
Jim Ross On Lesnar Jericho Fight

Jim Ross thinks the backstage incident at SummerSlam was “a little bit of boys being boys.”

Ross was interviewed by Fight Network and was asked about SummerSlam, Finn Balor’s injury, Brock Lesnar and the locker room, and the Lesnar-Chris Jericho backstage situation. There will be a little skirmish here and there, but those come with the territory, he said.

“It is a very emotional playing surface that they’re on. Here, Lesnar gets confronted within minutes, seconds of leaving the ring and his adrenaline is pumping, his heart is beating and he gets confronted and he is an alpha-male to start with so that confrontation often times does not mix well. And then Jericho is very passionate, he didn’t get the answer that he wanted regarding the finish apparently and as you know probably better than I, lead to a verbal confrontation, a little shoving. But look, if those guys were really angry – first of all, Jericho would have been the first guy to try and grab something because he is in a disadvantageous situation like most humans are to Brock and if Brock really wanted to go, he would have nailed Jericho. I think it was just a little bit of mouthiness,” Ross said.

The WWE Hall of Famer also stressed that people have to understand who these guys are and what they do.

 “They are high level, motivated athletes. They’re not just entertainers. They’re showbiz guys. They’re stellar athletes and they are in a high level of competitiveness,” Ross said.

The Lesnar-Jericho altercation took place at SummerSlam after the finish of the Lesnar vs. Randy Orton main event. Jericho was trying to check on Orton, his friend, and a misunderstanding between him and Lesnar sparked the situation.

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