
Impact Wrestling “Unbreakable” Results: Callihan vs. Blanchard II, 3 Title Matches & Scott Steiner In Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Impact Wrestling Unbreakable. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Impact World Championship #1 Contenders Match
Sami Callihan def. Tessa Blanchard

Rhino def. Moose

Scott Steiner, Petey Williams & Jordynne Grace def. Ryan Taylor, Dick Meyer & Gentleman Jervis

Impact Wrestling Knockouts Championship
Havok def. Taya Valkyrie (c) by count out

Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championship
The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) def. Willie Mack & Rich Swann and Reno Scum (Luster The Legend & Adam Thornstowe) to retain the titles

Michael Elgin def. Eddie Edwards

Impact Wrestling X Division Championship
Jake Crist def. Trey, Danny Limelight, Ace Austin & Adrian Quest to retain the title

PPRay (Peter Avalon & Ray Rosas) def. Double Platinum (Chris Bey & Watts)

Madison Rayne def. Ayoka Muhara

PPRay (Peter Avalon & Ray Rosas) vs. Double Platinum (Chris Bey & Watts)

The match begins with Rosas tripping up Bey before getting taken down with a head scissors takedown, Avalon tags in and he double teams Bey with Avalon. Watts hits the ring and he gets taken out with a double drop kick, Avalon drops Bey with a back suplex. Avalon corners Bey before landing a few strikes, Watts interferes and he nails Avalon with a clothesline. Bey traps Avalon in the corner to land a few strikes, Bey then nails a cornered Avalon with a clothesline followed by a head kick for a near fall. Avalon fights back and Bey quickly pokes him in the eyes, Watts tags in and he cracks Avalon with a few strikes. Watts picks up Avalon and tosses him across the ring, Watts traps Avalon in the corner while landing more strikes. Watts follows that up with a fallaway slam before tagging Bey in, Bey and Watts then double team Avalon. Bey nails a downed Avalon with a standing moonsault for a near fall, Avalon fights back and he nails Bey with a missile drop kick. 

Rosas tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Rosas nails Bey with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Bey sends Rosas into the corner before landing a springboard fame asser for a near fall, Watts tags in and Rosas nails him with a jaw breaker. Watts recovers and he hits Rosas with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Bey interferes and Avalon takes him out with a super kick. Watts goes for a double choke slam and PPRay nails him with an assisted death valley driver for a three count.

Winners: PPRay (Peter Avalon & Ray Rosas)

– Sami Callihan cuts a promo talking about his rematch tonight with Tessa Blanchard when Jake Crist interrupts him, Callihan blames Jake for Dave Crist and Fulton for not being here tonight.

Impact Wrestling X Division Championship
Jake Crist (c) vs. Trey vs. Danny Limelight vs. Ace Austin vs. Adrian Quest

The match begins with Trey taking out three of the competitors with a springboard dive, Trey then takes out Crist with an enzaguri. Crist prevents a Trey suicide dive before landing one of his own, Quest then takes out Crist with a suicide dive. Limelight follows suit and takes people out with a dive of his own, Trey winds up in the crowd after landing his dive. Trey gets Limelight in the ring and they exchange hurricarana attempts, Trey then drops Limelight with a thrust kick. Quest catches Trey with a few roll ups for a few near falls, Quest then takes out Trey with a springboard press. Austin hits the ring and he snaps the fingers of Quest, Austin then nails Quest with a springboard head kick. Crist gets back in the ring to nail Austin with a neck breaker, Crist follows that up with a power slam on Austin into the corner for a near fall. Austin fights back and he puts Crist on the top rope before hanging him in the corner, Limelight comes in the ring and Austin takes him out. 

