
Jim Ross Says Losing Talent Is Terrible For Impact Wrestling

Jim Ross says the mass exodus of talent from to Impact Wrestling may be hazardous to the company's health. 

Recently, Impact Wrestling has reportedly lost Jeff and Matt Hardy while Drew Galloway tweeted a farewell to the company. The promotion has recently gone through ownership and broadcast changes. Ross wrote in his blog about the promotion losing talent and how it will be affected. 

"I'm not buying the alleged reason that the Hardys and Drew Galloway decided to not re-sign with Impact Wrestling was because during the sale of the company that this matter simply either got back-burnered or it fell through the cracks. No matter the reason, it's inexcusable for any company to allow these high level negotiations to crash and burn as they did. Fundamentally, to present talents with new contracts essentially only a few days from the TV tapings isn't good business from my perspective," wrote Ross.

Ross points out that during a time of transition is a vulnerable time for professional wrestling companies and he believes Impact Wrestling is in a serious predicament. 

Ross wrote "The two most vital elements in any company promoting any combat sport, including pro wrestling, is talent and television. If either one of those two elements are missing then failure isn't far behind. For Impact Wrestling, what was more important then stabilizing the existing talent roaster especially the top level of the roster for which Matt and Jeff Hardy and Galloway were a part?"  

Ross did say that the return of Jeff Jarrett to Impact Wrestling has him optimistic and expects changes to the product. He also addressed the storylines in the WWE, including the continued build of Braun Strowman. 

Ross' blogs and podcast are available on JRsBarBQ.com

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