
Mae Young Classic 2018 Episode 7 Results: The Final 4 Is Set, Plus Tegan Nox Suffers An Injury

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for the Mae Young Classic 2018 Episode 7. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Mae Young Classic 2018 Quarterfinal Round Match
Meiko Satomura vs. Lacey Lane

The match begins with Satomura backing Lane into the ropes before taking a few swings at her, Satomura then catches Lane in a headlock. Satomura drops Lane with a shoulder tackle before having a striking exchange, Satomura drops Lane with a kick before landing a roundhouse kick to the head. Lane trips up Satomura before kicking her in the face for a near fall, Lane trips up Satomura again before landing a thrust kick to the head for another near fall. Satomura fights back and kicks a charging Lane in the head, Satomura catches Lane in an arm bar and Lane eventually gets to the ropes. Satomura keeps Lane near the ropes while attacking her with kicks, Satomura nails Lane with a suplex  after that.

Lane fights back and she nails Satomura with a series of strikes, Lane then hits a cornered Satomura with a running knee strike. Lane takes Satomura down with a cross body block for a near fall, Satomura recovers and nails Lane with a head kick followed by a death valley driver for a three count.

Winner: Meiko Satomura

Mae Young Classic 2018 Quarterfinal Round Match
Io Shirai vs. Deonna Purrazzo

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Shirai and Purrazzo, Purrazzo catches Shirai in a headlock before landing a shoulder tackle. Purrazzo goes for a hurricarana and Shirai lands on her feet, Shirai then knocks Purrazzo out of the ring with a drop kick. Shirai then hits Purrazzo with a suicide dive, Shirai gets Purrazzo back in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt. Shirai keeps Purrazzo down before landing a handstand double knee strike for a near fall, Shirai misses a double stomp and Purrazzo exchanges roll ups with her for a few near falls. Shirai recovers and she rolls through a Purrazzo roll up to land a double stomp, Shirai traps Purrazzo in the corner while landing a few strikes. Purrazzo fights back and she lands a hip toss followed by a basement drop kick, Purrazzo follows that up by landing a running knee strike followed by a Russian leg sweep.

Purrazzo locks in the Fujiwara Arm bar and Shirai gets free with a roll up attempt, Shirai then locks Purrazzo in a cross face and Purrazzo rolls her up to escape. Shirai then hits Purrazzo with an uppercut palm strike, Shirai follows up by nailing Purrazzo with a 619 followed by a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Shirai sets up for the moonsault and Purrazzo knocks her off the ropes, Purrazzo then hits Shirai with a series of German suplexes for a near fall. Purrazzo reapplies the Fujiwara Arm Bar, Shirai escapes and she locks Purrazzo in another cross face before nailing her with a knee strike. Shirai then hits a cornered Purrazzo with a meteora followed by a moonsault for the three count.

Winner: Io Shirai

Mae Young Classic 2018 Quarterfinal Round Match
Tegan Nox vs. Rhea Ripley

The match begins with Nox immediately sending Ripley out of the ring with a drop kick, Nox then takes out Ripley with a suicide dive. Nox gets Ripley in the ring while appearing to have suffered a knee injury, Nox gets back in the ring and Ripley slams her for a near fall. The medical staff hits the ring to check on Nox and they let her continue, Ripley immediately drops Nox and nails her with follow up strikes. Ripley then chokes Nox on the middle rope, Ripley traps Nox in the corner while landing a series of strikes. Nox fights back and Ripley nails her with a drop kick, the referee immediately calls for the bell as Nox is too injured to continue.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

Mae Young Classic 2018 Quarterfinal Round Match
Mia Yim vs. Toni Storm

The match begins with Yim nailing Storm with a knee strike before landing a few more shots, Yim picks Storm up and kicks away at her. Storm fights back and she drops Yim with a kick to the face, Storm corners Yim before landing a running knee strike for a near fall. Storm then nails Yim with a striking combination before landing a supelx for a near fall, Storm starts focusing her attack on the injured hand of Yim. Storm picks up Yim to hit her with a few European uppercuts, Yim recovers and kicks at the arm of Storm. Yim traps Storm in the corner while stomping away at her, Yim holds Storm down while applying a chin lock. Storm gets free and Yim shoves her to the mat below, Yim keeps Storm down while applying the crossbow stretch.

Storm gets free and Yim immediately nails her with a drop kick for a near fall, Yim holds Storm down while applying a front face lock. Yim transitions into a guillotine choke against Storm, Storm powers her way to her feet before nailing Yim with a spine buster. Yim trips up Storm before reapplying the chin lock, Yim releases the hold to kick away at Storm for a near fall. Yim nails Storm with a combination that ends with an overhead kick for a near fall, Storm fights back and both go down after Storm delivers a headbutt. Storm and Yim have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Storm then drops Yim with a release German suplex. Storm then hits Yim with a running butt smash, Storm looks for a Storm Zero and Yim counters with a side German suplex for a near fall.

Yim follows that up with a power bomb for another near fall, Yim goes for Sole Food and Storm gets free before attacking her injured hard. Storm hits Yim with a German suplex followed by Storm Zero for the three count.

Winner: Toni Storm

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