
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 3/9/21 Ace Austin vs Chris Bey

The Inevitable One takes on The Ultimate Finesser tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of last week’s show before we open in the IMPACT Zone with our opening match between Kiera Hogan and Jazz.

Tasha Steelz (w/ Kiera Hogan) vs Jazz (w/ Jordynne Grace)

The two lock up before Jazz drops Tasha repeatedly before Tasha rolls out of the ring to regroup with Kiera at ringside before getting back inside and taking Jazz down. Tasha and Jazz exchange side headlocks and head scissors before Jazz goes for a submission and Tasha hits a flurry of running moves in the corner into a jumping neckbreaker for two. Tasha locks in a rear chin lock before running into the post and Jazz gets a near fall off of a small package before Tasha hits a falcon arrow for a near fall. Jazz comes back with strikes and a Samoan drop for two before Tasha hits a Code Breaker and Jazz a sit-out powerslam for a near fall. Jordynne then takes out Kiera at ringside before Jazz locks in an STF for the tap and the win.

Winner: Jazz defeats Tasha Steelz via submission.

– We get a backstage interview with ODB ahead of her challenging for the Knockouts Championship before Susan challenges her to a match later tonight.

– Backstage Trey Miguel checks on Sam Beale who has been manipulated by Sami Callihan before they agree to a match later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We get a video package for the IMPACT World Championship Match between the champion Rich Swann and the challenger Moose at Sacrifice this Saturday night.

Rohit Raju & Shera vs James Storm & Chris Sabin

Rohit and Cyrus start the match off by running the ropes before Chris drops Rohit for two and he and James double up on Rohit for two before James tosses Rohit into the corner. Shera and James then exchange strikes until Shera boots James before Chris gets the hot tag and he and James get two as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Shera in control of Chris before he gets the hot tag to James who takes out both Shera and Rohit before hitting Rohit with a spine buster for a deep two count. Chris hits a tornado DDT for two before everyone hits a move until Shera and Rohit start arguing over who will finish James before Chris takes out Shera at ringside. James then hits Rohit with a lung blower before Chris hits the Cradle Shock for the pin and the win.

Winner: James Storm and Chris Sabin defeat Rohit Raju and Shera via pinfall.

– Backstage XXXL argue with Reno Scum before Decay walk up and mock them before Decay and Reno agree to a match at Sacrifice as we go to commercial.

– Backstage James and Chris confront Eric Young and Joe Doering over their treatment of Deaner before the three beat James and Chris down as we go back to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Brian Myers in Scott D’Amore’s office where Scott makes an extreme rules match between he and Eddie Edwards for Sacrifice.

Trey Miguel vs Sam Beale (w/ Sami Callihan)

Sam attacks Trey from behind before Trey dropkicks him and locks in a figure four and forcing Sam to tap for the win in a matter of seconds.

Winner: Trey Miguel defeats Sam Beale via submission.

– After the match Sami teleports to the ring and piledrives Sam before disappearing as Trey looks on in horror unable to stop him.

– Backstage James and Chris cut a promo about being attacked by Violent By Design where they say that they’re happy to go through Joe and Deaner at Sacrifice before Jake shows up and says that he’ll be in their corner as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to the contract signing for the IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match at Sacrifice between the champions The Good Brothers and the challengers FinJuice. The two teams get drunk when they’re signing the contract before FinJuice throw whiskey in Karl and Doc’s faces and the four brawl.

Ace Austin (w/ Madman Fulton) vs Chris Bey

Ace backs Chris into the corner before Chris kicks him back and hits a Code Red for two before Ace hits a springboard corkscrew senton for two. Chris dodges The Fold and rocks Ace with a back elbow before hitting an enzuigiri before Ace rocks Chris up top and Chris counters a superplex. The two then spill off of the top and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Chris in control before Ace hits a drop toe hold into a spinning diving leg drop for two before Chris hits a Vertebreaker for a near fall. Ace rolls out of the ring before Chris can hit his finisher before Fulton gets between Ace and Chris and Ace drops Chris with an enzuigiri at ringside. TJP then sits on the stage before Fulton runs him off and Chris hits a cutter into a springboard cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chris Bey defeats Ace Austin via pinfall.

– At Swinger’s Place TJP and Josh Alexander have an exchange of words as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Rohit scolds Shera for costing him their match before he nearly crushes Rohit’s skull and tells him that he doesn’t owe Rohit anything.

ODB vs Susan

ODB beats on Susan around the ring before hitting a running splash in the corner into a bronco buster and fall away slam that sends Sudan out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to ODB getting two off of a diving Thesz press before Susan locks in a full nelson and transitions into a rear naked choke. Susan then pours out the alcohol in ODB’s flask before ODB hits Samoan drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: ODB defeats Susan via pinfall.

– After the match Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee come out and attack ODB before they’re taken out by Jordynne and Jazz before Kiera and Tasha come out and the heels stand fall before leaving.

– We get a run-down of the card for Sacrifice this Saturday.

– We go backstage to Scott talking to someone in his office before we go back to the IMPACT Zone as Moose is in the ring before Scott leaves to go out to the ring to address Moose as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Moose in the ring before Scott comes out and has Rich come out before announcing that the IMPACT World Championship and the TNA World Championship will be on the line in a title unification match. Scott announces that the winner of their match will main event Rebellion against the AEW World champion Kenny Omega before the two champions face off as we go off the air. Backstage we see that Scott was talking to Don Callis who is talking to Kenny on the phone and says that their plan is going exactly as they wanted as we go off the air.

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