
Jim Ross Believes Triple H Will Be Vince McMahon’s Successor (Duh)

Jim Ross says Vince McMahon seems to be preparing Triple H to be the boss.

Eventually, someone will have to take over WWE when Vince McMahon is no longer with the company which has been a topic of discussion among fans regarding how things would change after Vince McMahon handed over the reins to someone else. In an interview with Business Insider, Jim Ross theorized that Triple H would be the next person in charge of WWE.

“I think if I was guessing…the money would be on, probably, (Triple H) to be Vince’s successor. I think Vince is kind of preparing him for that in a lot of ways. You always knew (Triple H) was different from the other guys because he was very studious and very under control,” said Ross.

According to Ross, Triple H appeared to be “a lifer” right away because of his old school mentality and being a fan of professional wrestling. Ross also explained why Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon would not be the “heir apparent.”

“Stephanie is really involved and really more of a face of WWE, ” said Ross. “Shane seems content being a TV character. I don’t know where his role’s gonna be going forward,” he continued. 

Ross said Vince McMahon is not going anywhere soon because he’s the “rock” that the company is built around and he’s taken care of his body over the years.

The full comments by Ross can be seen in the tweet above by Business Insider.

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