Crist recovers and takes multiple competitors out with a tower of doom, Quest nails Trey with a phoenix splash for a near fall. Crist and Trey take out Austin with super kicks and a neck breaker, Crist sets up Quest for an ankle lock before eating a super kick from Limelight. Quest then hits Limelight with a drop kick before eating a knee strike, Limelight then hits Quest with a one man spanish fly. Austin nails Limelight with a knee strike and spinning neck breaker for a near fall, Trey returns and he gets Austin in a dragon sleeper after landing a reverse suplex. Crist breaks the submission up after nailing Trey with a few super kicks, Crist then gets Trey in a modified stimp puller until Austin breaks it up. Everybody takes turns leaping off the top rope to take each other out, Crist eventually nails Trey with a death valley driver for a near fall. Limelight then hits Crist with a super tornado DDT, Crist recovers and he nails a leaping Limelight with a cutter for a three count.

Winner: Jake Crist, still your Impact Wrestling X Division Champion

Madison Rayne vs. Ayoka Muhara

The match begins with Muhara backing Rayne into the corner before letting her go free, Rayne gets Muhara in a headlock and Muhara gets free to drop her with a shoulder block. Muhara confuses Rayne and makes her run around in the ring uninterrupted, Muhara trips up a charging Rayne before rolling her up for a few near falls. Muhara then nails a cornered Rayne with a running clothesline, Rayne avoids another clothesline to smash Muhara face first into the top turnbuckle. Rayne nails Muhara with a double forearm smash for a near fall, Rayne then applies a chin lock to Muhara. Rayne controls the head of Muhara before landing a few knee strikes, Rayne then hits a seated Muhara with a sliding elbow drop for a near fall. Rayne reapplies the chin lock to a downed Muhara, Muhara gets free and she drops Rayne with a clothesline followed by a drop kick. Muhara then nails Rayne with a slam and a back suplex for a near fall, Muhara sets up for a power slam and Rayne gets free to land Cross Rayne for a three count.

Winner: Madison Rayne

– Jimmy Jacobs interviews Taya Valkyrie, who is angry that she has to face Havok again after winning the Monsters Ball at Impact Slammiversary.

Michael Elgin vs. Eddie Edwards

The match begins with Elgin backing Edwards into the ropes before a shoving contest ensues, Edwards and Elgins then have a few exchanges that see neither get the advantage. Edwards tries dropping Elgin with a shoulder tackle and he eventually attacks him with chops, Elgin runs through a chop to drop Edwards with a shoulder tackle. Elgin traps Edwards in the corner while landing some chops, Edwards recovers and he takes Elgin down with a hurricarana. Edwards uses a running clothesline to knock Elgin out of the ring, Elgin gets back in the ring and he propels Edwards to the ring apron. Edwards looks to suplex Elgin out of the ring and he eventually gets him out of the ring, Edwards misses a dive and Elgin drops him on the arena floor. Edwards gets back in the ring and he takes Elgin out with a dive, Edwards picks up Elgin and he attacks him with chops before getting him in the ring.

Edwards looks for a sunset flip and Elgin picks him up to land a falcon arrow for a near fall, Elgin follows that up by dropping Edwards with a back elbow strike. Elgin then hits Edwards with a suplex for a near fall, Elgin traps Edwards in the corner while landing some strikes. Edwards fights back by kicking a charging Elgin in the face, Edwards looks for a suplex and Elgin winds up nailing him with a clothesline. Edwards fights back and he finally nails Elgin with a suplex, Elgin goes to the top rope and Edwards follows him up there to land an enzaguri followed by a hurricarana. Edwards then hits Elgin with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall, Edwards looks for a tiger driver and Elgin trips him up before landing a sliding forearm strike. Elgin eventually hits Edwards with a straight jacket German suplex for a near fall, Elgin then hits Edwards with multiple running clotheslines in the corner. Edwards fights back and Elgin nails him with an enzaguri, Elgin cracks Edwards with some forearm strikes.

Elgin traps Edwards in the corner again while landing multiple clothesline smashes, Edwards recovers and he nails Elgin with a ton of chops. Edwards and Elgin have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Edwards goes for a roll up and he gets a near fall on Elgin. Edwards nails Elgin with a back suplex into a face buster, Elgin recovers and he levels Edwards with a lariat. Elgin goes for another lariat and Edwards drops him with one of his own, Edwards nails Elgin with a tiger driver for a near fall. Elgin fights back to hit Edwards with a spinning back fist and lariat for a near fall, Elgin then hits Edwards with another spinning back fist and an Elgin Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Michael Elgin

– Rhino says he came back to Impact Wrestling to kick the crap out of people, Rhino says that Moose put a target on his back. 

