IMPACT Wrestling Presents: Victory Road Results Taya Valkyrie Retains ,TJP vs Michael Elgin
Moose goes head to head with UFC hall of famer Stephan Bonnar and the Knockouts Championship is on the line at 8pm EST!
Good evening Fight Fans, we hope your weekend has been swell and that you are ready for another show from IMPACT Wrestling this weekend!
Prince Mahali vs Tego
Tego is in control to start the match, sending Mahali out of the ring and hitting a suicide dive for a quick two count before Mahali comes back with strikes before Tego clotheslines him. Tego hits a standing moonsault before Mahali counters an eat defeat into a wrist lock lariat for a near fall before he misses a splash. Tego then hits a code breaker for a near fall before he misses a swanton and Mahali rolls him up for the pin and the win.
Winner: Mahali defeats Tego via pinfall
Damon Windsor vs Flex Zebra
They lock up for a clean break before Zebra clotheslines Damon and hits a facebuster for a two count before choking Zebra in the ropes and whipping him into the corner. Zebra catches Damon with a boot and slams Damon for a two count before hitting a leg drop for the pin and the win.
Winner: Flex Zebra defeats Damon Windsor via pinfall with a leg drop.
Main Show
IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match
The North (c) vs Retro Randy Price & Fuego Del Sol
Randy starts the match off with Ethan before Fuego comes in and The North immediately double up on him, Josh hitting a suplex and tossing Sol across the ring before choking him in the corner. Josh hits a swinging backbreaker for a two count before The North isolate Fuego, Randy repeatedly trying to get into the match and getting visibly frustrated, desperate for the tag. Fuego gets the tag to Randy after several minutes, Randy dropping both Ethan and Josh with clotheslines before hitting a flap jack and an inverted atomic drop into a flatliner for a two count. Fuego hits a springboard moonsault and Randy a frog splash for a near fall before Josh sends Randy out of the ring with a discus forearm and The North hit Fuego with a cutter into a wheelbarrow suplex for a near fall, Fuego hits a DDT before Randy hits one of his own for a near fall that Ethan breaks up before Ethan throws Josh out of the ring and into Randy before Ethan hits a razor’s edge and their finisher for the pin and the win.
Winner: The North retain their IMPACT World Tag Team Championship by defeating Fuego Del Sol and Retro Randy Price via pinfall when they pin Fuego with a burning hammer spinebuster.
-Moose cuts a promo on Ken Shamrock ahead of his match against Stephan Bonnar later tonight.
Kiera Hogan vs Desiderata
Kiera backs herself into the ropes and makes Desi back up before she shoves Kiera into the corner and tosses her away before Kiera drops Desi across the top rope by her throat and hits a shotgun dropkick into a running back elbow and a running basement dropkick in the corner for a quick two count. Desi come back with a powerslam for a two count and goes up top, but misses a swanton before Kiera slaps and yells at her before a fired up Desi comes back with knife edge chops and a dropkick into a scoop slam for a two count. Kiera drops Desi with a buzzsaw kick for a near fall before Desi hits a spinning powerbomb and Kiera immediately rolls out of the ring to avoid the cover, Desi having to chase Kiera around ringside before Kiera superkicks Desi off of the apron and down onto the floor once she’s back in the ring. Kiera then wins via count out when Desi is unable to answer the ten count.
Winner: Kiera Hogan defeats Desiderata via count out.
-Sami Callihan cuts a promo on Brian Cage ahead of their match at Bound for Glory for Brian’s IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship and his match against Hawk tonight.
Sami Callihan vs Hawk
Sami immediately attacks Hawk once he gets into the ring and stomps him in the corner before mocking Hawk, Hawk coming back with a dropkick, but Sami catches him with a boot and powerbombs him several times while playing to the crowd. Sami hits a high angle body drop that sends Hawk over the top and onto the floor before he chops him at ringside and drops him onto the apron. Back in the ring Sami drops Hawk with a back elbow and taking Hawk down with a side headlock before trying to choke him unconscious, Hawk nearly going out before he fights his way to his feet and counters a sleeper with a stunner before they exchange chops and Hawk kicks Sami. Hawk hits clotheslines and an enzuigiri before going out onto the ramp and hitting a running corkscrew cross body over the top rope into a cutter for a near fall. Sami then boots Hawk and hits a brainbuster for a near fall before they go back and forth and Sami hits a piledriver for the pin and the win.
Winner: Sami Callihan defeats Hawk via pinfall with a piledriver.
-After the match Sami hits Hawk with another piledriver before leaving.
World Class Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero vs MVP
MVP slams Chavo to the mat and hits him with knees to the midsection before hitting a scoop slam and a knee drop and following up with shoulder thrusts in the corner before hanging Chavo across the top rope. MVP drops Chavo off of the apron and sends him into the edge of the apron before dropping him across the railing. MVP rolls Chavo back into the ring and Chavo knocks him from the apron before he rocks MVP with uppercuts before kicking and stomping on him once they’re back in the ring. MVP comes back with a kitchen sink for a two count and Chavo sends MVP through the ropes and out onto the floor before he gets back into the ring and Chavo starts focusing on his leg. Chavo then hits a frog splash for a near fall before he locks in a figure four and transitions into a rear naked before MVP drives him into the corner. MVP then rocks Chavo with right hands and hits a high knee lift into an elbow drop for a near fall before Chavo hits the three amigos and goes for a frog splash, but MVP gets his knees up and hits a running boot for the pin and the win.
Winner: MVP defeats Chavo Guerrero via pinfall with a drive-by kick to become the new World Class Champion.
