
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 12/2/21 Violent By Design vs Rich Swann & Willie Mack

Two former champions team up to take on Violent By Design at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

– We open tonight’s show with Matt Cardona who comes out to the ring and addresses Moose before challenging him for the IMPACT World title at Hard to Kill before the champion comes out to the ring and mocks Matt who has never held a major title in his eighteen year career. Matt attacks Moose before taking him down with a double leg and beating him down in the corner before W.Morrissey comes out and saves Moose before Matt takes him out and Moose capitalizes off of the distraction before the two stomp Matt. Matt is then saved by Eddie Edwards and the two even the odds as W and Moose leave up the ramp.

– Backstage Scott D’Amore meets with Matt and sets up a match between he and Eddie and Moose and W before he meets with Jordynne Grace, Rachel Ellering, Tasha Steelz, and Savannah Evans before making a match between Rachel and Savannah later tonight.

Matthew Rehwoldt (w/ Deonna Purrazzo) vs Chris Sabin

Chris hits a series of arm drags into a mounted armbar before Matthew backs to the ropes for the break and cheap shots Chris on the break before headbutting him and Chris hits an arm drag into a diving cross body for two before Matthew sends Chris out of the ring and poses in the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Matthew in control of Chris until he comes back with a stunner in the ropes before hitting a satellite DDT for two before Matt gets two off of a back slide and Chris cradles Matt for two before they clothesline each other. Deonna then gets on the apron and distracts Chris before Matthew hits a flying knee into a slam for a near fall as Mickie comes out and attacks Deonna before sending her into the post and Chris hits a shining wizard into a Cradle Shock for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chris Sabin defeats Matthew Rehwoldt via pinfall.

– Backstage Chelsea and Alisha meet with Scott who says that he’s going to announce the six competitors who will be in the first ever women’s Ultimate X Match next week.

– Jai Videl then shows up and begs Scott for an opportunity before Scott makes a match between him and the debuting JONAH as we go to commercial.

JONAH vs Jai Vidal

JONAH runs Jai over before hitting a delayed suplex and a running senton before hitting a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: JONAH defeats Jai Vidal via pinfall.

– We get a backstage interview with the X-Division champion Trey Miguel before he’s rushed by Steve Maclin and the two brawl until they’re pulled apart by a security guard and Steve takes him out before choking Trey with a cord until he’s pulled away by several members of security and Trey dives off of a platform onto everyone as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Zicky and VSK talking to Brian Myers on FaceTime before we go to Moose and W discussing their teaming up against Eddie and Matt later tonight.

Savannah Evans (w/ Tasha Steelz) vs Rachel Ellering (w/ Jordynne Grace)

Savannah drives Rachel into the corner and tosses her across the ring before chopping her and dropping her with a shoulder block before hitting a northern lights suplex for two before beating on Rachel in mount. Savannah hits a butterfly suplex for two before Rachel boots her and hits a uranage into a diving twisting leg drop before Savannah stomps her and drives her boot into her throat before Savannah hits a snap DDT for two. Savannah and Rachel exchange strikes until Rachel hits a basement cutter into a running senton before dropping Savannah with a discus elbow and Tasha distracts the referee and Rachel before Rachel runs her over when Jordynne chases her into the ring. Rachel then hits Savannah with a TKO for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rachel Ellering defeats Savannah Evans via pinfall.

Violent By Design (Joe Doering & Deaner (w/ Eric Young) ) vs Rich Swann & Willie Mack

Joe man handles Rich before tossing him into the corner and Deaner comes in before Rich kicks him in the midsection and he and Willie double up on Deaner for two before Rich and Willie chain together frequent tags and offense as they double team and isolate Deaner as Joe looks on. Joe then gets into the ring and runs Willie over before posing for the crowd and getting back out of the ring when the referee admonishes him as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Joe in control of Willie before Deaner comes back in and chokes Willie in the ropes before he and Joe take turns beating on Willie until he gets the hot tag to Rich who drops him repeatedly and rocks Joe on the apron before knocking him off of the apron. Rich then sends Joe into the post before he’s distracted by Eric on the apron and Willie hits a Samoan drop before Rich hits a 450 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann and Willie Mack defeat Violent By Design.

– After the match VBD attack and lay out Willie and Rich before Heath an Rhino come out and the two clear the ring and hold the ring with Rich and Willie.

– Eric Young versus Rhino in a Street Fight and Deonna and Matthew versus Mickie and Chris is announced for next week’s show.

Moose & W.Morrissey vs Matt Cardona & Eddie Edwards

Matt and W start the match off before Matt and Eddie clear the ring and take out W and Moose at ringside before holding the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to W and Moose in control of Matt before Eddie comes in and tries to back suplex W who overpowers him and whips him into the corner before Eddie rocks him with a back elbow and W shoves Eddie off of the top and down onto the floor. Eddie gets back into the ring and Moose whips him into the corner before he and W whip Eddie sternum first into the turnbuckles for two before Eddie comes back and kicks Moose way before gets the hot tag to Matt. Matt boots Moose in the corner before Eddie saves him from a double suplex and Matt and Moose exchange strikes before Eddie takes out W with a suicide dive and Matt rolls Moose up when he dodges a spear. Matt then pins Moose with a clutch when he rolls through a uranage for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Cardona and Eddie Edwards defeat Moose and W.Morrissey via pinfall.

– After the match W boots Moose and stands over the IMPACT World champion who’s out cold on the mat before leaving as we go off the air.

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