– Scott Steiner gets a microphone before the next match, Steiner says that the only thing that matters to him is having some freaks in the hotel with him after tonights event. Steiner tells everybody to do some Steiner Math, Steiner then talks about having Petey Williams and Jordynne Grace as partners tonight. 

Scott Steiner, Petey Williams & Jordynne Grace vs. Ryan Taylor, Dick Meyer & Gentleman Jervis

The match begins with Taylor backing Williams into the corner before landing an elbow strike, Taylor then drops Williams with a shoulder tackle. Taylor also exchanges roll ups with Williams for a few near falls, Williams recovers and drops Taylor with a hurricarana followed by a drop kick to the back for a near fall. Taylor recovers and goes to the top rope, Williams crotches Taylor before hanging him upside down and standing on his balls. Grace tags in and Jervis gets the tag as well, Jervis goes for a handshake and Grace crushes his hand. Grace takes Jervis down with a hip toss, Jervis offers Grace a flower and she takes it before nailing him with a choke slam. Steiner tags in and Meyer gets  atag a few moments later, Steiner powers Meyer into the corner before landing a few strikes. Steiner then hits Meyer with an exploder suplex before stomping away on him, Steiner then drills Meyer with a Steiner Line. Williams tags in and he nails Meyer with an elbow drop before doing some push ups, Meyer’s partners interfere and help him as Taylor nails Williams with a kick to the head. 

Taylor tags in and he nails Williams with a back suplex, Taylor holds Williams in the air while wrenching away on his arm. Meyer tags in and he nails Williams with a thrust kick to the midsection, Jervis tags in and he tickles Williams. Jervis fails to hurt Williams with chops and Jervis still drops him with a head scissors takedown followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Taylor tags in and he applies a modified abdominal stretch to Williams. Meyer tags in and he drops Williams with a knee strike, Meyer goes to the top rope before missing a diving headbutt. Steiner tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Steiner nails his opponents with multiple belly to belly suplexes. Steiner hits Taylor with a spinning belly to belly suplex for a near fall, Williams returns to hit Jervis with a power bomb and Meter prevents a Canadian Destroyer. Grace knocks Meter out of the ring before taking him out with a suicide dive, Taylor then hits Gracie with a scissors kick as she was getting back in the ring.

Taylor goes to the top rope and Steiner attacks him with a few strikes, Steiner then drops Jervis and Meyer with Steiner Lines. Williams hits Jervis with a Canadian Destroyer while Grace hits Meyer with a Grace Driver, Steiner hits Taylor with a top rope hurricarana. Steiner and team lock their foes in Steiner Recliners for a triple tap out.

Winners: Scott Steiner, Petey Williams & Jordynne Grace

– Willie Mack & Rich Swann are playing video games backstage when Reno Scum arrives to confront them.

Impact Wrestling Knockouts Championship
Taya Valkyrie (c) w/John E. Bravo vs. Havok

The match begins with Havok yelling at Valkyrie before shoving her to the mat below, Valkyrie quickly exits the ring as Bravo distracts Havok. Valkyrie then jumps Havok from behind and Havok quickly drops her with a forearm strike, Havok traps Valkyrie in the corner while landing a ton of strikes. Havok then grabs Valkyrie and tosses her across the ring a few times, Havok follows that up by nailing a cornered Valkyrie with a face wash. Bravo grabs Havok’s leg and that allows Valkyrie to get the upper hand, Valkyrie traps the leg of Havok in the ropes while kicking away at it. Valkyrie holds Havok down while landing a leg drop to the injured leg, Valkyrie traps both of Havok’s legs while pulling back on them. Valkyrie transitions to an ankle lock on the injured leg of Havok, Havok fights back and she kicks Valkyrie away from her. Valkyrie recovers and she nails Havok with a leg sweep, Valkyrie grabs the injured knee of Havok and she smashes it on the mat below.

