
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 3/3/20 The Diamond Shines Bright in Standout Title Defense

Mr.IMPACT Wrestling goes head to head with the Canadian Destroyer tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch TV!

-We open the show with a recap of last weeks show where Tessa Blanchard defeated Ace Austin via disqualification when Taya Valkyrie interfered.

The North vs TJP & Fallah Bahh

Josh and Bahh start things off for their respective teams, Bahh immediately trying to knock Ethan off of the apron before The North try to double up on Bahh and get dropped. TJP and Bahh tag in and out before Bahh hits a scoop slam to Josh and a jumping splash with TJP on his back for two before Ethan grabs TJP when he goes for a springboard and Josh hits a blue thunder bomb for two. Ethan hits Bahh with a back elbow drop the apron before the referee stops Bahh from getting in and allows The North to double team Bahh behind the referee’s back. Ethan drops TJP and mocks Bahh before hitting a delayed suplex and taking TJP all the way over to his corner and transferring him to Josh who continues and finishes the suplex for two before Ethan hits an inverted suplex and stretches TJP out. TJP comes back with a tornado DDT and gets the tag to Bahh as Josh gets the tag on the opposite side and Bahh hits a running splash in the corner into a running hip attack and a Samoan drop before Ethan saves Josh when Bahh whips him into the ropes and Josh boots Bahh.

Bahh gets angry when Josh hits and chops him before hitting a pop-up powerbomb for two before tossing Ethan out of the ring and hitting a running splash in the corner and TJP tries to fight off both members of The North before them yank him off of the top and hit a double crucifix bomb for a near fall. Bahh saves TJP when The North go for their finisher before Ethan hits a slingshot cutter and Bahh is caught between forearms by both members of The North. TJP then pins Ethan out of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: TJP and Fallah Bahh defeat The North via pinfall.

-We come back from commercial to an interview with the IMPACT World champion Tessa Blanchard about Taya Valkyrie costing her the opportunity to become a two belt champion and their match with the IMPACT World championship on the line in tonight’s main event before she’s interrupted by Eddie Edwards who still holds the Call Your Shot trophy and the ability to cash in for a title opportunity whenever he pleases. We then get a graphic for part two of Gutcheck before we get a graphic for Havok versus Su Yung and Taya Valkyrie challenging Tessa for the world championship in tonight’s main event.

Moose vs Petey Williams

Moose rushes Petey who leaps over a spear and Moose clotheslines him before Moose counters a destroyer and beats on Petey in mount before dropping him with chops and punching him in the top of the head before Petey tries to come back with chops and Moose throws him down to the mat. Petey catches Moose coming in with a boot and counters Go to Hell with a huricanrrana before Moose drops him with a boot as we go to commercial.

We come back to Moose in control at ringside before Petey hits several suicide dives and a slingshot huricanrrana before they get back into the ring and Moose drops Petey throat first across the top rope and he falls out of the ring and down onto the floor. Petey gets back in before he’s counted out and Moose is all over him, driving his boot into his throat before whipping him into the corner sternum first and Petey comes back with forearms before Moose counters a huricanrrana and Petey spikes him with a DDT. Petey then hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into a side Russian leg sweep before he calls for the Canadian Destroyer and Moose counters with a snake eyes into the middle turnbuckle before Petey counters a spear into a roll up and Moose hits a spinning slam into a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose defeats Petey Williams via pinfall with a spear.

-We get this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a match between Amazing Red and Kid Kash.

-We come back to Madison Rayne running a pseudo-boot camp for the women’s version of Gutcheck with several members of the women’s roster as Knockouts champion Jordynne Grace looks on before Kiera Hogan shows up.

Joey Ryan vs Acey Romero

Joey tries to knock Acey over before Acey drops him with a shoulder block and hits a scoop slam before missing a senton and Joey comes back with strikes before Acey hits a shotgun dropkick and drops Joey before hitting a headbutt into Joey’s groin and nearly knocking himself out. Joey seems rejuvenated as he hits Acey with right hands in the corner and is un-phased by an atomic drop before Acey drops him with several clotheslines and a running cross body before hitting a running splash in the corner. Acey then counters Sweet Tooth Music twice before biting the sucker and being too heavy for the penis plex before he slams Joey down and hits a running elbow drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Acey Romero defeats Joey Ryan via pinfall.

