
John Cena Says Sports And Politics Borrow From WWE

John Cena says other sports and politics borrow from WWE, but only WWE admits it is entertainment. 

In an interview with Metro while promoting his new film The Wall, John Cena was asked about how attitudes toward professional wrestling have changed in other media. Cena said he has seen elements of WWE in sports, sports news, and other mainstream entertainment. 

"A lot of our methods of entertainment are being adopted by both mainstream sports and mainstream entertainment. If you look at how ESPN has shifted its content, the way shows feature a lot of argumentative debate rather than informative sports reporting, then sports borrows a lot from the WWE. I’m very happy to see it, and I think that’s what leading to more understanding of what we do and respecting it," said Cena

The interviewer asked Cena what he thought about politics on television. 

"Then there’s that, too. That’s nothing more than me challenging a guy to a steel cage match. Before, everyone pointed the finger at the way we tell stories, and now they’ve Xeroxed our playbook…We’re the only folks who will tell you it’s for entertainment," said Cena. 

In the new movie, John Cena plays a soldier pinned down by an enemy sniper. Cena acknowledged that the thriller is a departure from his usual comedic roles. Also during the interview, Cena talked about his two careers as a wrestler and actor. He said he wishes he was able to do both at the same time instead of taking time away from WWE. Cena has not wrestled since Wrestlemania 33

The Wall premieres today, May 12 in the United States. The rest of the interview with Cena can be found at Metro.us

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