
Kane: If There’s One Person Who Can Take WWE To Even Greater Heights, It’s Triple H

Kane believes Triple H can do great things for WWE if he is put into a position of power.

Kane (Glenn Jacobs) and Triple H have had similar journeys in WWE. Both entered the organization in 1995 and even though Triple H had a more linear path to his success, both he and Kane were major stars of The Attitude Era and pillars of the organization in the years that would follow.

These days, Triple H is working in an executive capacity within WWE and Kane has traded the squared circle for the political ring as the mayor of Knox County, Tennessee. When Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were still working on television as heel authority figures, Kane was by their side. Now, Kane is talking about what he believes Triple H could do for WWE if he was put in charge as the successor to Vince McMahon.

During an appearance on The Doug Collins Podcast, Glenn Jacobs was asked if he believes Triple H will, in fact, be the successor to Vince McMahon and if he will continue on with a similar vision to Vince McMahon or if he will deviate from the norm and carry on with his own vision. Jacobs answered honestly, saying that he isn’t close enough to the industry to know whether or not those plans are actually in place but he does believe Triple H is one of the only people who can take WWE to even greater heights than where they are currently.

“You know, I don’t know, actually. I’m not close enough to the company to say that right now. I think as companies mature, you become more risk-averse. Because you want to keep what you have and you’re afraid of losing that. Unfortunately, the downside is you become less aggressive and you don’t have that growth just because of where you’re at. I think you kind of see some of that, and that’s not a criticism, that just is what it is, and that’s the kind of lifecycle of an organization. So a lot of stuff as Vince gets older, I think things will change, for better or worse, I don’t know.

“A lot of folks lament, especially some of the wrestlers, how the company’s become much more corporate, but it had to, I mean, in this day and age, that’s just how things work. So you see these natural changes and then you see a change in leadership, I don’t know what’s going to happen. Triple H, I think. has an amazing mind for the wrestling industry. If I were to say, you know, one person that could really take the company and take it even higher and even further, it would be him. I think he’s just got that kind of talent. He’s a genius at this stuff. You know, so but we’ll see what the future holds, certainly.”

Triple H recently made his first appearance after undergoing surgery for a cardiac event and he was alongside Vince McMahon and his wife, Stephanie, as they took a tour of the construction site for WWE’s updated headquarters. Learn more here.

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