
Kevin Nash Responds To Logan Paul, ‘You’re Not A Top Five Guy If You Can’t Go To The Ring And Call It’

Kevin Nash and Logan Paul were in the headlines last week after Nash said that Logan wasn’t one of the boys following his interview with Hulk Hogan. 

Paul responded by saying, “Fuck you” and called Nash bitter because he’s better at wrestling than Nash ever was. 

On the latest episode of Kliq This, Nash responded to Logan’s video. 

“I didn’t say ‘Fuck you.’ I said, ‘Fuck you from the boys.’ I guess I’m one of the boys. I guess, technically. I don’t have a dog in the race. I love the fact that the boys are making that kind of money. I just took it in character when we talked about it and did what we do: you embellish a little bit. ‘We’ll get a sound byte out of this.’ This comes out and I look at it, and to tell you the truth, I really don’t know anything about him. I remember the first time I heard his name. Not going to fucking go there. He has more than paid his dues on that. He has apologized. That would be a bitter old man that kicks somebody in the balls when they’re taking a shower and they have their eyes closed. The first time I really noticed him was against Roman, the Saudi match. He was on the top rope and cut a promo with his own phone in his hand and he filmed a dive. I thought, ‘Wow.’ There were different times after that where I would watch him and people would pop and he would film the people and he put it on his social media. That’s taking this whole thing to a different level. Nobody laid that out for that fucking kid. I think his athleticism is amazing. When I go some place and somebody is getting that kind of push and money, I ask some questions. I’m still one of the boys. I asked a person that has been in the ring with him, ‘How is he?’ He says, ‘He’s amazing as far as what he can do physically. He just doesn’t remember anything.’ I don’t know how much truth there is to this. For the match in Puerto Rico. They brought a ring down and trainers. They go through his matches. He said, ‘Maybe he should get more  in depth of knowing the history,'” recalled Nash. 

Nash said that Logan is smart and discussed how much work he puts in before his matches.

“He still has to go down there for two weeks and put in time and bounce around and go through that shit. It’s just, you’re not a top five guy if you can’t….when I was 42 years old, if you can’t go out there, and I’m sitting in Hulk’s dressing room and drinking beer, and we have 12 minutes and they give us the finish, and your music plays and mine plays, and I go to the ring…you’re not one of the top five guys if you don’t know what the fuck we’re doing. If you can’t just go out there and call it,” stated Nash.

Nash continued, “I pray that he doesn’t get hurt. I hope he has a good run. I’m not going to stop drinking PRIME. I’m a 65-year-old dude. I don’t know what the fuck Vine is. He said he doesn’t know me. Dude, I don’t fucking know you either. Somebody in the company had his net worth at $150 million. To take things into perspective. If I had $150 million, I’m not too sure I’d be super laser-focused. I’d get my shit in and cal it a day. The worst case scenario is they tell you to take a hike. I’m in the Hall of Fame, I had a great run. I was blessed. I’m blessed with 30 years of loyal and great fans. He doesn’t know me and that’s fine.”

When co-host Sean Oliver said that he thought Logan’s video was more of a promo, Nash replied, “I watched it once. I didn’t put that much thought into it. I just thought if somebody I don’t know cuts a promo on me, the last thing I would do is wouldn’t react. He is an employee for WWE, which is team Paul Levesque.”

Are they working or are they shootin’?

Paul hasn’t wrestled since losing the WWE United States Championship to LA Knight at WWE SummerSlam. 

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit and link to the original source with a h/t and link back to Fightful for the transcription. 

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