Johnny Gargano Only Has One More Thing To Check Off His Bucket List
Johnny Gargano might be the last true babyface in wrestling.
Even Sami Zayn is throwing a tantrum after losing clean to Aiden English and chasing him away while threatening him with bodily harm.
But Johnny Gargano is still down in NXT, wrestling from underneath and getting every single human being in the arena wherever he goes to root for him to come back and win.
Because he's objectively great.
Case in point, he has a bucket list that he made when he started at NXT–a bucket list that a 12-year-old wrestling superfan might have made, and he's been checking things off along the way:
Of course, we all know what the most important of these items is.
Congratulations, Johnny Wrestling.
And I look forward to you checking off that last box.