
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 7/21/20 New Tag Champions Crowned, Bey Retains

The X-Division Championship is on the line tonight in a Slammiversary rematch at 8pm EST!

Hey there Fight Fans, welcome to tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

– We open the show with a video promo by EC3 before we have a new intro and open in the IMPACT Zone with the X-Division Championship rematch between the newly crowned champion Chris Bey and the former champion, the challenger Willie Mack.

X-Division Championship Match

Chris Bey (c) vs Willie Mack

Chris immediately goes after Willie and beats on him in mount once he drops him before Willie gets in Chris’ guard and hits him with punches before they get back to their feet. They exchange strikes before Willie drops Chris and Chris sends Willie in the middle rope throat first before Chris goes for a cross body to the outside and Willie catches Chris before slamming him onto the floor. Willie rolls Chris back into the ring and hits a slingshot senton before missing a running splash in the corner and Chris hits a neckbreaker with Willie trapped in the corner for two. Chris locks in a rear headlock before Willie powers to his feet and fights his way out of it before they run the ropes and Chris kicks out Willie’s knee and hits a jumping stomp. Chris misses a standing moonsault before Willie hits one and Chris counters a stunner before Willie hits a pop-up forearm and misses a frog splash. Chris then hits The Art of Finesse for the win.

Winner: Chris Bey retains his X-Division Championship by defeating Willie Mack via pinfall.

– After the match we get a recap of the main event of Slammiversary in which Eric Young returned to re-injure the leg and ankle of Rich Swann and Josh gives us an update on Rich’s condition.

– The Good Brothers then come out to the ring as we go to commercial.

– The Good Brothers are in the ring as we come back from the break before Karl cuts a promo as we cut to them saving Eddie Edwards from Ace Austin and Madman Fulton this past Saturday at Slammiversary. Karl explains why they have come to IMPACT and how they made an impact at Slammiversary after the main event before Ace and Fulton come out to the ring. Ace and Fulton get into the ring and Ace exchanges words with Karl before the four brawl and The Good Brothers clear the ring and Ace and Fulton leave to the back.

– We go backstage to see Heath trying to get into the arena, but security won’t let him before he tries to call Rhino who is busy talking to Hernandez before they agree to a match and Rhino leaves as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the commercial to Chris Bey celebrating in the locker room with two women before his party is crashed by Rohit Raju lobbying for a title shot.

Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs Havok & Navaeh

Navaeh and Tasha start things off before Havok and Kiera come in and Kiera goes to dropkick Havok, but she doesn’t budge before Havok drops her. Havok tosses Kiera into the corner and Navaeh comes in and hits a snap mare before Kiera attacks her from behind when she focuses on Tasha on the apron. Kiera and Tasha isolate Navaeh in their half of the ring and keep her away from Havok until she comes back with a clothesline and gets the hot tag to Havok. Havok then runs over both Kiera and Tasha before hitting running hip attacks and boots in the corner and Kiera jumps on her back before Havok goes for a tombstone and Tasha hits her with a chair for the disqualification.

Winner: Havok and Navaeh defeat Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz via disqualification.

– After the match Havok keeps a hold of Kiera and tombstones her before they celebrate.

– We cut to this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a match between Eddie Edwards and Bobby Lashley in which Eddie wins to become the new IMPACT World champion.

– We then go backstage to Sami Callihan where he runs into Ken Shamrock and the two exchange words as we go back to commercial.

Rhino vs Hernandez

Rhino immediately hits Hernandez with a Gore for the pin and the win and gets to keep all of the money from their arm wrestling matches.

Winner: Rhino defeats Hernandez via pinfall.

– Backstage The North list off their extensive list of accolades before saying that if The Motor City Machine Guns are so good they should try to win the titles from them.

– We get a video package recapping Slammiversary where everyone involved talk about their matches.

– We go to the ring as Eddie Edwards comes out and celebrates his winning the world title at Slammiversary. Eddie says that he will be a fighting champion and will have an open challenge every week for the title before he’s interrupted by Eric Young who made his return to IMPACT at Slammiversary. Eddie tells Eric that he doesn’t deserve a title match before Eddie hits a suicide dive and they’re broken up by officials.

– We go backstage to an interview with Moose who says that he’s going to be a fighting champion like Eddie before saying that he has a match against Fallah Bahh to prepare for. 

– Eddie is then interviewed backstage before Trey walks in and asks Eddie for a shot next week which Eddie accepts.

TNA Heavyweight Championship Match

Moose (c) vs Fallah Bahh w/TJP

They lock up before Moose backs Bahh into the corner and goes to choke Bahh who chops Moose across the chest several times and Moose catches him with a boot. Moose drops Bahh and hits a jumping elbow drop before chopping Bahh across the chest and rakes the eyes of Bahh. Moose the spears Bahh for the pin and the win to retain his title.

Winner: Moose retains his TNA Heavyweight Championship by defeating Fallah Bahh via pinfall.

– EC3 shows up after the match out of nowhere and hits Moose with a reverse DDT.

– We go outside to Ace and Fulton who run up on The Good Brothers and they exchange words before Gallows and Anderson are attacked from behind by Reno Scum.

– It’s announced that Eddie will indeed defend his title against Trey and that Reno Scum will face The Good Brothers on next week’s show.

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match

The North (c) vs Motor City Machine Guns

Alex and Ethan start things off for their respective teams by locking up before Alex wrings the arm of Ethan and they run the ropes and dodge each other’s strikes until Josh and Chris come in. Chris locks in an octopus stretch before Josh muscles his way free and drops Chris and Alex comes back in and Josh knocks Alex into Chris and knocks him off of the apron. Josh backs Alex into the corner where Ethan tags himself in and drops Alex with strikes while yelling at him before Ethan rolls out of the ring and Chris kicks him from ringside. Josh then hits Alex from behind before MCMG double up on Josh and drop Ethan once he tries to get back into the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Alex hitting a diving cross body to Ethan for two before hitting him with forearms and chops in the corner. Alex gets whipped across the ring and sent out onto the apron before Ethan sends Josh into Alex and The North take control until they hit a delayed suplex and Alex gets the tag to Chris. Chris hits a missile dropkick and sends Josh out of the ring before hitting Ethan with a tornado DDT for a near fall and MCMG hit a flurry of moves before Alex hits a shiranui for a near fall of his own. Alex hits Ethan with a brainbuster into a cross face  to Ethan while Chris puts Josh in a clover leaf before Chris has to break the hold to make sure Ethan doesn’t pin Alex for a near fall by Ethan. Josh drops Chris with a discus forearm before Chris drops Ethan with a shining wizard and Chris and Josh exchange standing switches until The North hit a springboard cutter into a German suplex for a near fall.

Sabin then gets stuck between strikes by The North before The North hit their finisher and Chris rolls through to pin Ethan for the win out of nowhere to become the new tag champions.

Winner: The Motor City Machine Guns defeat The North via pinfall to become the new IMPACT World Tag Team Champions.

– We then end the show as we go backstage where Heath puts his foot in the door when someone is coming out so he can sneak inside as we go off the air.

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