
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 12/3/19 Brian Cage vs Eddie Edwards

The Machine goes head to head with the Boston Brawler and The Rascalz take on Ace Austin and Reno Scum tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

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Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV! We hope you enjoy the show and I’ll see you back here tomorrow night for NXT!

Brian Cage vs Eddie Edwards vs Michael Elgin

They exchange standing switches before Eddie takes Brian down and with a side headlock and Brian drops him with a shoulder block when he gets back to his feet. Brian runs through a chop by Eddie and hits a running clothesline in the corner before Eddie sends Brian through the ropes and hits a huricanrrana onto the floor. Eddie chops Brian at ringside and Brian suplexes him for a quick two count before hitting a backbreaker and a high angle back drop driver for a two count. Eddie comes back with a huricanrrana off of the top and a blue thunder bomb for a near fall before Brian counters a Tiger driver into a DVD for a near fall before Eddie superkicks Brian. Brian then turns Eddie inside out with a lariat before they exchange and are both killed by Michael Elgin who comes out and clotheslines the both of them as we’re told that the match will be a triple threat match when he come back from commercial.

Everyone exchanges before Eddie clears the ring and hits a suicide dive before Brian hits a flipping senton and takes out Eddie and Michael. Back in the ring Eddie hits an Olympic slam before they exchange superkicks until Eddie hits an overhead belly to belly suplex before Elgin clears the ring before hitting a diving cross body to the outside as we go to commercial.

Michael sets Brian on the top turnbuckle before Brian knocks Elgin down and Eddie hits a back pack stunner for a near fall before locking in a single leg Boston crab. Brian gets free and drops Eddie before hitting a variation of the Drill Claw for a near fall before Elgin drops Eddie and hits Brian with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Brian hits a sit-out powerbomb before Eddie hits the Boston Knee Party a Tiger driver to Brian for a near fall before everyone hits a move until they collapse. Eddie then gets near falls on both Cage and Elgin before Elgin turns him inside out and powerbombs him into Brian before hitting an Elgin Bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Michael Elgin defeats Eddie Edwards and Brian Cage via pinfall when he pins Eddie with an Elgin Bomb.

-We get a segment of the Smoke Show with The Rascalz and Trey’s mom ahead of The Rascalz versus Ace Austin and Reno Scum later tonight as we go to commercial.

-We have a segment with Moose who plays basketball before attacking two gits on the court, even hanging one in the net before leaving.

-We’re told about a fundraiser for ODB’s food truck before she comes out to the ring and talks about her food truck burning down before she’s interrupted by Taya Valkyrie and John E. Bravo. ODB then attacks Taya before Taya and John leave as we go to commercial.

-Taya Valkyrie versus ODB is announced for later tonight before we get highlights of the press conference for the next big show where Josh and Scott talking about the first ever inter-gender IMPACT World Championship match at Hard to Kill before Tessa and Sami have an exchange of words and each of them speak.

Ace Austin & Reno Scum vs The Rascalz

Trey and Adam kick things off with Trey in control, using his superior speed and athleticism before Ace comes in and drops Trey before he goes to give Trey a paper cut and Ace rolls out of the ring. Wentz rocks Ace with a flurry of kicks before hitting a running shooting star press and Dez hits a standing corkscrew senton for a two count. Reno double up on Dez for a two count before Luster hits a delayed suplex for a two count by Adam before Reno double team Dez and Adam hits a standing moonsault for a two count. Ace mocks Trey and stomps Dez in the corner before giving Dez a paper cut with a playing card before Dez catches him coming in with a boot. Dez drops Ace with a kick to the side of the head before Trey comes in and knocks Luster off of the apron before hitting Adam with a 619 into a backbreaker and a cutter.

Ace catches Trey with a kick when he goes for a suicide dive before Wentz takes out Luster at ringside and Adam takes out Dez and Wentz. Trey hits a step up corkscrew senton to ringside before Ace flirts with Trey’s mom at ringside and Trey goes after him. Adam then rolls Wentz up with a roll up with the tights for the pin and the win.

Winner: Reno Scum and Ace Austin defeat The Rascalz via pinfall.

-Jordynne Grace talks to ODB about her match against Taya later tonight before giving her money and leaving as we go to commercial.

-Johnny Swinger talks with Joey backstage where Johnny tries to get Joey to team up with him before his match against Petey Williams before RVD and Katie Forbes comes out to the ring before they’re interrupted by Tommy Dreamer. RVD and Katie then go to leave before Rhino rushes out and attacks RVD before they’re separated by security and RVD and Katie leave.

-We get a video package for Rich Swann in the number one contender gauntlet match last week before Rich meets up with Willie Mack before The North show up and they have an exchange of words ahead of their match at Hard to Kill as we go to commercial.

-Fallah Bahh is interviewed backstage before we get the IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week between Mickie James and ODB for the Knockouts Championship.

-James Mitchell escorts Suzie around before they meet with Havok as we go to commercial.

Johnny Swinger vs Petey Williams

Petey drops Johnny repeatedly and hits a drop toe hold into the ropes before hitting a running dropkick and Johnny comes back with strikes before missing several elbow drops. Petey hits a slingshot code breaker into a side Russian leg sweep before Johnny counters a Canadian destroyer and Petey locks in a sharpshooter for the tap and the win.

Winner: Petey Williams defeats Johnny Swinger via submission with a sharpshooter.

ODB vs Taya Valkyrie

Taya drops ODB before missing a running splash in the corner and ODB drops her with clotheslines before chopping her in the corner. ODB hits a fall away slam that sends Taya out of the ring before John steaks ODB’s flask and she makes him drink from it before motor boating him. ODB clotheslines Taya before Taya rips her off of the top turnbuckle and choking her in the ropes. Taya hits a running knee for a two count before hitting running hip attacks in the corner for a near fall before locking in a variation of a cross face. ODB crawls to the ropes for the break before Taya smashes her face into the mat and chops her in the corner before setting ODB on the top turnbuckle.

ODB knocks Taya off of the top rope and hits a diving meteora before ODB hire a bronco buster and John distracts her and Taya attacks her from behind. Jordynne Grace then comes out and distracts Taya before ODB rolls her up for the pin and the win.

Winner: ODB defeats Taya Valkyrie via pinfall with a roll up.

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