
WWE Raw Results For 7/29/19: New Tag Champs Are Crowned, A Pregnant Woman Wins Gold & Brock Lesnar Destroys Seth Rollins

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts with a video package highlighting the WWE 24/7 Championship.

WWE 24/7 Championship
Mosh Pit Mixed Tag Team Match
R-Truth (c) & Carmella vs. Drake Maverick & Renee Michelle

The match begins with Maverick rolling up Truth for a near fall right as the bell sounded, Truth recovers to hit Maverick with a hip toss followed by a leg drop. Truth back body drops Maverick out of the ring and the mosh pit throws him back in, Truth then hits Maverick with a flapjack for a near fall. Carmella and Michelle have a brawl in the ring that is broken up by the men, Carmella slaps Maverick and Truth nails him with a front suplex for a three count.

Winners: R-Truth & Carmella, R-Truth retains the title

After the match, the mosh pit enters the ring and they all pin R-Truth for a three count. Mike Kanellis wins the title and he runs backstage with others chasing him. Kanellis makes it into the locker room and he locks the door to keep everybody out, Maria Kanellis feigns pregnancy pains to get into the locker room.

Gauntlet Match To Determine AJ Styles Opponent For WWE Summerslam
Rey Mysterio vs. Cesaro vs. Andrade vs. Sami Zayn vs. Ricochet

Match #1: Rey Mysterio vs. Cesaro

The match begins with Cesaro scoring a takedown and rolling Mysterio up for a few near falls, Mysterio catches Cesaro in a roll up before landing a leg kick. Mysterio catches Cesaro in another roll up before eating a clothesline, Cesaro follows up by landing an elbow drop for a near fall. Cesaro traps Mysterio in the corner before landing a few European uppercuts, Cesaro then applies a chin lock to Mysterio. Mysterio gets free and he uses a rana to get Cesaro out of the ring with him on his shoulders, Mysterio uses a hurricarana to propel Cesaro into the ring post. Mysterio follows that up by nailing Cesaro with a sliding splash on the arena floor, Mysterio gets Cesaro in the ring and he lands a springboard hurricarana. Mysterio goes for a 619 and Cesaro retreats to the arena floor, Mysterio then hits Cesaro with a hurricarana that sends him into the barricade as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Mysterio barely beating a 10 count into the ring, Cesaro keeps Mysterio cornered while landing a double stomp followed by a middle rope elbow drop for a near fall. Cesaro keeps Mysterio down by holding him in a camel clutch, Mysterio gets free and Cesaro places him on the top rope. Cesaro meets Mysterio on the top rope and Mysterio knocks him off the ropes, Mysterio then hits Cesaro with a seated senton before sending him into the corner. Cesaro goes for a sunset flip and Mysterio rolls through before landing a head kick for a near fall, Mysterio goes for a springboard move and Cesaro counters with a European uppercut for a near fall. Cesaro then nails Mysterio with a leg drop and big boot for another near fall, Cesaro goes for a power bomb and Mysterio counters by sending him into the ring post. Mysterio goes to the top rope and Cesaro knocks him off, Cesaro then places Mysterio on his shoulders while climbing the ropes.

Mysterio goes for a super rana and Cesaro blocks it from happening, Mysterio eventually finds a way to hit Cesaro with a super bulldog. Mysterio then hits Cesaro with a 619 and a frog splash for a three count.

Eliminated: Cesaro

Match #2: Rey Mysterio vs. Sami Zayn

The match begins with Zayn jumping Mysterio from behind before stomping away on him, Mysterio shocks a charging Zayn with a roll up for a three count.

Eliminated: Sami Zayn

Match #3: Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade w/Zelina Vega

The match begins with Andrade backing Mysterio into the corner before taunting him, Mysterio goes behind Andrade and Andrade nails him with an elbow strike. Andrade then wrenches away on the arm of Mysterio, Mysterio gets free and Andrade backs him into the corner before landing a chop. Mysterio fights back and he nails Andrade with a body press for a near fall, Mysterio gets Andrade in a headlock and Andrade sends him into the corner for a near fall. Andrade corners Mysterio again before landing a running clothesline, Andrade then stomps away on Mysterio before landing a drop kick for a near fall. Andrade follows that up by tossing Mysterio to the arena floor, Andrade follows Mysterio out of the ring before hitting him in the back of the head. Andrade gets Mysterio back in the ring before landing more chops, Mysterio fights back and Andrade nails him with a few suplexes. Andrade goes to the top rope and he lands a double jump moonsault for a near fall, Mysterio fights back and he nails Andrade with an enzaguri.

