
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 5/26/20 Trey Edges Out Elgin & Austin Aces His Way to the Finals

The IMPACT World Championship Number One Contender Tournament continues with two semifinal matches!

Good evening Fight Fans,and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV headlined by a number one contender tournament semifinal match between Trey and Michael Elgin!

– We open the show with graphics for Shad Gaspard and Hana Kimura who died this past week before we get a recap of last week’s show and start tonight’s show in the IMPACT Zone with our opening contest in the IMPACT World Championship Number One Contender Tournament with a semifinal match between Ace Austin and Hernandez.

IMPACT World Championship Number One Contender Tournament Semifinal Match

Ace Austin vs Hernandez

Ace strikes Hernandez who just gets angry before dropping Ace with a shoulder block and chopping him in the corner before hip tossing him across the ring and Hernandez misses a running splash in the corner. Ace hits a springboard roundhouse and drops Hernandez down to one knee with kicks before Hernandez hits a military press slam and Ace hits a spin kick into a shotgun dropkick that sends Hernandez out of the ring. Hernandez catches Ace who claps his ears before kicking the ropes when Hernandez tries to get back into the ring and chokes him in the ropes before kicking out his legs and Hernandez hits a release suplex. Ace keeps the big man grounded until Hernandez nearly knocks him out of the ring and drops him with clotheslines and chops before hitting a running clothesline in the corner and tossing Ace across the ring with his shirt. Ace catches Hernandez coming in with a boot before Hernandez hits a gut wrench backbreaker for two before Ace counters the Border Toss and chop blocks Hernandez before hitting a head scissors and a roll up while holding the tights for a near fall.

Hernandez then counters The Fold twice before Ace hits a reverse DDT and The Fold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Hernandez via pinfall to advance to the finals of the tournament.

– After the match we go to Josh and Madison who give us a breakdown of the rest of tonight’s show before we go backstage to Chris Bey talking to Johnny Swinger ahead of Chris’ match later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video of The North trying to find the Deaner Compound before we get a video package narrated by Michael Elgin ahead of his tournament match against Trey before we go back to the ring for our next match between Chris Bey and Cousin Jake.

Chris Bey w/Johnny Swinger vs Cousin Jake

Jake backs Chris into the corner before Chris climbs to the top and Jake sends him across the ring before Jake grabs the ropes when Chris goes for a German before Jake hits several wrist lock clotheslines and whips Chris across the ring. Jake then slams Chris and hits a running knee drop before Johnny distracts Jake and Chris comes back with several kicks before dancing as we go to commercial.

We come back to Chris in control, hitting several basement dropkicks in the corner for two before stomping and choking him in the corner and kicks him in the spine before choking him in the ropes and hitting a jumping stomp. Chris misses a standing moonsault before Jake drops Chris with a right hand and hits a discus clothesline before hitting a reverse piledriver for a near fall, Chris rocking Jake with a jumping spin kick before hitting a code red for a near fall. Jake then hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before spearing Chris in the corner and knocking Johnny off of the apron, Chris hitting a springboard code breaker into a whirlwind kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chris Bey defeats Cousin Jake via pinfall.

– After the match Johnny and Chris attacks Jake before they’re ran off by Willie Mack who comes to Jake’s aide before we go to a backstage interview with Rohit Raju before we get a graphic for Kimber Lee versus Havok up next as we go to commercial.

Kimber Lee vs Havok

Lee attacks Havok from behind before hitting her with clubbing blows in the corner and Havok tosses Lee into the corner before whipping her across the ring and missing a running boot in the corner. Lee rocks Havok with a flurry of kicks before locking in a rear naked choke and Havok hits a spinebuster into a backbreaker and a clothesline before hitting a running boot in the corner. Lee then claws at the face of Havok when she puts her in a fireman’s carry before Lee grabs brass knuckles and is attacked by Nevaeh for the disqualification

Winner: Kimber Lee defeats Havok via disqualification when Nevaeh interferes.

– After the match we go to a backstage segment with Kiera Hogan, Tasha Steelz and Kylie Rae before they’re interrupted by Susie and Kiera and Tasha beat down Kylie and Susie before leaving as we go to The North arriving at the Deaner Compound as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Cody with his friends inside the compound before The North show up and a referee comes out of nowhere before Cody reveals his partner for the tag team title match, Cody revealing his partner to be a very large man who punches a table in half. Someone hits a cow bell before we get highlights of the match where the two sides brawl at ringside before getting into the ring and the match ends up in a field before The North retain via pinfall. After the match we go to a backstage interview with TJP and Fallah Bahh before they’re interrupted by Dez and Wentz of The Rascalz as we go to commercial.

– We come back to The Smoke Show with special guest TNA World Heavyweight champion Moose before we go to the IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a match between Moose and Cody for the IMPACT Grand Championship in which Moose defends his title as we go back to commercial.

– We come back to a video package for the soon debuting Deonna Purrazzo before we go to John. E. Bravo and Rosemary at the bar before we go back to Josh and Madison where we get a breakdown of next week’s show with a tag match between TJP and Fallah Bahh against The Rascalz and Susie and Kylie Rae against Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz. We then go back to the IMPACT Zone for our main event between Trey and Michael Elgin.

IMPACT World Championship Number One Contender Tournament Match

Trey vs Michael Elgin

Trey tries to take Elgin down with a side headlock takeover and gets taken down himself by the much stronger Elgin before Elgin locks in a head scissors and Trey hops up to get free before Elgin knocks Trey over with a shoulder block. Elgin chops Trey in the corner before Trey counters a suplex and hits a head scissors that sends Elgin out of the ring, Trey teasing a suicide dive before Elgin catches him when he goes for a moonsault off of the apron and Trey hits a DDT onto the floor. Trey tosses Elgin back into the ring and climbs to the top before hitting a moonsault for two before Elgin counters a head scissors into a code breaker and a butterfly backbreaker for two. Elgin whips Trey across the ring before dropping him with a stiff forearm and Trey comes back with forearms of his own before Elgin slaps him across the face and sends him face first into the top turnbuckle before driving his shoulder into his midsection. Elgin then drops Trey with a back elbow and hits a float over suplex for two before Trey gets to his feet and they exchange strikes until Trey hits a jawbreaker and Elgin hits an enzuigiri before Trey counters a powerbomb and hits a meteora as we go to commercial.

We come back to the two exchanging until they collapse before Trey hits a running uppercut in the corner into an enzuigiri before Elgin slingshots him into the ring and hits a cutter into a twisting side slam for a near fall. Trey counters a lariat before they exchange superkicks and Trey hits a code red before Elgin hits a sliding lariat and Trey hits a stunner before Elgin turns him inside out with a lariat. Elgin hits a running clothesline in the corner before Trey drops Elgin with a series of superkicks and a jumping stomp into a rebound cutter for a near fall before he climbs to the top and Elgin hits him with an enzuigiri before Trey counters an air raid crash and hits a frankensteiner. Elgin hits a snake eyes in the corner before suplexing Trey for a near fall before they end up on the top turnbuckle and Trey hits a meteora for a near fall before climbing back to the top and Elgin hits a sit-out powerbomb in mid-air for a near fall. Elgin then drops Trey with a lariat for yet another near fall before Sami Callihan makes the lights go out when Elgin goes for a bucklebomb before they come back on and Trey wins with a jack knife cover for the pin and the win.

Winner: Trey defeats Michael Elgin via pinfall to advance to the finals of the tournament.

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