Jim Ross Not A Fan Of The Reigns/Strowman Fastlane Finish
Jim Ross questions Braun Strowman losing, but can see positives.
On March 5th at WWE Fastlane, Roman Reigns defeated Strowman in a one on one match. This came after months of Strowman being shown to be the "monster among men" as WWE calls him and Ross has previously wrote in his blog about how he enjoyed the build of Strowman. In a more recent blog from Monday, Ross gave his opinion on Reigns defeating Strowman.
"Enjoyed Reigns vs Strowman match a great deal and was especially impressed with 'I'm the not as green as I was not that long ago, Braun Strowman.' Somewhat stumped as to why Strowman lost more so than why Reigns won but, again, we will hopefully understand why soon. Good match. Nonetheless, Iws impressed by both men and their in ring efforts can't be questioned. Obviously, WWE has Roman Reigns still is highly positioned but Strowman is also a potential, Wrestlemania main event talent," wrote Ross.
With recent events on Raw, it seems Reigns will be facing The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 33. Even though there was interaction between The Undertaker and Strowman, it is unclear what Strowman will be doing at Wrestlemania. Ross would also comment on Kevin Owens losing his WWE Universal Championship to Bill Goldberg at WWE Fastlane. Ross is excited about the future for Owens.
"Goldberg winning the Universal Title over Kevin Owens to set up Lesnar vs Goldberg at Wrestlemania with the title at stake wasn't a shocker, obviously, but it seems to make sense as it relates to adding more sizzle to this attraction for WM/Orlando. Kevin Owens getting reattached to Jericho is a blessing for the talented, Owens who could have the match of the night at 'Mania which will greatly help the Montreal native. Jericho is as good, if not better, as anyone on the WWE roster right now,"
Owens will face Chris Jericho for the United States Championship at Wrestlemania 33. Ross would also blog about the rest of the pay-per-view card and the continued story of Matt and Jeff Hardy leaving Impact Wrestling.
Ross' blogs and podcasts are available at JRsBarBQ.com.