
Kincaid: Seeking Heat The Heart Way, An Interview With Elliott Russell



Elliott Russell is an up-and-coming wrestler out of Morristown, Tennessee. He is currently one half of the National Wrestling Alliance World, AML, and MACW Tag Team championship duo called the Heatseekers, with Sigmon. He is also a young man, that a lot of people, myself included, see a lot of potential in. I personally see so much potential in him that, on at least one occasion, I have been a major d**k to him in a very public manner because I felt he should be showing a little more heart. After a much-needed apology, from myself, he has gone on to show me that he has a lot of heart, both in and out of the ring. He’s already wrestled for IMPACT! Wrestling and overseas, in both China and Japan, and it seems as if he is on the precipice of reaching the next level.


Let’s look inside the mind of a self-styled “Southern Psycho”, shall we?


Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the page: Elliott Russell.


KINCAID: You were trained by former WWE Tag Team Champion, and trainer of such superstars as The Rock and Kurt Angle: Dr. Tom Prichard. What are your thoughts on those early days of training under a legend that trained legends, and how do you think it influenced you as a wrestler?

ELLIOTT: He was very hands on, which was very much appreciated. He didn’t just bark orders, he physically trained us. Perhaps my favorite thing about training with him was he was always accessible. I could call him anytime and ask him advice…still can, to this day, for that matter.

Do you feel the pressure to live up to your training lineage?

There’s not so much pressure as there is just pride. I want fans and peers to appreciate and respect that I know my craft. The credit to all that goes to guys like Tom.

Side note: a lot of my training credit goes to guys like you, Sigmon, and Chase Owens. You three guys were basically my road dads and I also shared lots of in ring training with you guys.

You, my road-son, are also an assistant coach at WWE Hall Of Famer Ricky Morton’s School Of Morton, care to talk about your relationship with the former title holder of the NWA World Tag Team Championship, that you now hold claim to?

Well, he’s just a hilarious guy to be around; so, it’s always relaxed and fun being with Ricky – “Punky.” (Interviewer note: back in the day Ricky Morton acquired the nickname “Punky” from ribbing wrestlers likening him to preteen girl sitcom character Punky Brewster)  He worked with me a few times in the ring and asked me to come by sometime to work on a few things and, eventually, asked me to help out with some “hands on” work at his school. It was quite the compliment for a Hall of Famer to ask me to do so. I have lots of love for Punky and Hoot. (Interviewers note: “Hoot” is Robert Gibson’s nickname…I haven’t the slightest clue on that one…sorry)

As a well trained, and well-training, professional wrestler what advice would you give to a big-star-bound wrestledreamer looking to walk through the doors of a training facility for the first time?

Be willing to adapt.

Be willing to think on your feet.

Be willing to sacrifice

Be extra willing to listen.

Have fun.

You came up around tag team specialists, so it seems natural that you would become one. What’s it like making a life out of tagging with my Canadian-tour-road-wife Sigmon? (See: Driving To Canada On A Whim)

You know, I can honestly say there’s never been a dull moment together. Chemistry is an important part of any relationship and I just think me and him clicked since day one. I had a high school football background and he had been wrestling for a few years before I came along; so, I think our jokester, fun-loving attitudes just clicked! We have our arguments over the silliest things, which is hilarious in hindsight.

Don’t hold out on us. Like what?

Well, I like to blast loud heavy metal…like Slayer, Metallica, Killswitch Engage, Testament, Carcass…! He likes to play…Christmas music, Oak Ridge Boys, and nerdy tech podcast stuff…

You guys are apart of a rarified group of grapplers who have had the opportunity to wrestle in China. How was that trip?

You mean: besides pooping, and sweating, out 15 pounds in 10 days? HAHA…. It was a blast! I can remember that trip in very good detail, actually, and really want to go back.

The crowd for our first show there was amazing; almost 5,000 loud, crazy, excited fans and I was matched up against Mikael Judas. We had a slugfest that is still one of my favorite matches I’ve been a part of.

The Heatseekers also recently challenged for UWA Intercontinental Tag Team Titles against current titleholders Shigeo Kato & Tomoaki Chiba and former New Japan and All Japan tag champs Koji Kanemoto and Minoru Tanaka, in Tokyo, Japan. What was that experience like for you?

