
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 6/24/21 IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match

The IMPACT World Tag Team titles are on the line tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

– Backstage Don Callis and Kenny Omega make their way into the arena and Don screams at a security guard off mic before we go to the ring for our opening match between Rosemary and Kiera Hogan.

Rosemary vs Kiera Hogan

Rosemary is agressive early as Kiera repeatedly gets out of the ring and Rosemary chases her before hitting a sidewalk slam once they’re back inside and beating on Kiera in mount before Kiera sends Rosemary out of the ring and onto the apron before distracting the referee and allowing Tasha to rip her down and onto the floor. Tasha and Kiera take turns choking Rosemary in the ropes before Havok comes over and runs Tasha off before Kiera hits a Helluva kick in the corner for two before stomping Rosemary in the corner and hitting a running hip attack in the corner. Kiera scrapes her boot across the face of Rosemary before Rosemary hits a flapjack and strikes before hitting a sling blade and locking in a Muta lock before Kiera scrambles to the ropes for the break before Kiera comes back and gets a near fall off of a roundhouse kick. Rosemary then pins Kiera with a Wing Clipper for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rosemary defeast Kiera Hogan via pinfall.

– We get backstage interview with Tommy Dreamer before Scott D’Amore shows up and the two have words where Scott tells Tommy that he’s got things around here before Tommy informs him that the board has asked him to stay there and be an overseer for IMPACT in their stead before leaving.

Susan (w/ Kimber Lee) vs Deonna Purrazzo

Deonna shoves Susan in the face whenever she tries to get into her face before they lock up and Deonna backs Susan into the corner for a clean break before Deonna locks in a standing side headlock and drops Susan with a shoulder block before missing a running knee drop. The two exchanging standing switches before Deonna takes Susan down and snaps her arm before focusing on the now injured arm until Deonna sends Susan of the ring and she gets back in at seven before Deonna locks in a straight jacket. Susan then briefly counters before Deonna reapplies the hold and hits a back stabber for a two count that she herself breaks up before Susan comes back with strikes and a superplex before Deonna locks in a Fujiwara for the tap and the win.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo defeats Susan via submission.

– After the match Deonna holds onto the hold before Kimber comes in and makes her break it up before the two exchange words and Deonna leaves them.

– Earlier tonight we get highlights of Fallah Bahh and TJP defeating Decay after Black Taurus accidentally hits Crazzy Steve before we go backstage to TJP and Fallah at Swinger’s Place as we go to commercial.

– Don meets with Tommy and congratulates him for his new position.

Rohit Raju & Shera vs Trey Miguel & Petey Williams

Petey and Rohit exchange wrist locks before they run the ropes and Petey hits a drop toe hold into the ropes before hitting a dropkick and a back elbow before putting Rohit in the tree of woe before Trey comes in and hits a jawbreaker before he and Petey double up on Rohit. Shera gets the hot tag and cuts Petey off before Petey uses his speed to be one step ahead until he catches him and drops him as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Rohit in control of Petey on the mat before Tey gets the hot tag and knocks Shera off of the apron before Rohit hits a flat liner for two before Ace and Fulton come out and distract Petey before Josh Alexander comes out and everyone brawls.

Winner: No Contest

– After the match Shera, Raju, Austin, and Fulton beat down Trey, Josh, and Petey while Chris Bey watches from the ramp and records on his phone as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Tommy tries to recruit Sami Callihan for his team when his team faces Don Callis’ team next week before Moose briefly makes an appearance.

– Rachel Ellering is in the ring as whe calls her tag partner Jordynne Grace out to the ring and Jordynne obliges before Jazz comes out to the ring before Jordynne leaves Jazz and Rachel in the ring and Kaleb and Tenille come out to the ring before Jazz and Rachel lay Tenille out and Kaleb carries her to the back as we go to commercial.

Jake Something vs Sam Beale

Jake drops Sam before dropping him with a shoulder blcok and they run the ropes before Jake drops Sam again and sends him out of the ring before Sam sends Jake into the post and beats on him before Jake catches him when he goes for a diving cross body. Jake slams Sam before Sam rakes his eyes and Jake drives him into the corner before hitting a black hole slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jake Something defeats Sam Beale via pinfall.

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match
Violent By Design (c) (Deaner & Joe Doering (w/ Eric Young & Rhino) vs Eddie Edwards & Satoshi Kojima

Eddie and Joe start the match off before Kojima and Deaner come in and Kojima locks in a standing side headlock and runs Deaner over as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Eddie and Kojima doubling up on Deaner before Joe beats Kojima down and VBD isolate Kojima until Eddie gets the hot tag and drops Deaner repeatedly before hitting a blue thunderbomb for two before Joe saves Deaner from a Tiger Driver and Eddie and Kojima clear the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Eddie now in control of Deaner until he comes back and drops Eddie before stomping and choking him against the ropes and backing him into the corner before Joe comes in and rocks Eddie with right hands before hitting a powerslam into an elbow drop for two. Eddie hits Deaner with a jawbreaker before Deaner hits a kitchen sink and a knee drop before Eddie gets beat down when he tries to fight out of the corner before he comes back with high angle back drop driver. Eddie gets the hot tag to Kojima who knocks Joe off of the apron and drops Deaner repeatedly before hitting his signature machine gun chops in the corner and Joe comes in and attacks him before Kojima does the same to him and Eddie does it to Deaner on the opposite side of the ring. Eddie hits Deaner with a frankensteiner before Kojima hits a diving elbow drop for a near fall before Deaner comes back with a neckbreaker and misses a diving headbutt before Eddie comes back in and Joe runs him over with a running cross body before Deaner hits the diving headbutt for a near fall. Deaner is then sent out of the ring before Joe hits a double clothesline and Eddie counters a powerbomb before Eddie hits a superkick and Kojima a Koji Cutter before Joe hits Eddie with the Revolution Bomb when he goes for the Boston Knee Party for the pin and the win.

Winner: Violent By Design retain their IMPACT World Tag Team titles by defeating Eddie Edwards and Satoshi Kojima via pinfall.

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