
Lance Archer Talks TNA Release, WWE Run, Dusty Rhodes

Former WWE, TNA, NJPW talent Lance Hoyt recently appeared on the Pancakes and Powerslams show. You can check out submitted highlights below, and the full interview at this link.

Dusty Rhodes:

"The things he did with me and for me was amazing. The fact that I actually got to wrestle a match against the legendary Dusty Rhodes at one point is one of those things that are invaluable.

"[This story] shows you how Dusty is in a good way. So we're all in the back, he's teaming with James Storm, and it's myself and [Kid] Kash, obviously. We're getting ready for everything and we all go sit in front of Dusty and we're like, alright, what's going on? He's like, 'Alright, baby, this is what we gonna do.' He lays out everything that is going to happen, and he's like (impersonating Dusty), 'But one thing; if I fall down, everybody falls down.' We all kind of looked at each other and laughed and he's like, 'No, seriously. If I fall down. Everybody falls down. Alright, baby?' And we're like, haha, alright Dusty. I swear it was like, during the match, everybody wanted Dusty to fall down so that we could all fall down."

TNA release:

"I was actually in Japan when I had the conversation with the TNA brass about my situation coming to an end with them. I kind of knew it was happening and what was going on when I got the email that I need to call [them]. I called from Japan, and we had the conversation, and they were like, 'Oh, wait. You're still in Japan?' I was like, 'Yeah. I'm working, because you guys aren't using me.' And they're like, 'Oh. Well, he's the situation.'"

WWE run:

"One day you're on someone's good side and good list, and you're the guy that they want to push, and then the next day, you didn't wave at the right person the right way. All of a sudden, you're in trouble, and nobody tells you about it. And all of a sudden, you're on your way out. Unfortunately, that's how that company works sometimes."

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