Amazing! We were so blessed to get that opportunity it was just so incredible. There’s a lot of honor, and respect, that comes with being asked to come over to Japan and, for a young – 27 year old- man like me, it was a dream come true! We did two shows over there and both were great experiences.

I remember the bus ride to Fukushima being about 4 hours and trying to sleep on the bus but I was just too excited. We have some excited upcoming news about wrestling in Japan, again, which I’m stoked about!

Hell yeah, looking forward to hearing that news when it goes public.


Okama, in Fukushima Prefecture, was the location of a nuclear disaster in 2011, were you guys near there? See any effects of the disaster?


Yes. The show was actually a benefit for the victims that were impacted by the meltdown.  I looked at a lot of the countryside during the bus trip and it looked like they had been rebuilding…. but I saw pictures of mutated flowers that were pretty interesting.


Positives vibes and prayers to the victims of that meltdown incident!


Now, that you have begun to build a strong-as-f**k resume for yourself, is there any advice that, looking back, you wish someone would have given you to help you get to this point?

You know, I think I was givin pretty much incredible advice by all my peers and people I look up to….but, sometimes, it just went in one ear and out the other. I’m not perfect; so there were times when I should’ve taken better notice to those tips and advice you guys gave me. The good thing is, though: I’m still on the road living, learning and, day by day, trying to be better than I was the day before.


Tony Givens thinks that you may be the next next-level star to come out of his INNOVATE wrestling proving ground, do you have any short term goals to ensure that he’s correct in that assessment?

Well: Tony, first of all, is the first promoter to see anything in me. His former tag team partner, Chris Richards, told Tony that I made him laugh, during a car ride, once. So, I guess that was all the recommendation it took! In all seriousness, though, this years Smoky Mountain Cup is the first time I’ve been chosen to be in the tournament and I plan on taking the Cup home to Morristown.

Long term goal(s)?

I’ve been fortunate to have won every tag team title Smoky Mountain/Innovate has had… So, with that being said, I’m ready to add a singles title to my collection. A majority of fans don’t view me as a great singles wrestler, but I’m ready to change their minds.

If you weren’t living the dream of being a professional wrestler, what dream would you be living?

Well, since I was young, I’ve always had a great imagination for all things artsy fartsy. Whether it was music, writing, acting, or drawing… I would’ve loved to just create something. If I wasn’t wrestling today, I’d be creating something…anything! When I’m not wrestling, or focusing on adding things to better myself as a wrestler, I am working on some sort of creation; writing music, doodling, writing, reading, etc.

Imagine that I’ve been living in a cave in the middle of the woods (not far off in my case), and have no idea what Elliott Russell (and/or The Heatseekers) is about, give me the quick-pitch of why I should drag my ass out of the cave, gather up my long-lost family, dig up my rainy-day rasslin funds, and buy some tickets to watch you perform. What makes you special, and thus worth my effort and money?

Okay: so, I’m going to toot our horns here, but when you see The Heatseekers wrestle you get the chance to witness in shape, muscular professional wrestlers wrestling, with a mix of old school and new school. I’m a good looking young man, so the female audience normally likes a “big, strong, tough, southern man – asskicker!”


What do you think of the state of professional wrestling, as of right now (early-Spring, 2018)?

Wrestling is incredible right now! There is always something happening in the world of wrestling. Just look at the attendance at the majority of independent shows: it’s packed everywhere! Top level companies like WWE, NJPW, IMPACT, ROH are all putting out top quality product and like the saying goes, “High tide raises all ships.”

Dream Match?

Singles…vs Bret Hart…..but, also, lately, I’ve been watching a lot of Jerry Lynn, though; that would be a fun match up.

Tag Team…vs The Mega Powers!


Tony Givens said, “Elliott is a guy that went from being an overweight teenager to a muscle bound professional wrestler; simply because he loved professional wrestling and that’s what he had to do. That takes a lot of dedication.” Any words of inspiration/advice for others hoping to make a positive change in their lives?

It starts within:

Day by day, try to make yourself a better person.

Help out those around you.

Chase your goals and dreams; encourage others to do the same.

Anything you would like to say to the rasslers and rasslefans that will read this?

I follow an old school powerlifter, on instagram and youtube, Ed Coan. At the end of his Apeman Strong tribute video, he says this one little comment that pretty much sums up my mindset:

“Just be nice.”

Thanks, Elliott.

De nada.

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