Mysterio goes for a 619 and Andrade counters by landing a back breaker, Andrade then hits Mysterio with a DDT for a three count.

Eliminated: Rey Mysterio

Match #4: Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Ricochet

The match begins with Ricochet attacking Andrade to save Mysterio from a post-match attack and we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Andrade backing Ricochet into the corner before taunting him. Ricochet trips up Andrade before landing a headscissors takedown a few moments later, Ricochet then uses a drop kick to knock Andrade out of the ring. Vega distracts Ricochet and it doesn’t work as he brawls with Andrade afterwards, Vega distracts Ricochet again and Andrade knocks him to the arena floor. Andrade follows Ricochet out of the ring while attacking him with strikes, Andrade then throws Ricochet into the barricade. Ricochet gets back in the ring and Andrade stomps away on him, Ricochet fights back and he nails Andrade with a rolling drop kick. Ricochet and Andrade have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ricochet then takes Andrade down with a hurricarana.

Ricochet nails Andrade in the midsection before missing a springboard move, Andrade then plants a charging Ricochet in the corner. Andrade then nails Ricochet with a running double knee strike for a near fall, Andrade goes for a DDT and Ricochet counters with a small package for a near fall. Andrade then nails Ricochet with a spinning elbow strike, Ricochet recovers and he nails Andrade with a reverse rana for a near fall. Ricochet goes to the top rope and Andrade trips him up, Andrade meets Ricochet on the top rope and they exchange strikes until Andrade goes down. Ricochet then hits Andrade with a 630 for a three count.

Eliminated: Andrade w/Zelina Vega

Winner: Ricochet

– Kayla Braxton interviews Ricochet after the match, Ricochet talks about winning the WWE United States Title for the first time and he’s AJ Styles for the gold at WWE Summerslam.

– Mike Kanellis is celebrating his WWE 24/7 Title win with Maria backstage when she tells him to get down on his back, Mike obliges and Maria pins him to win the WWE 24/7 Championship. Maria leaves the locker room area and taunts everybody about being a champion and pregnant.

Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are shown backstage.

– Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross come on stage for A Moment Of Bliss, Bliss congratulates Maria Kanellis on winning the WWE 24/7 Championship. Cross and Bliss talk about last weeks Raw Reunion, Bliss talks about how Dolph Ziggler betrayed the WWE family by attacking Shawn Michaels last week on Smackdown Live. Bliss shows a tape of Natalya and Fit Finlay training some women wrestlers before Raw, Becky Lynch arrives to low blow Finlay and lock Natalya in the Disarmer. Bliss rips apart the WWE Universe for cheering what Lynch did, Cross believes Lynch wants to take out Natalya before their match at WWE Summerslam. Bliss promises to knock Lynch down a few pegs in their match tonight, Lynch appears on the big screen to tell Bliss that she and Cross will pay for their comments. The Usos interrupt and make their way to the ring for the Raw Tag Team Title Match.

Raw Tag Team Championship
The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) (c) vs. The OC (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey)

The match begins with Jimmy taking Dawson down while applying a headscissors, Dawson gets free and he gets a headlock on Jimmy. Jimmy gets free and he nails Dawson with a shoulder tackle before eating a back elbow strike, Dawson corners Jimmy before landing a few strikes. Dawson then hits Jimmy with a back suplex before tagging Wilder in, Wilder nails Jimmy with a headbutt for a near fall. Jimmy fights back and he tags Jey into the match, Jey then nails a cornered Wilder with an avalanche followed by a headbutt for a near fall. Wilder recovers and he nails Jey with a few strikes, Dawson tags in and he nails Jey with some more strikes. Dawson holds Jey down while applying a chin lock to him, Jey gets free and he nails Dawson with a back body drop.

Wilder tags in and Jey nails him with a side kick to the midsection, Jimmy tags in and he drops Wilder for a near fall. Jey tags back in and he nails the arm of Wilder with a top rope axe handle smash, Jey holds Wilder down while wrenching away on his arm. Dawson tags in and he gets Jey in a sleeper hold, Jey gets free and Wilder tags back into the match. Wilder places Jey on the top rope and he follows him up there, Jey knocks Wilder off the ropes before landing a cross body block for a near fall. Jey then drops Wilder with a right before getting sent out of the ring, Gallows interferes and nails Jey with a clothesline as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Anderson holding Jey in a chin lock, Anderson releases the hold to kick Jey in the head for a near fall. Gallows tags in and he attacks a cornered Jey with a ton of strikes, Gallows then hits Jey with an elbow drop for a near fall.

