
John Cena Says He Doesn’t ‘Bury’ Younger Talent; “It’s That They Fail To Operate At An Elite Level”

John Cena recently talked with The Wrap to promote the new season of American Grit, and addressed his reputation for "burying" younger talent, as well as maybe getting a tad too harsh in his duelling promos with The Miz, who Cena accused of "shooting blanks."

Cena says he doesn't 'bury younger talent,' it's just that when they get done with their feud with him, they're not as motivated to continue that level that he brings them up to.

Read his comments here:

"If you look at my existence in WWE, I have never asked anyone and will never ask anyone to pull any punches. I believe that it's a 'Strong Survive' environment, and accept nothing less. I think people forget my (history) in WWE sometimes and the fact that I truly had to earn every inch. There is this overwhelming perception that I am protected and coddled — that couldn't be farther from the truth.

"I just believe you bring your best to every story and you bring your best to every fight. And if my skills aren't as good, then it's time to step back. It's just a matter of believing in myself and going out there and speaking from the heart. I believe that sometimes that's something missing in some of the WWE storylines … being honest and brave enough to put everything out there on the table.

"This is why I have the reputation of quote-unquote 'burying younger talent,' because I will let them do whatever they want with me — and then after they get done, they're not as motivated, So, it's not that I sink their ship, it's that they fail to operate at an elite level. And I'm on to the next person, (to) whom I say, "Hey man, bring your best punch and I'm gonna punch back" — and they don't take that attitude beyond me."

"I take that approach to everyone. The Miz story couldn't be a better example of that, because when that story started … no one wanted to see that match. No one. I made it a point to have everyone work as hard as they could to change everyone's mind.

"And now here you are, months after the fact, saying that was one of the most entertaining things done on television. That just goes to show you that it's all just about how much you're willing to invest and how strongly you believe in what you want to do."

You can read the entire interview at this link

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