
Juice Robinson Thinks He’d Be One Of Those Weird Nature People On Instagram, Shares His Go-To Sites

Juice Robinson continues to stay off of social media.

The NJPW star recently spoke with Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp (full interview above) and, as has become a tradition during their conversations, provided an update on his social media stance. Without a single account for fans to follow, Robinson simply said, “I don’t know,” in regards to whether he’d consider signing up for a platform later in his career.

If you’re one of the ones holding out hope that Robinson could one day pop up on TikTok doing elaborate dances, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. Robinson says that he can’t see himself getting on social media unless there is something that he feels he really needs to say.

“Oh, man. I would imagine not. I don’t think I’ll ever do anything with dances. But who knows? I don’t think I’ll ever have social media. Unless I need it. Unless something happened where I was like, ‘Wow, I need that. I need to say this. I need to say this to people.’ See there’s just nothing I need to tell anyone. There’s nothing I need to tell you. There’s nothing I should say that should affect anyone. So what would I ever say? I don’t have anything to say. There’s nothing for me to say,” he explained.

That said, there is one app he could potentially see himself using.

“I could see Instagram. That’s one maybe I could see where I just take cute little pictures and stuff. That’s fine,” he said.

As for what type of Instagramer he’d be, Robinson thinks he’d be one of those weird nature people, but also really doesn’t want to be one of those weird nature people.

“I don’t know. I’d probably be one of those weird nature people. But I don’t want to be one of those people. ‘Oh, look. I was out at the crack of dawn today and caught a bass.’ I mean, that’s good, but,” he said.

Robinson admits that sometimes he will look over Toni Storm’s shoulder (his fiancee) to check out the funny accounts she’s following, but won’t do it himself as he remains true to his character.

“Yeah. I do like the pictures on Instagram. I look over Toni’s shoulder, and she looks at funny things sometimes. The things she follows is funny. I don’t want to do that ‘cause I stand for no social media now. It’s part of my character,” he laughed.

While he is happy for the success Bad Luck Fale has had on TikTok, Robinson explained that he tries to put his phone down as much as possible.

“That’s good. Yeah, I heard. He does motivational things. That’s great. That’s awesome. That’s just not me. I’ve got things to do you know? People to see. I try to put my phone down, I really try to put my phone down. That’s a big thing I try to do,” Robinson stated.

Juice encourages everyone to step away from their devices for a little bit and leave home without them, saying that it feels so good. Don’t get it wrong, though, he still does use the internet.

“It just feels so good. I dare you. Just leave your phone and leave your house. Just bring your wallet, get in your car and go for a drive. Go to the grocery store. Just no phone. It just feels so good, the more I’m away from it. It’s nice. You do need it. We need them and I love the internet. I’m not saying I don’t like the internet. I need to google things. When I need to know something, boom, I need to know it. What kind of tree is that. What kind of whatever is that? You need your useless facts,” he said.

So, what are Juice Robinson’s go-to websites?

“NJPW1972.com. That’s serious. That is serious because I don’t really watch. I try to keep up with it, see what’s going on. I needed to know. I try to keep up with it, I’m just in America. But I want to see who’s winning the New Japan Cup and what not, you know? That and Google. I google things. I’m pretty must just a googler,” Robinson shared.

Like many of us, Juice uses Google to find out random facts, hitting up Wikipedia when he needs to know something about a TV show he’s watching, for example.

“No, it’d be like, Betty White or something about the Golden Girls. If I needed to search a random Wikipedia thing if I was watching TV and I needed to know some useless fact; I needed to track it down. That’s what I do mostly,” he said.

If Juice ever has a change of heart and decides he wants to start sharing photos of himself fishing at the crack of dawn, Fightful will keep you informed.

Up next for Robinson is a Trios Match at NJPW Windy City Riot on April 16 where he’ll team up with David Finlay and Brody King in a street fight against JONAH, Shane Haste, and Bad Dude Tito.

Elsewhere during the interview, Robinson stated that Windy City Riot was his final show with NJPW and that he plans on taking far fewer wrestling bookings in the future. Click here to learn more.

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