Gallows keeps Jey down while holding him in a chin lock, Jey gets free and Anderson tags into the match. Anderson quickly drops Jey with a hard Irish whip into the corner for a near fall, Anderson holds Jey down while wrenching away on his arm. Jey gets free and he drops Anderson with a right, Jimmy and Wilder get tagged into the match. Jimmy quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing teams, Jimmy hits Dawson with a running butt smash. Jimmy goes for a top rope high cross body and Wilder rolls through, Jimmy shoves Wilder into Anderson before landing a Samoan drop for a near fall. Dawson interferes and he tags in as Jimmy hit Wilder with an atomic drop, Dawson and Wilder hit Jimmy with a super bulldog for a near fall. Anderson hits the ring and he quickly gets sent out with Dawson, Gallows then hits Dawson with a big boot. Wilder then hits Gallows with a tornado DDT on the arena floor before Jey lands a suicide dive, Dawson and Jimmy do battle in the corner and Dawson bashes Jimmy’s face on the top of the ring post.

Dawson meets Jimmy on the top rope and Jimmy superplexes him onto everybody who was on the arena floor, Jimmy then gets Dawson back into the ring and he goes to the top rope, Jimmy misses a splash as Gallows tags into the ring. The Revival then hit Jimmy with a Shatter Machine before getting taken out by Jey, The OC hit Jimmy with the Magic Killer for the three count.

Winners: The OC (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson), your new Raw Tag Team Champions

– Dasha Fuentes interviews AJ Styles backstage, but Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows show up to celebrate with him.

– Highlights of the Raw Reunion air.

– Highlights are then shown of Dolph Ziggler attacking Shawn Michaels on Smackdown Live air.

– The Viking Raiders are shown backstage.

The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Johnny James & Cole Carter

The match begins with Erik dropping James with a running forearm strike, Carter refuses to tag in and Ivar nails him with a leg lariat on the arena floor. Erik then shotgun drop kicks Carter into James, Ivar tags in and he nails both opponents with a bronco buster. Erik tags back in and he hits both opponents with a power slam/power bomb combination, The Viking Raiders hit James with The Viking Experience for a three count.

Winners: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

– The Street Profits are shown backstage and they recap what we have seen tonight on Raw, Seth Rollins arrives and he is told by The Street Profits that the locker room is behind him tonight when he faces Dolph Ziggler.

– Becky Lynch is shown backstage.

Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss w/Nikki Cross

The match begins with Lynch attacking Bliss with a right before scoring a few takedowns, Lynch then hits Bliss with a suplex. Lynch then gets Bliss away from the ropes before rolling her up for a near fall, Bliss recovers and she sends Lynch into the bottom rope. Cross interferes and attacks Lynch behind the ref’s back, Bliss then uses a drop kick to knock Lynch to the arena floor. Bliss drags Lynch into the ring and Lynch fights back by landing knee strikes, Lynch then hits Bliss with a flying shoulder tackle. Lynch goes to the middle rope and Bliss drags her off for a near fall, Bliss then chokes Lynch on the middle rope. Bliss traps Lynch in the corner while kicking away at her, Lynch fights back and Bliss nails her with a clothesline. Bliss holds Lynch down while applying a modified abdominal stretch, Lynch gets free and Bliss rolls her up before landing a right.

Bliss then nails a downed Lynch with a series of double knee strikes for another near fall, Bliss stands over Lynch while landing a bunch of strikes for another near fall. Bliss then misses a double knee strike and Lynch nails her with a drop kick, Lynch then attacks Bliss with a series of kicks. Bliss fights back and she nails Lynch with an STO, Lynch recovers and she nails a charging Bliss with a knee strike followed by multiple clotheslines. Lynch then attacks Bliss with an exploder suplex and Bliss appears to have hurt her ankle, the WWE officials come to the ring to tend to an injured Bliss. Bliss is deemed unable to continue and the match is called off.

Winner: Becky Lynch

After the match, Nikki Cross confronts Becky Lynch and they have an argument, Cross challenges Lynch to a match as we go to a commercial break.

Becky Lynch vs. Nikki Cross w/Alexa Bliss

The match begins with Lynch attacking Cross with a few strikes, Lynch then nails Cross with a snap mare followed by a shoulder tackle. Cross fights back and she nails Lynch with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Cross nails Lynch with a headbutt in the corner. Cross drops Lynch before applying the straightjacket hold, Lynch gets free and she nails Cross with a springboard head kick. Lynch knocks Cross to the ring apron and Cross drapes her neck first on the top rope, Cross goes to the top rope and Lynch knocks her down. Lynch nails Cross with a Man Handle Slam for a three count.

