
John Morrison Reflects On Armageddon 06 And WrestleMania 24 Ladder Spots

John Morrison is no stranger to amazing athletic feats that may or may not involve a ladder.

At WWE Armageddon 06, Morrison teamed with Joey Mercury in a fatal four-way tag team match that also featured Brian Kendrick & Paul London, Dave Taylor & William Regal, and The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy).

In the match, a see-saw ladder was set up and used when Jeff leaped onto one side, catapulting the other side into the faces of Mercury and Morrison. The spot left Mercury with a busted face that required attention. Speaking to Alex McCarthy of TalkSPORT, Morrison reflected on the incident.

“If you watch the match back, we both got hit with the ladder and I was really lucky, but I didn’t see how bad Joey got hit because we basically spilled out of the ring on opposite sides. So we’re both down and I stayed down selling for quite a while. And then I started looking around for Joey because we were going to go back in the ring and start beating people up, and I didn’t see Joey. Then I looked up and I saw him at the top of the ramp being helped out by EMTs and I still didn’t realise how bad it was. So, there was a lot of improv in the match, the match finished and I was worried about Joey and what had happened. I wanted to get backstage and by the time I did, his face looked like a mummy.”

He continued, “They completely wrapped his head up. So I still didn’t see it until I saw a replay and I was shocked. I’ve never seen that much blood that fast come out of somebody. It was awful. I took Joey to the hospital and stayed there while he had I don’t even know how many stitches. He had his cartridge stitched together, his orbital bone was broken, he had stitches on top of the cartridge just to get his face back together too. It was rough.”

The fatal four-way ladder match was eventually won by Kendrick & London.

At WrestleMania 24, Morrison competed in the Money in the Bank ladder match and pulled off a spectacular spot that saw him moonsault with a ladder from the top to the outside. In the same interview with McCarthy, Morrison discussed the spot.

“It was something that I thought of. As soon as you discover you’re in a Money in the Bank ladder match – and for me this is true – my mind starts racing with ideas for things to do with a ladder [laughs]. I think the most difficult of explaining that move to people was showing them that it was possible. I did that before ‘Mania and I think once people saw it, they were like ‘woah, that’s cool. And it’s possible’. And people are down at WrestleMania to do the coolest idea and luckily for me, Money in the Bank match is the time you should be doing the coolest stuff and having the coolest ideas. It was the coolest idea I had and as soon as I showed the guys we made it happen,” he said.

CM Punk would go on to win the WrestleMania 24 Money in the Bank match.

No ladders will be involved this Thursday when Morrison teams with The Miz to challenge New Day (Kofi Kingston & Big E) for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles at WWE Super ShowDown.

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