
Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn Defeat The Usos To Win Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles At WrestleMania 39

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn finish their story.

Night one of WWE WrestleMania 39 culminated with a historic moment, as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn were able to defeat The Usos to capture the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships, ending Jimmy and Jey’s stint as the longest reigning tag team title reign in WWE history. The finish of the match saw Sami Zayn hit three straight Helluva Kicks on Jey Uso, which also allowed Kevin Owens to hit a stunner on Jimmy Uso, effectively taking him out of the match.

Check out a detailed recap of all of the action below:

Zayn and Jimmy began the proceedings on the main event of Night One of WrestleMania 39, but Jimmy tagged Jey in to confront Zayn. Zayn & Jey locked up to begin the match before he locked in a headlock on Zayn. Jey hit a shoulder tackle on Zayn before posing in front of him. Jey & Zayn locked up again before Jey locked in a headlock on Zayn, but Zayn broke the hold and hit a Thesz Press on Jey before laying in a series of punches on Jey. Zayn ran the ropes, but Jimmy lowered the rope to send Zayn flying over the top rope to the outside. Jey & Jimmy dominated the proceedings before Jey hit a Tope Suicida on Zayn to the outside before he hit a suplex on Zayn to the outside. Back in the ring, Jey laid in a series of crossfaces on Zayn before Jimmy hit a pump kick on Zayn while the referee was distracted. The Usos had Zayn cornered before Jimmy slapped Ownes off the apron. Jimmy hit a chop on Zayn before pushing him onto the corner, allowing Zayn to hit a diving forearm strike on Zayn in the corner for a near fall. Jey had a headlock on Zayn, but Zayn broke the hold and tossed Jey out of the ring before tagging in Owens, who hit a Senton Atomico on The Usos to the outside. Owens slammed Jimmy into the ring post before sending Jey back in the ring, but not before hitting a Frog Splash on Jimmy to the outside. Back in the ring, Owens hit a Frog Splash on Jey for a near fall. Owens went for a stunner, but Jey reversed it with a pop-up neckbreaker for a near fall.

Owens swung on everyone on sight and went for a Swanton on Jey, but Jey put his knees up to block the hold before Jimmy hit a Splash on Owens for a near fall. Jimmy went for a Hip Attack on Wens, btu Owens hit two thrust kicks on Jiimmy before hitting a Cannonball on Jimmy. Owens climbed to the top rope, but Jey pulled him down. Zayn got Jey and hit a vicious Brainbuster on Jey onto the apron while Owens hit a Swanton on Jimmi for a near fall. Zayn tagged in and threw the Ones up before hitting a Splash on Jimmy, but Jimmy kicked out at two. Zayn went for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Jimmy dropped his weight and hit a headbutt. Zayn hit the Blue Thunder Bomb on Jimmy, but Jey tagged in and hit a thrust kick on Zayn before connecting a Golden Ratio kick on Zayn for a near fall. Jey hit another thrust kick on Zayn’s face before tagging in Jimmy. Jimmy & Jey laid in a series of thrust kicks on Zayn to get a pin, but Owens broke the pin at the count of two, but was stopped by Jey hitting a thrust kick on Owens. Jey & Jimmy hit a double thrust kick on the back of Zayn’s head, btu Zayn still kicked out at two. Zayn got back up before Jimmy & Jey rung him up with another double-thrust kick, but Zayn still kicked out at two. The Usos got Zayn and went for the 1D, but Owens pulled Jimmy out of the ring to allow Zayn to get a Sunset Flip on Jey for a near fall. Owens got brawling with Jimmy on the Spanish broadcast table, but Jimmy & Jey slammed Owens into the English Broadcast table with a Uranage.

Jimmy & Jey were with Owns all on his own before hitting the 1D on Zayn to get the one and done, but Zayn kicked out to the roar of the crowd, as no one had kicked out of the move in WWE, with Jey & Jimmy being bamboozled by this. Jey tagged back in and asked Jey why he would not quit and repeatedly slapped Zayn in the face. Zayn remained on his feet, but Jey greeted him with a Helluva Kick on Zayn. Jey got Zayn, but Zayn had a burst of energy and hit an exploder Suplex on Jey in the corner. Owens crawled into the apron before Owens tagged back in. Owens hit a Pop-Up Powerbomb on both Jimmy & Jey before Zayn hit a Helluva Kick on Jimmy while Owens hit a Stunner on Jey, but Jey kicked out at two. Owens & Zayn got back up before having a stare-down with Jimmy & Jey. The two teams exchanged punches to the roar of the crowd. Jimmy hit a thrust kick on Zayn, ut Owens caught both Usos with Thrust kicks. The Usos hit Thrust kicks on Owens & Zayn before the two hit a double Uso Splash on Owens, but Owens kicked out at two.

Jey got Owens on the corner before Jey & Jimmy hit another Double Thrust kick on Owens. Jey & Jimmy got owens up for a Super 1D, but Zayn pulled Jimmy out of the ring before Owens hit an Avalanche Fisherman’s Buster on Jey. Zayn pwoered to the corner before Zayn tagged back in. Jey was in the corner before Zayn caught Jey straight in the mouth with a Helluva Kick, but Zayn caught him and hit another Helluva Kick. Jimmy tried to get involved, but Owens caught him with a Stunner. Zayn got back in the corner and sat back before firing away one more shot, connecting a Third and most violent Helluva Kick for the decisive pinfall win.

El Gereico’s greatest ever protege & the man named Kevin Steen in ROH stood tall to end the broadcast as the new WWE Tag Team Champions!

This is the first time that Owens and Zayn have held tag team championships within the confines of WWE. The two have held the ROH World Tag Team Championships and the PWG World Tag Team Championships in the past.

The bout between The Usos and Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn will go down in history, as it marks as the first tag team match to ever main event a WrestleMania. 

Fans can keep up-to-date with Fightful’s coverage of WWE WrestleMania 39 by clicking here. After the conclusion of the show, head over to our YouTube channel for a full review of the action.

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