
Jake Roberts Discusses Current Relationship With DDP

Jake “The Snake” Roberts was recently interviewed by Wrestling Epicenter’s Interactive Wrestling Radio. You can see highlights below, and the full interview at this link.

How much DDP is to credit for his sobriety: 
“Well, I’ll tell ya the real truth on that thing, man. DDP opened his doors and gave me a safe place. But, I had to do the work. He didn’t go to meetings with me. I did. I went to meetings every day. He facilitated the thing is what he did. He didn’t actually take part in it. As far as me traveling, he gave me rules like, “Ok, you’ve got to go with somebody.” I had to pay somebody to go with me. I was never alone. But, he was seldom a part of it. But, facilitating it, yes. In facilitating it, he was a big part of it.” 

On his current relationship with DDP: 
“Pretty good. Pretty good. We talk nearly every day. He’s doing a lot and so am I. We kind of went our separate ways there. I’m busy on the road all the time. He doesn’t want to be on the road. So, there you go.” 

The finished product of Dark Side of the Ring: 
“I thought it was a pretty good job they’ve done all in all. I think they did a pretty fair job and they were fair with what they did. They didn’t go for jugular veins but they were honest. They brought some things up that need to be brought up and I like it!” 

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