
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 6/2/20 Ace Austin Wins the #1 Contender Tournament by Defeating Wentz

One Third of The Rascalz clashes with the formed X-Division champion for a shot at gold tonight at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

Kylie Rae & Susie vs Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz

Rae and Steelz start the match off by exchanging wrist locks before Susie gets the tag and comes in before Tasha mocks her and Susie slaps her across the face. Kiera comes in and Susie immediately takes her down several times before Kylie gets the tag and they hit a double bulldog for two before Kylie locks in a front headlock and hits Kiera across the back. Kiera scurries to the corner and tags in Tasha who shoves Susie into the corner and Kiera pulls her down to the mat by her hair when the referee is distracted before they double up on Susie. Susie fights out of the corner and hits a bulldog before getting the tag to Kylie who drops both Tasha and Kiera before hitting a cannonball and an arm drag into a superkick for two. Kylie drives Kiera into the corner and Susie gets hit with a code breaker before Kylie superkicks her and Kiera drops her with a roundhouse kick.

Susie then hits an airplane spine and gets hit with a double superkick before Tasha hits a frankensteiner into a fisherman’s suplex by Kiera for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz defeat Kylie Rae and Susie.

– After the match we go to Josh and Madison who break down the rest of tonight’s show including The Return of Locker Room Talk and the finals of the #1 Tournament Championship Tournament between Trey and Ace Austin before we go to a backstage interview with Ace as we go to commercial.

Crazzy Steve vs Joey Ryan w/The Crist Brothers

Joey slaps Steve before Steve drops him several times and Joey dropkicks him before playing to the camera and drives his shoulder into Steve’s midsection before hitting him across the back with clubbing blows. Joey scoop slams Steve before hitting a fist drop for two and Steve bits Joey before hitting a cannonball in the corner, The Crists distracting Steve at ringside before Joey pins him with a superkick for the win.

Winner: Joey Ryan defeats Crazzy Steve via pinfall.

– After the match Joey tries to bring The Crists into Cancel Culture before Jake drops Dave with a kick and joins Joey as we go to commercial.

Rohit Raju vs Chase Stevens

Rohit immediately gets a near fall before Chase clotheslines him for two and hits a float over suplex for another two count before Rohit hits a side Russian leg sweep for a two count of his own. Chase comes back momentarily before Rohit hits a jumping flat liner and chokes Chase on the mat before dropping him with a back elbow. Chase comes back with right hands and a running boot into a German suplex and an ax kick for a near fall before Rohit gets his knees up when Chase goes for a moonsault and Rohit drops Chase with a jumping knee before hitting a diving stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats Chase Stevens via pinfall.

– After the match Rohit talks to the camera before he turns around and is Gored by Rhino before we go backstage to an interview with Havok and Nevaeh as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to this week’s edition of Locker Room Talk with special guest Chris Bey before we get this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring an IMPACT Grand Championship match between Moose and Drew McIntyre. We then go to a backstage interview with the Women’s champion Jordynne Grace before she’s interrupted by perennial contender Taya Valkyrie as we go to commercial.

TJP & Fallah Bahh vs The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz)

Dez goes for a standing switch, but Bahh doesn’t budge before Dez hits an arm drag and goes for a roll up, but Bahh stands still before missing a jumping leg drop and they face off before TJP and Wentz enter the match. They lock up before Wentz drops TJP with a shoulder block and hits a head scissors before The Rascalz double up on TJP and Bahh runs Dez over before tossing Wentz into the corner. TJP and Bahh double up on Wentz for two before TJP hits a suplex and The Rascalz drop him with a flurry of kicks into a jumping stomp for two. Wentz hits a slingshot for two before TJP hits a tornado DDT and tags in Bahh who drops Dez several times and tosses him into the corner before hitting running splashes in opposite corners and throws Wentz into Dez before hitting a Samoan drop for two. TJP and Bahh double up on Dez by hitting a double splash for a near fall before TJP hits a suplex into a dragon screw before Dez hits a flat liner.

Wentz superkicks Bahh off of the apron and drops TJP with a PK into a standing moonsault for two before The Rascalz double up on TJP for a near fall that Bahh breaks up before Bahh breaks up another near fall when Dez gets his knees up when TJP goes for a frog splash. Everyone then hits a move before TJP locks in a kneebar and Dez counters in a bridging pin out of no where for the win.

Winner: The Rascalz defeat TJP and Fallah Bahh via pinfall.

– After the match the four men hug before we get a video package for Deonna Purrazzo as we go to commercial.

– We come back to John E. Bravo talking with Rosemary outside before we go to Michael Elgin who makes his way out to the ring and starts talking before he’s interrupted by Sami Callihan’s music and logo on the stage as the lights go out before coming back on. Ken Shamrock then comes out to the ring and is immediately stomped on by Elgin before Ken comes back with knees and Elgin scrambles out of the ring when Ken goes for an ankle lock as we go to commercial.

IMPACT World Championship #1 Contender Tournament Finals Match

Ace Austin vs Trey/Wentz

We go backstage to see that Trey has been attacked before Wentz comes out and confronts Ace before he’s restrained by officials and Scott D’Amore comes out and makes the match between Wentz and Ace instead. Wentz immediately hits a running shotgun dropkick before punching Ace in the mount and stomps him in the corner before superkicking Ace who grabs the bottom rope and holds on for dear life before Wentz punches Ace in mount again before Ace rolls out onto the apron and falls down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to Ace in control of Wentz at ringside before Wentz sweeps him and he falls down onto the apron before falling onto the floor and Wentz chokes Ace with his shirt. Ace drops Wentz onto the ramp before sending him into the railing and stomps him on the floor before dropping Wentz with a spinning kick when he tries to hit a dive off of the top of the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back to Ace in control until Wentz hits several superkicks and Ace slams Wentz to the mat for a near fall before Wentz drives Ace into the corner and Ace hits a snap mare before sending Wentz throat first into the bottom rope for two. Ace hits a float over for two before Wentz hits a suplex for a near fall before Ace drops him with a boot to the side of the head and Wentz comes back with chops and forearms until Ace drops to the mat. Ace slams Wentz to the mat by his hair before they drop each other and exchange strikes until Wentz drops Ace and hits a running knee in the corner into a PK and a standing moonsault for a near fall. They counter each other until Wentz drops Ace with a jumping knee and hits a uranage for a near fall before Ace gets a near fall off of an inside cradle.

Wentz then superkicks Ace for a near fall before Wentz goes for a swanton and Ace gets his knees up before Ace sends Wentz’s face into the mat and hits The Fold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Wentz via pinfall to win the tournament and become the new number one contender for Tessa Blanchard’s IMPACT World Championship.

– After the match we get a video for Slammiversary in July as we go off the air.

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