
IMPACT Wrestling Set To Tape This Week

IMPACT Wrestling is back in the saddle.

As Fightful Select reported this week, IMPACT Wrestling has three days of tapings. We’re not sure how much content the company is set to film:

IMPACT Wrestling has a quicker turnaround this time, as we’ve been told they plan to film between February 9 and 11. We’ve already heard of at least one name not on the roster who will be at the tapings, but as Matt Cardona had pointed out to us, he didn’t even know he was coming in to IMPACT until the Friday prior himself.

IMPACT Rebellion isn’t until April 24, which would be a hefty set of tapings if they filmed through then.

This article first appeared on our premium service, Fightful Select. Subscribe to get exclusive news every day, and a half-dozen weekly podcasts. It also appeared in our Fightful Wrestling Weekly newsletter, free on Fightful.

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