Winner: Becky Lynch

After the match, Alexa Bliss attacks Becky Lynch from behind and Nikki Cross joins in on the attack. Natalya comes to the ring as Bliss and Cross exit, Natalya then locks Lynch in the sharp shooter.

– Dasha Fuentes interviews Natalya backstage, Natalya says Becky Lynch wasn’t professional and she’ll beat her at WWE Summerslam. Natalya then challenges Lynch to a submission match at WWE Summerslam, but then takes the challenge back because she feels Lynch wouldn’t have the guts to accept.

– Maria Kanellis is participating in a photoshoot backstage when Braun Strowman arrives, Maria says some unkind things to Strowman and he growls in anger.

– Dolph Ziggler makes his entrance with Shawn Michael’s theme song before berating Seth Rollins on the microphone.

Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

The match begins with Rollins nailing Ziggler with a clothesline before knocking him out of the ring, Rollins follows Ziggler out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade a few times. Rollins gets Ziggler back in the ring before nailing him with more strikes, Ziggler gets back outside the ring and he attacks Rollins with a few strikes. Rollins recovers to throw Ziggler into the barricade again, Rollins gets Ziggler in the ring again before kicking him in the back. Rollins follows that up by nailing Ziggler with a knee drop, Ziggler rolls to the ring apron and he kicks the middle rope into Rollins’ balls before landing a DDT on the ring apron as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Rollins nailing Ziggler with more strikes, Rollins then nails Ziggler with a roaring elbow strike. Rollins then corners Ziggler before landing a ton more strikes, Rollins then hits Ziggler with a sling blade for a near fall.

Ziggler recovers and he rolls up Rollins with his feet on the ropes for a near fall, Ziggler goes for a leaping DDT and Rollins counters with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Rollins misses a springboard move and Ziggler throws him shoulder first into the ring post multiple times, Ziggler then hits Rollins with a Zig Zag for a near fall. Ziggler sets up for the super kick and Rollins lands one of his own, Rollins then drops Ziggler with a thrust kick. Brock Lesnar’s theme hits and he makes his way to the ring with Paul Heyman, Ziggler grabs Rollins leg and Lesnar hits the ring to attack Rollins.

Winner: Seth Rollins, by DQ

After the match, Brock Lesnar continues attacking Seth Rollins before knocking him out of the ring, Lesnar then throws Rollins into the barricade a few times. Lesnar then hits Rollins with a German suplex on the arena floor, Lesnar then nails Rollins with an F-5 into the ring post. Lesnar gets Rollins back in the ring and he goes back in there with a steel chair, Lesnar would then attack Rollins with the steel chair. Lesnar then nails Rollins with a series of F-5’s on the steel chair.

– Seth Rollins is being loaded into an ambulance backstage as Roman Reigns and Becky Lynch look on, Samoa Joe and The OC attack Reigns and The Usos afterwards. Brock Lesnar blocks the ambulance from leaving, Lesnar drags Rollins out of the ambulance and off the stretcher. Lesnar the proceeds to nail Rollins with an F-5 on the stretcher, WWE officials check on Rollins as Lesnar leaves.

– Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring for the Samoan Summit, Joe grabs the microphone to announce that the Samoan Summit has been canceled. Joe says he is here tonight to fight and he demands Roman Reigns come to the ring, Reigns obliges and he makes his way to the ring. Reigns gets in the ring and he has a brawl with Joe, the brawl spills out of the ring as Reigns attacks Joe more. Reigns grabs Joe and throws him into the barricade before landing headbutts, Joe fights back and he throws Reigns into the ring steps. Reigns recovers and he throws the ring steps at Joe, Drew McIntyre arrives and he jumps Reigns before getting tossed into the crowd. Reigns and McIntyre have a brawl in the crowd, Reigns and McIntyre make it back to the ringside area before Joe attacks Reigns. Joe and McIntyre would then double team Reigns as Cedric Alexander arrives, Alexander knocks McIntyre out of the ring before getting clotheslined by Joe. 

McIntyre and Alexander brawl up the stage and McIntyre throws Alexander into the LED screen, McIntyre then tosses Alexander off the stage. Joe and McIntyre attack Joe until The Usos come out to make the save, The OC come out and attack The Usos as a massive brawl breaks out between everybody. Alexander then leaps off the LED screens and he takes everybody out. McIntyre gets Alexander in the ring and Alexander drops him with a drop kick, Anderson then crotches Alexander before Reigns returns to beat up The OC and McIntyre. Alexander takes out McIntyre with a suicde dive, The Usos then nail Joe with a double super kick before Reigns nails him with a spear.

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