-After the match they hug and Chavo raises MVP’s arm before Eddie Edwards is interviewed backstage before he’s interrupted by Rohit Raju and Shera of Desi Hit Squad ahead of Eddie and Rohit’s match tonight.
Knockouts Championship Match
Taya Valkyrie (c) vs Rosemary
Rosemary chops Taya who quickly rolls out of the ring, but Rosemary pursues her and sends her into the ring post before hitting her with an open hand palm strike across the chest. Taya dropkicks Rosemary when she tries to get back into the ring and plays to the crowd before smashing Rosemary’s face into the apron and chokes her in the corner before Rosemary comes back and Taya hits her with a running face buster. They exchange strikes before Rosemary clotheslines Taya and hits a sling blade into a running splash in the corner into an exploder suplex for a two count before Rosemary spears Taya for a near fall and Taya distracts the referee before spraying something in Rosemary’s eyes. Taya then hits a curb stomp for the pin and the win.
Winner:Taya Valkyrie retains her Knockouts Championship by defeating Rosemary via pinfall with a curb stomp.
Moose vs Stephan Bonnar
Moose is quick to slide out of the ring when Stephan rushes him and takes his time getting back inside before he rakes Bonnar’s eyes and Bonnar takes him down before beating on him in full mount, raining down elbows before he goes for an armbar and Moose rolls out of the ring. Stephan stalks Moose around ringside before he smashes Moose’s face into the apron repeatedly before Moose bites him and Stephan sends him into the ring post before Moose kicks the rope when Stephan tries to get back into the ring. Moose kicks Stephan and plays to the crowd before suplexing him and they end up on the ramp before Stephan suplexes Moose rocks him with a series of kicks before hitting a hip toss into a mule kick for a two count. Stephan drops Moose with a wheel kick for a two count and they counter each other until Stephan goes for a flying armbar, Moose getting his foot on the bottom rope before tapping, Stephan thinking that he won. Moose then pins Stephan with his feet on the ropes for the pin and the win.
Winner: Moose defeats Stephan Bonnar via pinfall with a leverage pin.
Rohit Raju vs Eddie Edwards
Rohit plays to the crowd and distracts the referee while Shera chokes Eddie in the corner before Rohit chops him and Eddie comes back with a clothesline, atomic drop and an overhead belly to back suplex into a running clothesline in the corner. Rohit counters a suplex into a spinning neckbreaker and a front suplex for a two count before he’s attacked by Shera for the disqualification.
Winner: Eddie Edwards defeats Rohit Raju via disqualification when Shera interferes.
-Brian Cage comes out after the match and runs Desi off before they set up a tag match between the four men.
Eddie Edwards & Brian Cage vs Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju & Shera)
Brian and Eddie double up on Rohit to start the match before Brian hits a hip toss into a backbreaker and holds and curls Rohit before tossing him over his head and whipping him into the corner before he sends Eddie into Rohit. Eddie gets dropped with a knee to the midsection and Shera comes in and knocks Brian from the apron before he slams Eddie down and Brian and Shera go toe to toe before Brian sends Rohit out of the ring and Shera sends Brian out of the ring before Rohit sends Brian into the ring post. DHS double up on Eddie and Shera hits a backbreaker into a single leg dropkick by Rohit for a two count before Eddie comes back with a blue thunder bomb and tags Brian in who clotheslines Rohit and drops him with a back elbow before hitting an enzuigiri into a release German suplex and a pump handle GTS for a near fall. Brian and Shera exchange strikes until Brian counters a chokeslam into a German suplex and Rohit hits a tornado DDT before Shera hits a chokeslam for a near fall before Brian clotheslines Shera over the top rope and Eddie hits him with a suicide dive before Brian hits an F5 and Eddie the Boston Knee Party to Rohit for the pin and the win.
Winner: Eddie Edwards and Brian Cage defeat Desi Hit Squad via pinfall with an F5 and the Boston Knee Party.
Michael Elgin vs TJP
They lock up and Elgin immediately muscles TJP down to the mat before he gets his foot on the bottom rope and Elgin backs him into the corner, TJP hitting Elgin with mounted punches in the corner before locking in a standing headlock. TJP takes Elgin down with a side headlock takeover and Michael powers right back up before TJP takes him back down and applies a head scissors before hitting a huricanrrana, Michael applying a head scissors of his own before TJP pops up to his feet into a basement dropkick for a quick two count. TJP locks in an octopus stretch that Michael powers out of and launches TJP into the corner before hitting a bridging German suplex for a near fall and a float over suplex for another near fall. TJP fights out of a rear naked and hits a mule kick into a sit-out powerbomb before he hits a wheel kick and a springboard cross body into a wrecking ball dropkick and a diving cross body for a near fall. Michael rocks TJP with forearms and counters the Detonation Kick before locking in a cross face, TJP rolling him over for a near fall before hitting a jumping kick and the Detonation Kick for a near fall before he locks in a submission and Michael crawls to the ropes for the break.
TJP gets caught when he goes for a wrecking ball dropkick and Michael reapplies the cross face before TJP gets his foot on the bottom rope and TJP counters a lariat into an armbar and Michael powers out into a one armed buckle bomb. TJP then counters the Elgin Bomb into a the submission from earlier before Elgin gets to the ropes and drops TJP with a lariat for a near fall before he hits a lariat that turns TJP inside out and a buckle bomb into the Elgin Bomb for the pin and the win.
Winner: Michael Elgin defeats TJP via pinfall with the Elgin Bomb.