
Jeff Jarrett Involved In Backstage Incident At Recent Impact Tapings

It appears as though things aren't entirely peachy backstage at Impact Wrestling

According to PWInsider, multiple sources have told the publication that Karen Jarrett got into an argument with Impact executive Bob Ryder over the apparent booking of a hotel while Ryder was timing out one of the shows. After Karen left the area, Jeff Jarrett came back and reportedly told Ryder to leave the tapings.

Ryder then packed his things and left, leading to speculation that he had been fired from or flat out quit the company. This was debunked quickly as he reportedly showed up at the company's Nashville-based offices to continue his usual business during the week. It appeared that any outstanding issues had been settled by the time the work week began.

After the incident took place, the apparent feeling backstage was sympathy for Ryder who has been dealing with health problems during the past few months.

And though the incident ultimately went public, PWInsider claims that the company had been trying to keep it from leaking out — even to go as far as having sources deny it ever took place — in order to avoid potential backlash. However, it eventually left the closed doors, and was described by those witnessing it as "as bad you can imagine."

Ryder has been with the company since its 2002 inception after previously working for WCW. What started as a position dealing with company travel ended up becoming one that dealt with talent relations and general contract issues.

He stands currently as the longest-tenured employee at Impact Wrestling alongside announcer Jeremy Borash.

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