall, Sanada goes for Skull End again and Ishii breaks free by landing a few strikes. Ishii then hits a swinging Sanada with a Saito suplex, Sanada gets up and Ishii nails him with a headbutt followed by a lariat. Ishii crushes Sanada with a power bomb followed by a sliding lariat for a near fall, Ishii goes for a brain buster and Sanada escapes before applying the Skull End. Ishii escapes the Skull End and Sanada nails him with a clothesline, Sanada applies Skull End again and he releases the hold to fail at a moonsault attempt.

Ishii crushes the knee of Sanada with a chop block, Sanada and Ishii have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Sanada catches Ishii with a tiger suplex for a near fall, Sanada goes for another moonsault and Ishii gets out of the way before landing a shining wizard. Ishii and Sanada go through a series of reversals and striking exchanges until Ishii drills Sanada with a pair of lariats for a near fall, Ishii nails Sanada with a brain buster for the three count.

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block: Tetsuya Naito vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match begins with Sabre Jr attacking Naito and throwing him out of the ring, Naito quickly gets back in the ring and Sabre Jr gets angry. Sabre Jr gets back in the ring and he gets a taunting Naito in an arm bar, Naito quickly gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Naito takes a breather and Sabre Jr gets him in a headlock as he gets back in the ring, Naito gets free and he drops Sabre Jr with a few arm drags. Naito holds Sabre Jr down while wrenching away on his arm, Sabre Jr gets free and he applies a variety of submission holds on Naito. Sabre Jr drops Naito before nailing him with a neck twist, Sabre Jr also applies the kravat to a downed Naito.

Naito goes for a combination in the corner and Sabre Jr sends him to the arena floor, Sabre Jr waits for Naito to get back into the ring before applying a kravat again. Naito gets free and Sabre Jr just stands on his head, Naito gets angry and he attacks Sabre Jr with some chops. Naito drops Sabre Jr with an inverted back breaker before landing a basement drop kick, Naito then hits Sabre Jr with a hurricarana before landing a slingshot drop kick in the corner. Sabre Jr fights back and Naito nails him with a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall, Naito goes for a rolling kick and Sabre Jr counters by applying the STF. Sabre Jr kicks away at Naito as he tries standing up, Naito recovers and he nails Sabre Jr with a tornado DDT.

Naito goes for Gloria and Sabre Jr counters by applying a triangle choke, Sabre Jr releases the hold and Naito eventually nails him with a reverse DDT. Naito then hits Sabre Jr with Gloria for a near fall, Naito then hits a dazed Sabre Jr with a rolling front kick. Sabre Jr recovers and he catches Naito in the octopus stretch, Naito eventually makes it to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Naito gets to a seated position and Sabre Jr nails him with a few penalty kicks, Sabre Jr catches Naito in a European clutch for a near fall. Naito nails Sabre Jr with Destino from out of nowhere, Naito goes for another Destino and Sabre Jr counters with a Zack Driver for the three count.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.

NJPW G1 Climax 28 B Block: Kenny Omega vs. Kota Ibushi

The match begins with some chain wrestling between both competitors, Omega drops Ibushi with a shoulder tackle and Ibushi gets right back up. Ibushi nails Omega with a drop kick and Omega rolls to the arena floor, Omega gets back to the ring and he attacks Ibushi. Ibushi uses a kick to send Omega out of the ring, Ibushi goes for a dive and Omega gets out of the way. Omega knocks Ibushi into the barricade before slamming him on the ringside edge, Omega gets Ibushi in the ring before landing a Kitaro Crusher for a near fall. Ibushi gets to his knees and Omega clobbers him with a drop kick, Ibushi recovers and he drops Omega before landing some kicks to the back. Ibushi goes for a standing moonsault and Omega gets his knees up, Omega lands a Finlay Roll and Ibushi gets his knees up during the moonsault attempt.

Ibushi and Omega exchange hurricaranas until Omega is knocked to the arena floor, Ibushi goes for the Golden Triangle and Omega drags him to the ring apron. Omega goes for the One Winged Angel and Ibushi escapes into the ring, Omega gets Ibushi back to the ring apron before landing a package tombstone pile driver. Omega gets Ibushi back in the ring before landing a modified back breaker for a near fall, Omega nails Ibushi with a chop followed by a V Trigger to the back of the head. Omega goes for a One Winged Angel and he winds up landing a German suplex for a near fall, Omega knocks Ibushi out of the ring before taking him out with a suicide dive. Omega gets back in the ring and he goes to the top rope, Ibushi gets back in the ring and he nails Omega with an overhead kick.

Ibushi looks for a super pile driver and Omega knocks him to the ring apron, Ibushi nails Omega with a super hurricarana for a near fall. Omega rolls out of the ring and Ibushi nails him with a Golden Triangle, Omega looks for the One Winged Angel and Ibushi escapes to landing a double knee strike for a near fall. Ibushi and Omega go through a series of reversals until Omega drops Ibushi with a spinning wheel kick, Omega then hits a cornered Ibushi with a V Trigger. Omega gets Ibushi on the top rope and he follows him up there, Omega goes for a super dragon suplex and Ibushi lands on his feet. Omega nails Ibushi with a V Trigger before eating multiple snap dragon suplexes, Ibushi then drops Omega with a lariat.

Ibushi nails Omega with a Last Ride power bomb for a near fall, Ibushi nails Omega with a Komagoye for a near fall. Omega tries fighting back and Ibushi stomps away on him, Ibushi and Omega have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Omega eventually drops Ibushi for a few moments with another V Trigger, Ibushi nails Omega with a multiple strike combo before eating another V Trigger. Ibushi recovers and nails a charging Omega with a head kick, Ibushi goes for a phoenix splash and Omega gets out of the way. Omega crushes Ibushi with a V Trigger followed by a Jay Driller for a near fall, Omega nails Ibushi with another V Trigger. Omega goes for another One Winged Angel and Omega just drops him on his head instead for a near fall, Omega nails Ibushi with another V Trigger.

Omega gets Ibushi on his shoulders before climbing to the middle rope, Ibushi fights back and he eventually nails Ibushi with a double stomp to the back of the head. Omega remains on the top rope and Ibushi goes back up there, Ibushi nails Omega with a super tiger driver for a near fall. Ibushi nails Omega with a second Komagoye for the three count.

Winner: Kota Ibushi

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