
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 12/17/19 Sami to Reveal the Truth about Tessa

Sami Callihan vows to reveal the truth about Tessa Blanchard tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV and Twitch TV!

Hey Fight Fans, happy Tuesday and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch TV!

Jordynne Grace vs Tenille Dashwood

They exchange headlocks and head scissors before Tenille locks in a full nelson before Jordynne counters and hits a suplex for two. Tenille catches Jordynne in the ropes and hits a neckbreaker for two before Jordynne whips her into the corner and Tenille locks in the tarantula. Tenille hits a reverse DDT for two before Jordynne counters the Spotlight and hits a spinebuster for a near fall. Tenille counters the Grace Driver before clotheslining Tenille for a near fall and misses running knees in the corner before Tenille hits a sliding cross body in the corner into a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Tenille then goes for a cradle pin before Jordynne uses her superior strength and stops her to pin her shoulders for the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace defeats Tenille Dashwood via pinfall.

-Taya Valkyrie attacks Jordynne after the match before Tenille and Jordynne run her off as we go to the back where Moose has a confrontation with Rhino and says that his spear is better than Rhino’s Gore before Rhino Gores Moose as we go to commercial.

-We return to Willie Mack talking to The North alone where Ethan says that he needs to leave Rich and that he’s a star and won’t leave him and he needs to leave Rich before Rich shows up and makes them leave ahead of Rich’s match against Ethan later tonight.

TJP w/Fallah Bahh vs Daga

They shake hands before the match before taking each other down and TJP dropkicks Daga before Daga takes TJP down with a single leg takedown. Daga hits a deep arm drag when TJP gets back to his feet before TJP takes Daga down with a head scissors several times, spinning and sending him back down onto the mat whenever he gets up. TJP then gets a two count off of a crucifix before they hop to their feet and square off as we go to commercial.

TJP hits a huricanrrana that sends Daga out of the ring before hitting a wrecking ball dropkick before TJP wrenches the arm of Daga and rocks him with an uppercut. Daga hits a huricanrrana into a thrust kick before hitting a running sunset flip from the ramp and into the ring before hitting a jumping stomp for two. Daga hits a running forearm in the corner into a snap mare and a running boot into a senton for two before TJP counters a Tiger bomb. They drop each other before exchanging forearms once they’re on their feet. TJP hits a huricanrrana into an armbar before Daga counters a triangle and locks in an abdominal before TJP locks in an octopus stretch. Daga counters into a half Boston crab before transitioning into an ankle lock and TJP gets to his feet before they clothesline each other. Daga drops TJP with a series of kicks for two before Daga counters a superplex, but TJP lands it the second time he goes for it. TJP then hits the Detonation Kick before locking in a stretching submission for the pin and the win.

Winner: TJP defeats Daga via submission.

-The Desi Hit Squad then attack and lay out both Daga and TJP after the match as we go to Brian Cage running into RVD and Katie Forbes backstage and RVD wishes Brian luck in their match at Hard to Kill before saying that he knows how to counter his own moves before they leave as we go to commercial.

-RVD and Katie come out to the ring and they make out before saying that he’s claiming the credit for the moves done tonight and giving them their entire move set and that he sees it in everyone including his opponent at Hard to Kill Brian Cage. RVD says that Brian is a huge fan of him before he’s interrupted by Brian who comes out to the ring and they exchange until Brian drops RVD with a discus clothesline. Katie low blows Brian before RVD hits a diving ax kick and gives RVD a chair before he teases the Van Terminator from coast to coast and just hits a basement dropkick into the chair before they leave.

-We get this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a tag team championship match between the Motor City Machine Guns and the Young Bucks.

-We see Suzie talking to Rosemary backstage where Rosemary tries to get her to recover her old memories as Su Yung. James Mitchell then comes up and yells at Rosemary before Havok attacks her and Suzie has an episode before screaming and everyone stops in their tracks as we go to commercial.

-We go backstage to Taya Valkyrie trying to recruit Kiera Hogan and Madison Rayne.

