
Jim Ross Talks About The Letter Vince McMahon Gave Him After Second Bells Palsy Attack

Jim Ross is opening up about an number of subjects in his new book, including his bouts with Bell's Palsy.

Ross recently spoke to ESPN where he discussed a letter that Vince McMahon gave him following the second attack, which happened during the Capital Carnage PPV in London back in 1998.

I was really in a fragile place, but Vince handwrote a letter to me, and had it delivered to my home in Norwalk, Connecticut. "I used the letter in the book. It's pretty amazing. It was a 'Come to Jesus'-type pep talk. I was just so self-conscious with how I looked. I just thought how I looked, how I sounded with a little bit of a speech impediment because of the Bell's palsy. I was going through a tough time — I was producing announce talent and I was happy to do it. But I really believed that WrestleMania [XV] was my last one, and I appreciated the fact that Vince decided to go with me in the main event because he knew that we'd signed two potentially all-time greats," said Ross. "I thought that would be my swan song, but we talked through it, the match was good, the fans were glad to see me back, so we started up a little run there, but it was very challenging."

Jim Ross returned to full time commentary at WrestleMania XV and continued being the lead announcer of Raw off and on until 2008, when Michael Cole took his spot. 

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