-After the match we go backstage to Willie Mack on his phone before Glenn Gilbertti shows up and Johnny Swinger follows before Willie leaves and Glenn and Johnny talk ahead of their tag match later tonight before they leave soon after as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a video package for Chris Bey before we go to Joey Ryan talking to Katie Forbes backstage and RVD interrupts them before she tries to get them to work together, but RVD doesn’t seem to be warming up to the idea and neither does Joey especially after RVD attacked him earlier this year.

Havok vs Su Yung

Su sends Havok out of the ring and hits a suicide dive before hitting a cannonball off of the apron and Havok hits a fall away slam onto the ramp before chairs, a kendo stick and a trash can into the ring before Su dodges her and Havok goes into the stairs. Havok sends Su face first into the steps and tosses her back into the ring before they duel with chairs and drop each other with a boot into the chairs before they exchange forearms and Su comes back with chops and a shining wizard for two. Havok drives Su into the corner and sets her on the top turnbuckle before Su fights her off and puts a trash can on top of Havok before hitting a missile dropkick for two before putting a rope around Havok’s neck and Havok yanks her before hitting a backbreaker into a clothesline. Havok ties Su up in the ropes with the actual rope before Su breaks free and puts her glove on before locking in the mandible claw in the ropes, but Havok fights her off before Su drops her with a flurry of kendo stick strikes including one to the head before putting the rope around her neck and choking her while applying the mandible claw until she passes out and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Su Yung defeats Havok via referee stoppage.

-After the match the undead bridesmaids come out with a coffin as Su drags Havok up the ramp to the coffin and Havok fights her off before escaping and we go backstage to Jimmy Jacobs interviewing Rosemary as we go to commercial.

Johnny Swinger & Glenn Gibertti vs The Deaners

Jake drops Glenn and hits a scoop slam before slamming Cody on top of Glenn and Glenn rolls away to quickly tag in Johnny and The Deaners double team Johnny for two before Johnny sends Cody into his corner and Glenn drops him with a right hand from the apron before tossing Cody out of the ring. Back in the ring Johnny cuts Cody off and tosses him out of the ring before distracting the referee and Glenn punches him at ringside. Johnny chokes Cody before they clothesline each other and Cody gets cut off by Glenn when he goes to tag in Jake. Glenn hits a Russian leg sweep before missing an elbow drop and Jake finally gets the tag. Jake then hits a spear in the ropes before clothes lining Glenn and Cody hits Johnny with a DDT as Glenn and Jake spill to the outside for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Deaners defeat Johnny Swinger and Glenn GIlbertti via pinfall.

-After the match we get a video package for ICU as we go to commercial.

-We come back from commercial to a video package for Tenille Dashwood who will be returning soon before we get more highlights for Gutcheck before we get a video package for tonight’s IMPACT World Championship main event between the champion Tessa Blanchard and the challenger Taya Valkyrie before we get an interview with the challenger.

IMPACT World Championship Match

Tessa Blanchard (c) vs Taya Valkyrie w/John E. Bravo

Taya mocks Tessa before Tessa backs her into the corner and stomps her down before chopping her and smacking her across the head before Taya comes back momentarily and lays into Tessa with forearms before playing to the crowd. Tessa sends Taya into the second rope before hitting a running dropkick to the back and a PK from the apron before Tessa is distracted by John and Taya knocks her off of the apron and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We return to the action to Taya in control, stomping on Tessa and playing to the crowd before sending Tessa face first into the top turnbuckle and hitting a running hip attack into running knees in the corner for two before they end up at ringside and Tessa sends Taya into the post before hitting a suicide dive. Tessa misses a running shotgun dropkick and Taya stomps her at ringside before tossing her back into the ring and putting her in a stretch and smashing her face into the mat for two before Tessa counters a pop-up knee into a cutter. Tessa slaps Taya before they exchange strikes until Tessa hits a Samoan drop into a huricanrrana and Taya catches her with a boot before Tessa traps her in the corner and hits a back stabber for a near fall. Taya clotheslines Tessa for a near fall before Tessa gets a near fall off of a pin out of no where and Taya drops Tessa with a knee strike for a near fall of her own, Taya becoming infuriated before she climbs to the top and Tessa hits her from behind before hitting a powerbomb off of the top and a superkick for a near fall. Taya counters a tornado DDT into a northern lights for a near fall before hitting a jumping stomp for another near fall and Tessa comes back with a neckbreaker before Taya dodges the Magnum and Tessa gets distracted by John at ringside.

Tessa then sends Taya into John before hitting the Buzz Saw DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard retains her IMPACT World Championship by defeating Taya Valkyrie via pinfall.

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