Rich Swann w/Willie Mack vs Ethan Page w/Josh Alexander

Rich and Ethan run the ropes and go back and forth before Rich dropkicks Ethan and hits numbered punches in the corner and plays to the crowd. Josh grabs the ankle of Rich before Willie fights with the referee over Josh’s interference and Ethan capitalizes by hitting Rich from behind for two. Rich counters a suplex into a small package for two before Ethan drops Rich with a back elbow and chokes Rich in the corner before chopping him in the corner and whipping him across the ring. Rich comes back with a rolling jumping clothesline and a neckbreaker into a kick for two before hitting an enzuigiri into a cartwheel moonsault for two. Josh distracts Rich and Ethan catches him on the top with a right hand before slamming him down and hitting a Styles clash for a near fall.

Rich comes back with punches and a buzz saw kick for a near fall before he lands on his feet when he misses a 450 and Ethan turns him inside out with a shoulder tackle. Ethan slams Rich off of the top rope and hits a swanton bomb for a near fall before Rich hits a frankensteiner that sends Ethan out of the ring. Josh gets in the way when Rich goes for a flipping senton before Ethan punches Willie and Willie follows him into the ring before dropping him with a right hand for the disqualification.

Winner: Ethan Page defeats Rich Swann via disqualification due to interference by Willie Mack.

-After the match Rich fights with Willie over his interference and costing him the match before we go backstage to Moose trying to rush Rhino and spear him, but he dodges him and they brawl before they’re pulled apart as we go to commercial.

Joey Ryan vs Acey Romero

Acey backs Joey into the corner for a clean break before hitting a running cross body and rocking him with an uppercut before Joey tries to put his sucker in the mouth of Acey and the referee ends up with it in his mouth. Acey then goes for a groin claw, but Joey is too strong and hits a penis flip before he takes out another sucker and puts it in Acey’s mouth before hitting Sweet Tooth Music for the pin and the win.

Winner: Joey Ryan defeats Acey Romero via pinfall with the Sweet Tooth Music.

-Tessa Blanchard is then interviewed backstage and says that regardless of what Sami has to say tonight she’s not going anywhere before leaving as we go to commercial.

Ace Austin vs Petey Williams

Ace locks in a standing headlock before dropping Petey with a back elbow and Petey hits a huricanrrana before Ace sets him on the top rope and hits a step up arm drag into a dropkick. Petey hits a code breaker and a drop toe hold into the ropes before hitting a running dropkick to the back of Ace. Petey sends Ace out of the ring before hitting a tope and Ace drops Petey with a superkick from the apron before getting back into the ring as we go to commercial.

Petey back Ace into the corner before he turns it around and Ace hits a rolling kick in the corner for two before taking Petey down and trying to give him a paper cut before Petey rolls him up for two. Petey hits a side Russian leg sweep before Ace hits the Bang-a-Rama for a near fall and Petey dodges The Fold before Ace counters the Canadian destroyer. Ace sets Petey on the top turnbuckle and Ace counters an avalanche Canadian destroyer before Petey powerbombs him and counters a third attempt at the Canadian destroyer. Ace then hits The Fold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Petey Williams via pinfall with The Fold.

-After the match Ace dedicates his victory to Trey’s mother and waves to her in the crowd before we see Sami Callihan making his way down a set of stairs as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Trey confronting Ace Austin and Ace insults his mother before Trey attacks him and he’s pulled back by Reno Scum and several staff before we get a rundown of the card for Hard to Kill.

-IMPACT World champion and the leader of OvE Sami Callihan comes out to the ring and says that he’s in the ring to expose Tessa Blanchard as a fake and a phony. Sami says that at Hard to Kill they will make history in the first ever inter-gender IMPACT World Championship match and that he does the same thing he does to her as he does men. Sami talks about how Tessa’s father is Tully Blanchard and that she was raised by Magnum T.A. and had help the entire way before saying that he did everything on his own and by himself and he never needed his father to call to get him a try out. Tessa interrupts Sami and goes to the ring, but gets attacked by Madman Fulton on the ramp before Ken Shamrock comes to her save and Sami sends Tessa out of the ring. Fulton then attacks Ken in the ring as Sami and Tessa brawl backstage and outside of the building among the fans before brawling into the street and Tessa follows Sami down the street as we go off the air.

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