
Jake Crist Shares His Experiences Training Brian Pillman II

OvE’s Jake Crist recently spoke to Wrestling Epicenter’s Interactive Wrestling Radio for an interview, which you can check out at this link. You can also see the interview above, and highlights below:

Recent guests praising Dave Crist as a trainer:
“As far as training guys, that is all Dave. When I’m not wrestling and I’m disconnected from wrestling, I like to stay that way. I have my own little island here in Dayton. Me, Dave, and Sami live within 5 minutes of each other. They do their school. Dezmond Xavier, being from Ohio, I don’t have a bad thing to say about the kid. He’s amazing! Look how athletic he is! He does his thing! He could probably do his thing in his sleep and look better than most people. “


Brian Pillman Jr as a wrestler:
“Brian Pillman Jr just started coming in to Rockstar. Dave takes the kids under his wing, he trains them, teaches them the ropes of the business. When it comes to me, I book the shows. I’m the brain of Rockstar Pro Wrestling. I just give them the platform to perform in front of weekly fans in Dayton, Ohio.”


Working with Fantasma:
“I’m looking forward to having the stage on going one on one with Fantasma. My game plan is straight forward – I’m going to get him down on the ground and I’m going to rip his mask off. I’m going to expose his ugly face to the world! I mean, what are you hiding under there? What are you trying to cover up? I think, he’s got to be ugly, right? Why else would you wear a mask? I mean, we wear masks! But, we rip them off! It is kind of our thing! But, to wear a mask throughout your whole life? Your whole wrestling career? What are you hiding?”

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