Valkyrie keeps the pressure on Havok by applying a single leg crab, Valkyrie releases the hold to kick Havok in the injured leg. Havok fights back and Valkyrie drills her with a knee strike for a near fall, Valkyrie misses a charge in the corner and Havok nails her with a back breaker. Havok then hits a cornered Valkyrie with multiple face washes, Havok then hits Valkyrie with a leg drop for a near fall. Valkyrie gets to a seated position and Havok kicks her in the back a few times, Havok misses a charge and Valkyrie kicks away at her injured leg. Valkyrie goes for Road To Vahala and Havok gets free, Havok gets Valkyrie up and Bravo gets Valkyrie free and outside of the ring. Havok grabs Bravo and she gets him in the ring to land a choke slam, Valkyrie returns and rolls up Havok for a near fall. Havok looks for a choke slam and Valkyrie rakes her eyes before rolling out of the ring, Valkyrie purposely gets counted out to end the match.

Winner: Havok, by count out (Taya Valkyrie retains the title)

– Jimmy Jacobs interviews Moose, who calls Rhino just another former Impact wrestler looking to a return to glory, Moose says he is the face of Impact Wrestling.

Rhino vs. Moose

The match begins with a shoving contest between Rhino and Moose, Rhino and Moose exchange shoulder tackles until Moose goes down a few times. Moose rolls out of the ring and Rhino follows him out there to land some strikes, Moose fights back and he kicks Rhino in the face before landing strikes of his own. Rhino gets Moose back in the ring and Moose rakes his eyes, Moose traps Rhino in the ropes while landing some strikes. Rhino nails a charging Moose with a back body drop over the ropes and onto the entrance ramp, Rhino follows Moose out of the ring and he throws him back in it. Moose recovers and he low blows Rhino as he gets back in the ring, Moose stands over Rhino while landing a plethora of strikes. Moose keeps Rhino trapped under the ropes while choking him with his foot, Moose looks for a suplex and Rhino blocks it before eating more strikes. Rhino recovers and he nails Moose with a suplex followed by a spine buster, Rhino then hits Moose with a corner spear.

Rhino goes to the middle rope and he leaps off to hit Moose with a shoulder tackle for a near fall, Rhino misses the Gore and Moose nails him with a series of drop kicks for a near fall. Rhino and Moose have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Moose pokes Rhino in the eyes before eating a clothesline. Rhino then hits Moose with a TKO for a near fall, Rhino goes for the Gore and Moose kicks him in the face. Moose then gets the referee in the way of a charging Rhino, Moose nails Rhino with a low blow and No Jack Hammer Needed for a near fall. Moose rolls out of the ring and he gets a steel chair to bring in, Moose attacks Rhino with some chair shots. Rhino avoids a chair shot to hit Moose with the Gore for a three count.

Winner: Rhino

– The North are interviewed backstage, Ethan Page is made they are being bothered right before their match, Josh Alexander says they want to fight the best teams possible. 

Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championship
The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) (c) vs. Willie Mack & Rich Swann vs. Reno Scum (Luster The Legend & Adam Thornstowe)

The match begins with Alexander nailing Luster with a few strikes after getting backed into the corner, Luster recovers to drop Alexander and land an elbow drop. Alexander grabs Luster and tags Page into the match, Page attacks a trapped Luster with some strikes. Luster eventually drops both members of The North before tagging Thornstowe in, Thornstowe nails Page with a knee drop for a near fall. Luster tags back in and he nails a cornered Page with more strikes, Reno Scum then take Page to Pity City. Thornstowe tag in and he hits Page with a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall, Swann tags in and he takes Thornstowe down with a hurricarana followed by a drop kick. Mack tags in and he double teams Thornstowe with Swann for a near fall, Luster tags in and Mack takes him down with a Thesz Press followed by some strikes. Wann tags in and he leaps off the top rope before getting caught by Luster, Thornstowe tags in and Luster drops Swann so he can land a splash. 

