
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 1/14/15 Hard to Kill Fallout

Witness the fallout to Hard to Kill where Tessa Blanchard made history and dethroned the leader of OvE Sami Callihan!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch TV! Please enjoy the show and I’ll see you back here tomorrow night for NXT proper!

-We open the show with a video recapping Hard to Kill where Tessa Blanchard became the new IMPACT World champion.

TJP & Daga vs Reno Scum vs Desi Hit Squad vs The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz)

All eight men exchange before its TJP, Rohit and Dez in the ring and Wentz sends Rohit out of the ring and Dez and Wentz double up on TJP with a flurry of high paced moves. Shera gets in and runs everyone over before he exchanges with Luster and Reno clear the ring before hitting a German suplex into a diving stomp for two to Dez. Reno put TJP in the tree of woe and go to powerbomb Daga into him before Daga clears the ring. Rohit and Shera attack Daga from behind as TJP falls out of the tree of woe and Shera hits a scoop slam to Daga before slamming Rohit on top of him. Dez sends Shera out of the ring before The Rascalz double up on Rohit before TJP hits a diving cross body and a wrecking ball dropkick.

Several competitors take turns hitting topes until Daga hits Rohit with a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall that Dez breaks up. Wentz and Dez then hit dives before Luster hits a spinebuster and Shera clears the ring before hitting Wentz with a sky high sit-out powerbomb for the pin and the win.

Winner:Desi Hit Squad defeats The Rascalz, Reno Scum and TJP and Daga via pinfall when Shera pins Dez with a sky high sit-out powerbomb.

-After the match we go backstage to a promo by Moose as we go to commercial.

-We get highlights of the X-Division Championship match between the champion Ace Austin and Trey in which Ace retained before we go to Ace talking on the phone backstage before we get highlights of the eight man tag match at Bash at the Brewery 2 where Rich Swann was injured.

-We get highlights of the two on one handicap match for the tag titles between the champions The North and Willie Mack as the sole challenger. We then see Rich talking to Willie backstage after he lost and Rich tells him that he’s not a failure and that he’s one of the best and he fought his heart out in that match before they hug and we go to Katie Forbes in a negligee and lighting candles at bedside as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a promo by Eddie Edwards before we get highlights of the hard hitting, grueling match Eddie had with Michael Elgin at Hard to Kill where Eddie retained his trophy by the skin of his teeth. We then get a video package for Michael Elgin in Japan with Pro Wrestling NOAH where Eddie also cut his teeth in the promotion and was a champion as part of The Wolves.

-We get highlights of Brian Cage and Daga against RVD at Hard to Kill before we go to RVD and Katie in their bedroom where RVD cuts a promo while ripping up rose petals before they’re joined by another girl and it turns into literal softcore porn.

-We get highlights of the saga between Madman Fulton and Ken Shamrock culminating with their match at Hard to Kill before we get a promo by Ken backstage before we get the IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week with a match between Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett.

Joey Ryan vs Johnny Swinger

Joey plays to the crowd and rubs baby oil on his chest before they lock up and exchange wrist locks and wring each other’s arms. Johnny teases he’s going to grab Joey’s groin before dropping him with a right hand and stomping him in the corner before dropping him with a back elbow for two. Johnny hits a diving punch off of the second rope and whips Joey into the corner before hitting a running clothesline before Joey comes back with a dropkick. Johnny and Joey then accidentally take out the referee before Joey hits Sweet Tooth Music for the pin and the win.

Winner: Joey Ryan defeats Johnny Swinger via pinfall with the Sweet Tooth Music.

-We get highlights of the Knockouts Championship Triple Threat match in which Taya Valkyrie retained against ODB and Jordynne Grace before we get highlights of Tessa Blanchard’s historic victory over Sami Callihan and becoming the first woman to become IMPACT World champion.

Moose vs Fallah Bahh vs Eddie Edwards vs Ace Austin

Everyone hits a move before Moose sends Ace out of the ring and exchanges strikes with Bahh before they try to knock each other over and end up clothes lining each other. Eddie hits an atomic drop to Ace and chops him in the corner before doing the same thing to Bahh and Moose, piling them all up in the corner. Eddie helps Bahh hits a suicide dive to Moose before hitting a diving cross body that takes out everyone at ringside as we go to commercial.

Eddie catches Ace on the top turnbuckle and hits a backpack stunner for two before Bahh drops them both with a double clothesline. Moose comes in and hits a running dropkick in the corner before taking out Ace and hitting Bahh with a superplex. Ace rolls Eddie up for a near fall before Bahh turns Moose inside out with a lariat as we go to commercial.

Eddie and Moose exchange strikes before everyone gets dropped by hitting each other with a move before Bahh hits a pop-up sit-out powerbomb to Eddie. Ace then drags Eddie out of the ring and hits Bahh with The Fold off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner:Ace Austin defeats Fallah Bahh, Eddie Edwards and Moose via pinfall with The Fold off of the top turnbuckle.

-We get a video recapping the roster celebrating with Tessa Blanchard when she defeated Sami Callihan and became the first woman to become IMPACT World champion before we get a sit down interview with the new champion. Tessa talks about winning the title and how surreal the whole experience has been before saying that she expects OvE to seek revenge. Tessa talks about wanting to do a lot of things as champion and that she knows she has a target on her back now before they’re interrupted by Sami on a monitor. Sami says that he is the champion that everyone needs before the camera pans out and he is shown to be in the same building as Tessa before she gets up and goes to find him. We then see that Sami is nowhere to be found before he appears on monitors in the control room and says that he is going to get revenge when she least expects it as we go off the air.

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