Page tags in and he nails Swann with a back body drop, Page then propels Swann into the corner before tagging Alexander in. Alexander keeps Swann trapped in the corner while landing some strikes, Swann fights back and Alexander nails him with a head and arm suplex for a near fall. Page tags back in and he nails Swann with a spinning back breaker for a near fall, Alexander tags back in and he nails a trapped Swann with a bunch of strikes. Swann fights back again and Alexander nails him with a Finlay Roll, Alexander then hits Swann with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Page tags in and Swann uses a hurricarana to send Page off the top rope on Alexander, Mack tags in and he cleans house against the opposing teams. Mack then hits The North with clotheslines and a cannonball, Mack goes for a standing moonsault and Page gets out of the ring. Thornstowe tags in and Reno Scum takes out both teams, Mack eventually nails Thornstowe with a pounce. 

Luster hits the ring and Swann nails him with a handspring cutter, Swann and Mack nail Thornstowe with an elevated rolling neck breaker for a near fall. The North drop Swann in the ring before taking Mack out on the arena floor, Luster hangs up Mack in the corner before lawn darting Swann into him, Alexander tags in ans Reno Scum hit Swann with a death valley driver. Page hits the ring and he takes Luster out of it, The North hit Thornstowe with an assisted spine buster for a three count.

Winners: The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander), still the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions

– Jimmy Jacobs interviews Tessa Blanchard, who says she had a plan to become the greatest Knockout of all time, but now her goal is about so much more.

Impact World Championship #1 Contenders Match
Sami Callihan vs. Tessa Blanchard

The match begins with Blanchard attacking a swinging Callihan with strikes of her own, Callihan drives Blanchard into the corner. Blanchard recovers and she hits Callihan with a cutter from out of nowhere, Blanchard gets placed on the stage by Callihan and she leaps back in the ring to nail him with a spear. Blanchard knocks Callihan to the ring apron after landing another cutter, Blanchard uses a springboard drop kick to knock Callihan to the arena floor. Blanchard then takes out Callihan with a suicide dive, Blanchard goes for a hurricarana and Callihan catches her before throwing her into the barricade a few times. Callihan then throws Blanchard knee first into the barricade, Callihan then stomps away on the injured leg of Blanchard. Blanchard makes it back into the ring and Callihan smashes the injured leg into the ring post a few times, Callihan then slams her leg first into the bottom rope. Callihan attacks the injured knee with strikes before applying an STF, Blanchard eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission. 

Callihan traps the injured leg of Blanchard in the ropes while landing butt drops on it, Blanchard avoids a butt drop and she knocks Callihan out of the ring. Callihan gets back in the ring and Blanchard nails him with some strikes, Callihan drops a swinging Blanchard with a right to the midsection. Callihan traps Blanchard in the ropes while landing some chops, Blanchard fights back and she nails Callihan with a tornado DDT. Blanchard then hits Callihan with a modified flat liner for a near fall, Blanchard goes to the middle rope and she goes for Magnum. Callihan blocks the hold to drive Blanchard knees first into the mat below, Callihan then applies the figure four leg lock to Blanchard. Blanchard eventually reverses the hold and Callihan gets to the ropes to break the hold, Blanchard and Callihan have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Calihan eventually drops Blanchard with a forearm strike, Callihan goes for a pile driver and Blanchard gets free to nail him with a Samoan drop.

Blanchard goes to the top rope and Callihan crotches her before meeting her up there, Callihan looks for a superplex and Blanchard gets free while looking for a power bomb. Callihan nails Blanchard with multiple strikes and Blanchard still lands the power bomb for a near fall, Blanchard catches Callihan in a cross face and Blanchard transitions into a roll up for a near fall. Blanchard then hits Callihan with a super kick and a double knee strike, Blanchard then hits Callihan with Magnum as Jake Crist come to the ring to distract her. Blanchard hits Callihan with Magnum while Crist distracts the refereee, Blanchard drops Crist before Callihan nails her with the X Division Title for a near fall. Callihan nails Blanchard with a pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Sami Callihan

After the match, Sami Callihan and Jake Crist attack Tessa Blanchard further until Tommy Dreamer makes the save. 

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